[APPROVED] FEMINU DAO Funding Request - June 2022


DAO/Board Members

*Target: https://app.astrodao.com/dao/feminu-dao.sputnik-dao.near
*Total requested funding amount: 3800 USD in Near

Our Introduction: [Introduction] FEMINU DAO

Goal: To put on great exhibitions, and trainings focused on the community that participates and has affinity with our causes. CIS WOMEN, TRANS PEOPLE, NON-BINARY PEOPLE, AND TRANSVESTITES.
This month we will have a chat with a non-binary person, group exhibition, workshop to prepare people to apply to INTERNATIONAL FEMINU, video classes, and pre-projects, as well as bounty that will bring the community to participate in the phrase contest, which will soon be printed in our t-shirt collection.
We will also do the design of the new FEMINU headquarters that will be built in two parcels obtained in free rent, in consideration for all the work that FEMINU and our curator have been doing. Carry out the construction of at least part of it by the beginning of July so that we can move the FEMINU Aquarium.

Plan the use of the building aiming at the sustainability of the DAO.

Justification (benefits):

The possibility of having a space that can be up to eight times the size of the current exhibition space will enable us to create events that can link with private enterprise in order to raise more funds for our project, possibly making our DAO self-sustainable in the medium term.
With the launch of the registrations for the International FEMINU, targeting the public outside of Brazil, we will have the onboarding of possibly 30 artists scheduled for June, and in this sense the video of our Manifesto that will be made in English, will be used in social networks to publicize the call for exhibition that will show at least 120 artists.
We continue this month with another of the chats scheduled in our roadmapping, this time focusing on non-binarism and another video with testimonials from three artists who participated in the FEMINU Exhibition and the experience they had entering this universe of NFTs and Near’s blockchain.
Finally, still on the path of seeking sustainability for our DAO, the bounty of phrases about non-violence will bring content for printing on our t-shirts next month.
In addition to having opened space for diversity to speak out, we will finally have a continuing education for artists looking to improve their portfolio and resume for entries not only from FEMINU International, but for other experiences as well.

Council Activities:
Meet weekly to build and organize the DAO.
Write, correct, evaluate proposals, and submit to the forum.
Respond to questions, and comments on the forum, as well as calls to the inbox.
Re(organize) the INTERNATIONAL FEMINU EXHIBITION, as well as contacting possible partners.
To look for and plan movements that bring self-sustainability to the DAO.

Timeline: June 7th - 30th

Find below the projects that the FEMINU DAO has outlined for June:

( Proposal FEMINU DAO - Brand Manual - not to be done this month.)

1 [CONCLUID] FEMINU DAO - FREE Workshop on Portfolio Assembly and the importance of USE - #2 by ted.iv 460 USD

2 [CONCLUID] FEMINU DAO - Interview and Chat with a Non-Binary person, to talk about the theme combat against Violence and non-binarism 400 USD

3 [Concluded] Curatorial and metaarchitectural work for FEMINU DAO June 22 550 USD

4 [Concluded] Video of FEMINU DAO Manifesto (en) June 22 at no cost

5 [COMPLETED] [Bounty] Create phrases to combat violence
150 USD

6 [CONCLUDED] Proposal FEMINU DAO - Statements from FEMINU artists - #7 by Mayramendes 400 USD

7 [CONCLUDED] AMAR Exhibition 500 usd
exhibit Bianca Victal

100 USD to @Mayramendes for working with the councils
100 USD for or the acquisition of works by FEMINU artists

Council total 1140 USD

Ghini 570 USD
Nathi 570 USD







3 VIDEOS OF TESTIMONIALS FROM ARTISTS WHO PARTICIPATE (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVbgb05cVM4xFY8_I7wMuSQ )

A TOTAL OF 7 VIDEOS AVAILABLE AT THE FEMINU YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVbgb05cVM4xFY8_I7wMuSQ )

1 EXHIBITION AT THE FEMINU SPACE AT CRYPTOVOXELS FROM JUNE 18 TO 28 ( https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=N@6577W,119S,3.5U )


MORE THAN 40 NFTs in the DAO store mintbase.io/store/feminu.mintbase1.near?tab=things&page=0

Estimated more than 10 posts on FEMINU DAO’s instagram



Website: http://feminudao.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/feminudao/?hl=pt-br
FEMINU BR Space created by Museo xyz in Cryptovoxels for FEMINU: https://www.cryptovoxels.com/spaces/ec15dd34-fb50-48a2-827e-bffed1bf334a/play
Twitter: x.com
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVbgb05cVM4xFY8_I7wMuSQ
DISCORD: Discord


Hello @Ghini, thank you for the proposal.

