Guild Name: Filipino Artist Guild
Guild Introduction
Funding Scheme: Monthly
Astro Dao: Astro Dao Address
Good Day Marketing Dao, And Council and Moderators its my First Time Writing It here and I am Open For Feedbacks and Guidance from you to make this Proposal Good and Perfect.
As of Now Filipino Artist Guild is in Our 4th month. I introduce To the Community About the guild last January 26,2022 with the guidance of Miss JC.
Filipino Artist Guild is Under Creatives Dao as we are supporting Talents and creatives but as i was doing my research while our community is Growing, i learn that social media Managements are under Marketing Dao. At First we focus on Creatives Dao as everything is smooth and we can handle it all in one place.
But as Filipino Artist Guild is Growing and more partnerships and Collaborations from other Projects, Guild/Dao and Marketplace partnered us and loved to collaborate so we decided to pursue and Try to propose Here in Marketing Dao…
Here is our Summary and also My Report about our Social Media Accounts.
Me and my Co Council is the one managing the Socials and now we need help to hire someone maybe to help handle the socials as Each councils has different task and Responsibilities for the guild .
Official Links Of Filipino Artist Guild
Twitter Account:
Discord Server:
Telegram Channel:
Facebook Page:
Telegram Channel For Retweets and Links :
Artist Workshop: (PRIVATE CHAT)
We start our Community by 30 members and we are oozing to our 600th members already in no time. This members we have in telegram was mixed with Near Nft Creators,Bounty Hunters/ Near people from Different Dao’s and Projects and Some are From Creatives Community.
We also kicked and banned members who recruiting members to other pishing links and we have 3 “Scambuster” inside to be a watcher if Councils are busy.
As of Now we have 3 telegram Channels.
One is the Main Telegram where we Have our Community calls, AMA with other projects,Meetings and other important discussion about the Community.
The second is for retweets and Links Telegram channel. So scammers can’t Send message in the main for their pishing links. And also to refrain spams in the Main Gc. We also posted all announcement tweets and bounties in Near in retweets telegram.
Third is for the Artist workshop where workshops about Fundamentals and Perspective discuss about. We also have calls in the chats where the share screen recording is on for the Students to catch up.
And another one is Our Facebook Page
This page is also quite active as we are posting and Updating all about near Protocol and about Filipino Artist Guild. Half of the community are active in Facebook and so far we onboarded a lot of artist to near because of facebook.
And next is Our Discord.
I must say that our discord is not as active as our other Socials but we have different used of our Discord.
We used our discord on some meetings and share screen tutorials and meetings and as well as we posted the guides and other stuffs that can help our artist in terms of the arts guides. collections and documentations of some Stuffs in Our Guild.
And lastly in Our Social media accounts is Our Twitter Account.
Since we are having a lot of collaborations and Partnerships as well as Giveaways the followers was doubled as before.
Its quite Fast to be known in Near Community but we are happy with all the results.
Here are some of the summaries and Gifs i compiled for this proposal.
On our first month in Near we focus on the Artist and to their collections , to help them promote their NFTs and Projects. Our goal is to help Filipino artist to be known in Near Protocol. We want others to acknowldge as a Amazing artist. So i put this initiative to Help people to be known in the ecosystem as well as teach them and guide them about Near Protocol.
We also featuring Artist in our socials with the help of the people around us to be our graphic designer to our flyers and banners.
Then collaborations and partnerships Open doors to Us.
Here are some compilations to that.
We hosted Whitelist Giveaways and Nft Giveaways to The Community.
We also hosted a AMA with Uniqart Marketplace and Free Horses Nft and Next AMA is The APOLLO42 marketplace maybe Next week as Team apollo is quite busy for the launching but we already discuss it to have AMA with Their Team this June.
Because of the growth and exposure and partnership of Filipino Artist Guild, we also featured in some Tweets from Other Community in Near.
Because of the Growth and Milestone of Filipino Artist Guild, we in Council is quite busy with all of this but we are so happy with our Success. So i was decided to Write a proposal here to help our team to make it more active as well as maintain the Growth and initiative of our guild Using our social media accounts.
I also planned to transfer the Community calls and Twitter Spaces Proposal here in Marketing Dao from Creatives as i see that some questioned other proposal that all related to social will be in marketing dao, please correct me if i am wrong. But if the proposal of calls and spaces is ok in Creatives we will still follow the old Proposal.
Our Month Of May Funding Proposal
Our April Monthly Report
Our Report About our past twitter Spaces and Community Calls
Community calls/Twitter Space Budget
Managing overall 4 Social Media’s Account plus the Payment For Our Graphic Artist for Our socials.
Total Amount: $800
Filipino Artist Guild Astro Dao
Proposer wallet: Ligaya.near
Thank You So Much and Loved to Hear Feedbacks From you
Tagging @marketingdao-council