[Approved] Funding for NEAR Malaysia Guild (Mar-Apr)

Hi @gonemultichain thanks for the offer. I will mention your offer at our Marketing DAO council weekly meeting.

I am happy to support this proposal with the following conditions:

  • Dacha’s revised amounts US$2888
  • Please provide receipts for actual expenditure for physical events (hotel, t-shirts, etc.) along with your report
  • Core focus for me is the goal to onboard 20 subscribers to NCE & NCD (Near Certified Entrepreneur & Near Certified Developer). This should be a key metric for all regional guilds.

Final closing thoughts: NEAR is exploding and the days when we had to pay to onboard people I believe are coming to an end. There is so much happening in the ecosystem now it should be possible and actually easy to onboard people simply by communicating (in the right language and context) what NEAR is and how it can provide value for the user. Implement this in your program as you see fit.

P.S - please submit a new AstroDAO proposal. Just one with a simple short paragraph (title of this proposal, full mount requested in USD) and then link this governance forum post.




Hi Satojandro & DAO.

Core focus for me is the goal to onboard 20 subscribers to NCE & NCD (Near Certified Entrepreneur & Near Certified Developer). This should be a key metric for all regional guilds.

Indeed. Our end goal is to inform Malaysians about the many educational tools NEAR has at their disposal.

We have just launched a six-session training in partnership with Octopus Network and APU (Asia Pacific University) to teach Substrate. @kelsontoh will publish a preliminary report on that soon.

Have a good day!


This proposal has received positive support from a majority of the council members and community, so in my view it can be approved for submission to Astro. In the future, I ask that you wait until the proposal has been approved on the forum before submitting to Astro.

When you submit your next report to the forum, please do include receipts as @satojandro requested above. It is something we will be asking people to supply along with their reports going forward.

Also, when you submit your next proposal, consider posting farther in advance so there is adequate time for the community and council to review the proposal, ask questions and make a decision. Thanks!


Good evening! Your proposal was Approved on the forum.
Please, follow these steps to get approval on Astro DAO
