[APPLICATION] Programa de Bolsas Artísticas , Janeiro 2022- natashacremoneseartista.near

  1. Natasha Cremoense e natashacremoneseartista.near
  2. Santa Cruz do Sul / Brasil
  3. https://www.facebook.com/NatashaCremonese/




  1. https://natashacremonese.com.br/about/


  2. Sou professora de artes além de artista, tirei um final de semana de férias, fazia muito tempo que não tinha um final de semana de lazer. E durante a viagem tive um insight da próxima série/coleção de obras. Quero executar tranquilamente a série, sem ter que me preocupar muito com fazer muitos bicos. Tenho o material, e parte dele encontrei nas minhas mini férias, quando peguei frutos do mar e cozinhei e restaram as conchas.
    Quero fazer uma série com 7 à 10 obras, bordado e pintura sobre lona e tela, o nome será S.O.S ARTISTAS

  3. Gostaria de concluir a série S.O.S ARTISTAS. Essas obras serão fotografadas, e as fotos serão cunhadas na mintbase. ( Criarei uma carteira para dividir em 50% os royalties, comigo e esta carteira, em que esses 50% do valor de venda de cada 1ª obra, farei uma doação para compra de material escola para crianças da escola onde dou aula nos finais de semana)
    As Serão obras que falem sobre o socorro que nós artistas principalmente mulheres pedimos, sejam em expressar nossas dores, traumas, ou nosso socorro financeiro, em muitas vezes termos que pedir que deem atenção maior a nossa arte, a nossa saúde mental.
    Durante os meses da bolsa gostaria de me preocupar mais com executar a produção das obras do que outras milhares de coisas. Assim que concluir, cunha as fotografias, e provar através de prints e posts nas minhas redes sociais que metade do valor da 1ª venda vai ser doado em material escolar, e fotografar a entrega do material para distribuição com equidade na escola.
    7 . Previous samples of your work / Exemplos de trabalhos artísticos recentes

  4. Natasha Cremoense and natashacremoneseeartista.near

  5. Santa Cruz do Sul / Brazil

  6. https://www.facebook.com/NatashaCremonese/




  1. https://natashacremonese.com.br/about/
  2. I am an art teacher as well as an artist, I took a weekend of vacation, it had been a long time since I had a weekend of leisure. And during the trip I had an insight into the next series/collection of works. I want to run the series smoothly, without having to worry too much about doing a lot of odd jobs. I have the material, and part of it I found on my mini vacation, when I caught seafood and cooked it and left the shells.
    I want to make a series with 7 to 10 works, embroidery and painting on canvas and canvas, the name will be S.O.S ARTISTAS
  3. I would like to complete the S.O.S ARTISTS series. These works will be photographed, and the photos will be minted on mintbase. (I will create a portfolio to divide the royalties by 50%, with me and this portfolio, in which this 50% of the sale value of each 1st work, I will make a donation to buy school supplies for children from the school where I teach on weekends )
    They will be works that talk about the help that we artists, especially women, ask for, whether in expressing our pain, trauma, or our financial help, in many times having to ask them to pay greater attention to our art, our mental health.
    During the months of the scholarship I would like to worry more about executing the production of the works than thousands of other things. Once it’s finished, I mint the photographs, and prove through prints and posts on my social media that half of the value of the 1st sale will be donated in school supplies, and photograph the delivery of the material for distribution with equity at school.
    7 . Previous samples of your work / Examples of recent artwork


Hey, Natasha! Thanks for your submission!

We hope to announce the results by February 1st. Good lucky :dizzy: :star_struck:


thank you soo much!!

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Thank you!! Welcome the comunity Near :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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Olá, Natasha!

Thanks for your application! We had more participants than ever and the selection process was not easy for the jury of this 3rd edition.

We used the following evaluation criteria: » Quality of Artwork » Past Experience » Fitting with Incubadora concept »Quality of application »Impact of the Stipend on the artist/project

It was a very hard decision, but unfortunately, your application was not selected for this edition.

You are more than welcome to apply again in the next rounds! Stay tuned :crossed_fingers:t5: :hugs:

Cheers :purple_heart::dizzy:

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thank you soo much!!!

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Thanks. I would like to know which factors were bad or lacking for my approval?

very grateful

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Alou, Natasha!

Você fez um excelente trabalho, mas o juri sentiu falta que desenvolvesse melhor a poética, as práticas, os conceitos e/ou intencionalidades artísticas por trás da sua produção como um todo no item n°5.

Nesta edição tivemos muitos candidatos e foi realmente muito complicado pro juri selecionar apenas 4.

Um abraço e boa continuação! :hugs::dizzy: