A.FREE.CA: WHO ARE WE (Introduction)

A.FREE.CA is an initiative that is borne of the desire of a group of young africans for the responsibility of reminding the African continent of its creative potential and the economic leverage that results in harnessing, cultivating and manifesting this creative essence. Ours is a mission to remind young vibrant africans of their power through their creative expression and individualism

You can know more about through the links below

White Paper: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VjPvGDEpS1Psp3B0BsRU5Mdz6-pnBITk_gPCMOn5WxM/edit

2 YEAR ROADMAP: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KvwgbP9_GzHSgHbvCAOmlfARV50SSw8WIa064V6OQ28/edit


The A.FREE.CA team comprise of three savvy and vibrant young individuals at the helm calling the shots and steering the ship of this beautiful project. These individuals are as listed below

Ukeme Gabriel: Graphic Designer and web 3 community builder. He has been in the NEAR ecosystem since the days of the configuration of the NDC. Ukeme Gabriel is a dedicated patriot of the A.FREE.CA slogan to inspire and empower. He exhibits his spirit of servitude in genuine passion towards the upliftment of his fellow Africans and the success of the project

Dare Oni:(orishadray.near) A product designer, C.E.O of Designisfun.school which is an online initiative to teach young and aspiring product designers the ropes and equip them with the right material to blossom in their aspiration. Dray is an artist, philosopher and design systems expert. He has engaged in many activities of social and community service, even once being a founding member of Passion police in his university days. he has also been in the NEAR ecosystem but albeit latent and studying

Emmanuel Diedjomaho:(Emmanuelfri.near) a motion graphics expert who was part of the most diligent community members of the C1 guild and helped built their graphic design system from scratch. Emmanuel has been active in the NEAR ecosytem for a significant time and has needed experience on how to leverage the blockchain’s technologies


Through educational campaigns that leverage on social media and community awareness. We strive to erect a model of the Creative African in his true and authentic essence of creative expression. We do this by documenting Africans who already posess this form and use them as a model to teach the virtues we are trying to project. We also create media items like infographs, quotes and articles that discuss how the creative essence in Africans can be harnessed and expressed to the point where it mentally and economical liberates the African individual.

By holding public awareness campaigns, online twitter spaces, virtual education classes we strive to push the message of African wholeness and dignity through the creative alchemy of the African individual.
We project emblems, symbols and models for the needed inspiration to drive the desire to explore creative potential, this is why we document the strides of established African creatives and use it as an example of the gospel we aim to preach

Through Collaboration with academic institutions and other corporate organisations we seek to create pedestals for the erection of curriculums and chronologically curated archives of information that can be used as a study guide for building creativity, learning per se. This study guide would involve philosophical, psychological and other scholastic leanings that emphasize how this creativity can be nurtured or maybe even re-kindled within individuals

Our Purpose on NEAR
A.FREE.CA aims to utilize the NEAR blockchain in the below listed ways as to bring traction for the blockchain. We have secured partnerships with bodies and institutions who would support in the execution for our scholarship, sponsorship and grants programme

  1. DAO Governance structure
  2. Record Keeping
  3. On Chain Verification
  4. Criteria and Compliance
  5. Deployment of Native Functionality
  6. Treasury

More on this can be found in this link:

In our first year of activity and operations we are focusing primarily on empowering young African creatives with micro grants, hosting boot camps and educational curriculums about how creativity can be harnessed, nurtured and manifested. We would also be interacting with industry professionals within the scope of digital marketing, social media presence and branding. The Micro grants would be available to creatives that have identified with us, resonate with our mission and are enrolled in our virtual creative institute

Within the same year we intend to create a statewide network of LOCs that would aid with organising educational and outreach campaigns so as to build our community and expand the scope of our reach, simultaneously we are also collaborating with organisations within web3 and web 2.

Our 2 year Roadmap is properly detailed within this document

Join our telegram communities to learn more:
Channel: Telegram: Contact @afroalchemy
Chat: Telegram: Contact @afroalchemychat

Follow our socials:
TWIITER https://twitter.com/afroalchemy
INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/afreecreativealchemy