[Announcement] Marketing DAO constellation September Review Schedule & KPIs

Hi everyone! As the Marketing DAO proposal review period for September begins, I’m posting to share updated key performance indicators (KPIs) that we’re focusing on as priorities for community funding this month. As a reminder, here is the current schedule for review and funding:

:white_check_mark:September 1st - 10th - time for your proposals;

:white_check_mark:September 10th- 15th - reviewing time by councils and advisors;

:white_check_mark:September 18th - MDAO will send a funding request to NDC trust;

:moneybag:September 19th-30th - KYC (for new applicants) and payments.

As you prepare and submit your proposals, we wanted you to be aware of these.

MDAO September KPIs

This month, we are focused on supporting projects that can demonstrate the following Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs):

  • Increasing numbers of active Developers
  • Increasing numbers of active Users and Transactions
    • On-chain onboarding
    • On-chain engagement
    • On-chain participation in ecosystem dApps
  • Increasing numbers of Tools, dApps on BOS
  • Increasing the number of people educated about NDC governance, BOS and active projects in the ecosystem

As part of that, we ask that proposals clearly state how their activities will achieve these key performance metrics. For example:

  • How do their activities drive builders and developers?
  • What mechanisms will they use to track and report onboarded users, engagement, transactions?

While we acknowledge “top of the funnel” activity can be hard to track and assess perfectly, especially for content projects. We encourage you to reach out to the MDAO council to discuss your metrics prior to submitting your proposals so we can assist you in preparing your funding request.

For further details on the updated (ever evolving) review and funding process now that the Marketing DAO has transitioned under the NDC, please refer to Marketing DAO Guidelines Update July 2023.

A separate report to the NDC of recent funding activities is forthcoming.

As always you can reach out to us directly at marketingdao@proton.me or via Telegram.


Oops! Just seeing this.

Ok… will this update still stand in October?

Or are we going to be expecting another update?