When reviewing your proposal, I have some points to make so we can open up a conversation regarding FEMINU DAO Funding request:

  1. The proposals being proposed haven’t put community building as centered. Rather than that, all proposals is personal projects. Note that DAO is not a place to apply for self work to produce projects and ask for budget, opportunities should be distributed to community, I can see 5000$ asked is mainly distributed to several council members of the DAO.

  2. Proposal FEMINU DAO - Brand Manual (Proposal FEMINU DAO - Brand Manual) (natashacremoneseartista.near - $400)

  • 4 covers for facebook 100 usd
  • 2 header for use in store 100 usd
  • 2 new layouts for posts 100 usd
  • 2 new layouts for use in the story 50 usd
  • 1 Pdf with user manual (where to use / how to use and how not to use) 50 usd

All of this should be & could be shared for the community as an open opp rather than offer the job to 1 individual.

  1. Proposal FEMINU DAO - FREE Workshop on Portfolio Assembly and the importance of USE (Proposal FEMINU DAO - FREE Workshop on Portfolio Assembly and the importance of USE) (natashacremoneseartist.near - $600)
  • $600 goes to Natasha but I don’t see a proper cost breakdown here.
  1. Proposal FEMINU DAO - Interview and Chat with a Non-Binary person, to talk about the theme combat against Violence and non-binarism (Proposal FEMINU DAO - Interview and Chat with a Non-Binary person, to talk about the theme combat against Violence and non-binarism) (natashacremoneseartist.near - $200 & luluca_l.near - $200)

  2. [Proposal] Curatorial and metaarchitectural work for FEMINU DAO June 22 ([Proposal] Curatorial and metaarchitectural work for FEMINU DAO June 22) (ghini.near - $800)

  • Cost breakdown lack of reference & justification for me

Overall. In $5000 asked:

  • $1950 goes to natashacremoneseartista.near for DAO management & producing products
  • $1800 goes to ghini.near for DAO management & producing products
  • $300 goes to other councils for implementing activities (isadanoninho.near: $50, mayramendes.near: $250)

For community:

And an independent proposal: (those guys are not in the DAO)
[APPROVED] AMAR Exhibition ([APPROVED] AMAR Exhibition): $500

For me, this is more than a team proposing jobs to work and get paid for your labor rather than focusing on the community, so it’s a no from me. Sorry.

Please @adrianseneca @ted.iv @tabear I have a request regarding the colleague’s evaluation. It is necessary to verify that we work incessantly in the realization of the international exhibition. We are adding new members. The projects have already started, we received the power to use a space on Voxels for free until the end of the year, where NEAR will be released, the works are sold there in the gallery. If possible, check the number of people who have been learning and improving professionally through the work carried out at FEMINU DAO.


Heyhey, I am no longer a moderator of the Creatives DAO but I am sure the fellow mods will reply to you :slight_smile:


Hey @williamx.
Are you all right?

Do you know that FEMINIU is a project under construction and that it has been financed for months with positive impacts on the community? Although I agree in parts on some of your points, it seems to me a little inflexible. And maybe, sorry if it seems offensive, unproductive not to follow through with support. Like, months of work and Nears thrown away.

I mean, people need to be paid for the jobs they do. I also missed a direction, if it is not good, how do you suggest the distribution of values ​​for the proposal to be accepted? At least that’s how I see other moderators dealing with proposals.

I would like to reinforce that I am the community you are questioning. And I can assure you that this community is huge and needs to have a voice. Maybe it’s not YOUR community, so please don’t make it invisible because you don’t know about it. I was invited to participate in an important and necessary conversation. Dissenting gender issues are a latent and prejudiced agenda and I really hope that this is not the case for the refusal to approve the proposal.

I’m here defending an unprejudiced view as a representative of @mutha knowing that many trans and non-binary people are in the ecosystem as they have been given opportunities by FEMINU.

I hope that all creatives will review your position and approve the project so that it can continue on its journey.



4 hours of class for 250 USD / available after the FEMINU DAO youtube live. 2 PDF s with the contents of the classes for 150 USD 2 portfolio models plus accessories available for the next few days before the end of registration for INTERNACIONAL FEMINU for 200 USD total 600 USD

Very grateful for the guidance I will detail in the future also to continue the work maintaining the level of commitment requested by the community.

Best, Nath.


Hello @LulucaL,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts,

First of all my comment is to bring up a conversation, which I have mentioned earlier above.

I would like to invite you to discuss in a constructive way, and note that my opinion is not the final decision of Creatives DAO mods.

You’re right, and I have mentioned earlier my rationales behind my comment above by pointing out my thoughts.

Again, I would like to invite you to discuss in a constructive way.

Other mods will also share their votes here. I want to bring up the view of “decentralize” in the way we’re building community, and that will also be our main focus in this transition period to grow. I understand receiving an opposing comment is not a good feeling, however, please make sure we’re working together as a community, I don’t have that big power.

