Laurapnz.near and Mette.near propose making a physical community map and notice board for Arroz studios.
The intention is to make the community using the studios more aware of the shared interests and activities, and create a wall to share information about opportunities for collaboration development both virtually and physically.
The project has been costed at 55 euro, with a few euros buffer. Therefore we’re asking for 15N for materials and working hours by Massi.
Details below:
8€ cork roll board
19€ Leroy Merlin thin wood board (as the cork is thin we need a support)
12€ 2h Massi’s work to build / glue the board (or 1h if I help him maybe?)
5€ gasolina to go to Leroy Merlin (same price if we pay the delivery to Arroz)
10€ for markers, pins, tape, pens, post its etc
TOTAL 55€ + buffer =