Hello, hello!

Just wanted to add some thoughts to this conversation. First of all, I would like to say that we should keep this a space of constructive discussion that could be beneficial to the entire community. We are all building this as we go and community input and leadership are essential to that.

I think the main topic that @williamx pointed out here, for me, is the distribution of funds, as the topic of decentralization has been one of the main discussions this month. I would like to make it clear, that I do believe entirely in the importance of the message and goals of FEMINU, the topic that I feel needs discussion here are the roles, decentralization and how people are contributing.

Another conversation that has been ongoing is having council members on several DAOs and how this can naturally affect the direction of that DAO and the overall community.

So, these are the two main topics I’d like to bring up for discussion both specifically for this DAO and for the wider scope of Creatives DAO.

Thank you!


Very good. I just don’t understand where my notes are not constructive… I’m making a cut that was not taken into account and It should.


@ted.iv Thanks for your comments, but it doesn’t seem to me that the issue raised here was that but rather the relevance of the projects that were considered as personal and not collective. Those who have been in the community longer and have been following the work of FEMINU know that it is a project that has benefited and will benefit many artists who don’t find many opportunities to exhibit and sell their art.
The question of being council in more than one DAO has been said before that this would only affect if they were DAOs that are in Creatives, which is not the case with FEMINU.
With regards to the concentration of resources, this was due to the fact that our other council left due to work issues. We don’t intend to stay with only two councils, even because it is overloading us, even though we both work full time for the Near network. We have already added more members and we are only evaluating for this month to be able to invite someone who is well prepared to be a council in a DAO that has just started and can help move forward with a project of this size.
So following your considerations I and @natashacremonese will decrease what we are receiving for our council work (150 each) that we will continue executing anyway, converting part of this value - 300 USD in total - 200 USD to @mayramendes who has helped us a lot in the DAO works and 100 USD in the acquisition of works, which is already in progress and started to be announced, although this is not written here, what I agree to have been our mistake. Next month we will already have a new council.
Thank you,


Hi @williamx ! All proposals refer to FEMINU (Feminine NFTs Universe) that has been supported by the NEAR community since the first exhibition that took 300 people to the cryptovoxels metaverse on the opening day, represented more than 60 mints because it had several artists who minted several works in the Gambiarra store that was where the FEMINU project was born, besides buying 60N in works in the onboarding movement. The lives of many artists were impacted and many have already left their testimonials here on this forum, lacking only that you do a brief research to be able to be aware of what our project is about. The bounties are the least impactful in terms of community.
As I launch International FEMINU this month I will be receiving over 120 portfolios, which is our goal, in order to curate this huge exhibition. The analysis of a portfolio takes no less than 30 minutes, so if we consider that only a third of that comes in this month, since we are half way through it, that means 20 hours of curatorial work on this item alone. I agree that I failed to specify this in my proposal, which I will certainly do.
The numerous portfolios that will be requested at onboarding and registration are more than enough justification for the proposal of a class on how to learn to make them as most don’t know what is an essential thing for an artist.
Here is the link to the Onboarding project of 60 artists for the exhibition that will begin this month and will be done by @mayramendes and @ritamaria as proposed below:

The curatorial work and its importance has already been widely discussed by the Creatives community and moderators but you may not have seen it either so I’ll copy it here:

I have made Meets with artists from outside the country and also made contact through social networks to engage more audience for Near network that has always been disclosed in all events by the social media of Feminu DAO or previously by Gambiarra DAO and now we believe Near community will continue to support the cause as it has been doing and if adjustments have to be made, let them be pointed out and we will do.
I attend an average of 7 artists a week to answer questions from mintage to the Forum here. We are also already announcing the acquisition of works by FEMINU (we started with the AMAR exhibition), which will also be done with part of the resources destined to the councils and will also be announced at the end, in our report, after everything is finalized.
The AMAR exhibit is already in full swing as well as other projects listed here and some already finished and if the building of almost 1000 square meters is ready this exhibit will be held there. This building I’m doing for 300 USD which is extremely low considering the market and the size of the building that will house not only the FEMINU exhibitions but also other DAOs as is our intention.
Finally I would like to ask you, how come you did not realize the importance of proposal 3 - Interview and Chat with a Non-Binary person, to talk about the theme combat against Violence and non-binarism, considering that we defend this cause among others that intend to combat the violence that many artists suffer because of their genders? This subject cannot be considered of no interest to the community.

My presentation for the Creatives is here if you want to know more about my colletive work.



I would like to add @ted.iv and @williamx that the parcel on cryptovoxels was giving me to administrate due to all the work that I have being doing together with other DAOs and that has brought many visitors there, possible collectors and that will have contact with the Near community and what is being developed by all of us together.


I would like to point out before this proposal my testimonial as a member.
Through FEMINU I received all the support and support to enter the mintbase platform as an artist and today I receive encouragement to act actively in NEAR, with advice, opportunities to participate and enable me to move and think in the collective.
FEMINU is not only being a channel of representation for women to unite, it is being a very useful tool for these women to grow together with NEAR as creators and with mintbase as an artist.
Nowadays I am going through a learning stage because I want to be 100% active in NEAR so that more investors in NFT can join, but I can say that many members who are active today would not be here with the encouragement of FEMINU.


Hi, I would like to make it clear that FEMINU has valued my work and taught me to value myself as a woman and an artist. FEMINU introduced me to NEAR, and gave me and has given me so many opportunities, that I never imagined. I have learned so much from the proposals that have been made that are liberating, I would say. FEMINU has changed not only my life but the lives of many artists for better in the physical world and in the web3. FEMINU beautifully embraces Non-Binary and transvestites and cis women and defends the cause against all kinds of violence with the proposals.
As proof of its greatest achievement, the FEMINU Exhibition is immortalized in space. I hope you consider all the facts. There has only been an increase within this community since the creation of the FEMINU DAO.

Please Look it carefully! Thank you!



Hi, i’m a 59 years old cis Woman, artist and designer.
I came here to tell you about the importance of FEMINU EXHIBITION in my life and many others. As you know this comunity is a space for Cis Woman,
Trans People, Non-Binary People, and Transvestites. So, any kind of feminine is represented.
I’m new in this Metaverse world and I loved to participate in that exhibition who allowed us to reflect about our feminine issues. How we can exist in this world and what we can do in our lives as purpose, therefore this project is so essential for all of us.

Historically, spaces for this feminine community had always been very limited and when some opportunity is offered to us, we cling to it with all our might.

Look into carefully! Thank you


@LulucaL @naju @Mayramendes and @MarciaBoni I am touched with your testimonials and proud to see all the moviment and achievements of you all. Thank you!


Dear community,
I feel I should share my thoughts with all creatives and moderators!
When FEMINU DAO started I was invited to be council, and so I was, in APRIL with great pleasure. To make this exhibition exists, in the way we dream, it really takes a lot of work.
And for me, as there was a lot to do and I was already involved in a huge film project, I thought it was better in May to leave the position of council, presentifying myself in specific FEMINU projects.
Mayra came gradually learning the steps by steps of how the projects are being organized and I believe that, just like Mayra, other people will come with the same impetus and openness.
The fact that other people have not yet fully involved in the FEMINU DAO is because many still don’t feel comfortable and don’t understand how things work in a DAO.
I say this because the invitations have happened. And I know that Natasha and Ghini have projects to insert these women more and more, so that they also feel co-responsible for a DAO.
And for this it takes work, and this they undeniably do.
In this sense, I think it’s very important that the FEMINU proposal can be seen with loving eyes, because the idea is precisely to welcome more women (cis, trans, non-binary), and to teach many about how this ecosystem works, reminding them that it is possible to move worlds together.

Love to all!


I’m here to tell you a little bit about my experience with Feminu.
I discovered the NEAR network through the FEMINU exhibition, @ghini taught me how to use the platform and gave me all the support with great affection.
FEMINU created a space of welcome and opportunities for cis, trans, non-binary and transvestite women artists, so that we can grow through our art. This month of June I wrote my first proposal for FEMINU DAO and I have been receiving applications from several artists to participate in the AMAR exhibition, which is scheduled to start on June 18th. Within this movement 8 onboardings of artists for NEAR have taken place.
Look into carefully
Bianca Victal


@BiaVictal ,it is beautiful to see your growth and that of other artists within Near, learning and developing, helping to build something bigger. Our cause is great! Thank you for being a part of it. I say this also to dear @filmesdeinfiltracao ThaĂ­s, who we hope to see back soon contributing actively and proposing projects at FEMINU!!! Thank you both for your support. :butterfly:


Hi @ted.iv we have once again revised the proposal, reducing the total budget to 3800 USD. We don’t want the other projects to suffer, especially all the artists who have already done the work.
I will do the building construction and curating at 550 USD and the video at no cost, and we will remove the proposal for the visual map, keeping the other changes which were 100 USD to Mayra for helping the councils work and 100 USD to buy works from the FEMINU artists. I hope that this way we are more in line with the spirit of Creatives DAOs. We will do our roadmapping of International FEMINU more extended in order to not concentrate resources solely on this, continuing our search for assets outside of Near in order to make this very important project for artists viable and not centralized as it was. We thank you for your understanding and ask that it be reevaluated by the moderators. @creativesdao-council