1 party-exhibition for NEAR on Cryptovoxels (can be renovated)

Proponent: The Philosopher (Rodrigo Reis Lastra Cid)
NEAR account for payment: thephilosopher.near
Project Timeline: November 30th, 2021 - November 30th, 2022

Objective: The main objective of this project is to have a party-exhibition on a cryptovoxels parcel only for Mintbase works. We will have at least 40 works per exhibitions (1 per artist), that will be submitted through gov.near.org or/and that will be chosen by the curator.

Justification (benefits): The relevance of this project is precisely to make Mintbase and NEAR well known on the virtual world of Cryptovoxels through parties and exhibitions. The benefit of this for NEAR and Mintbase is the increased number of people that will know the blockchain and the marketplace by the exposure on metaverse, given that Cryptovoxels is the most important virtual world nowadays, visited for people all over the world, including people from oriental countries. All major NFT brands have parcels on cryptovoxels curated by a speciallist. As the exhibitions and parties will be coordinated by The Philosopher, and he is a well known curator on Cryptovoxels, people will go to these parties.


We propose that we have at least 60 to 100 people for party day, and 30% more or less in the next or previous days. The last party from Save The Clan, we had 100 people on vernissage and 80 people on finissage. Data about the parcel can be seen here: The Philosopher's Gallery - 11 Trapp Ave - Cryptovoxels

And our gallery can support 40 different artists from NEAR being exhibited, together with a musician playing on the roof, where there is a party ambient, and many other events that the own near artists can propose (including projects like interviewing).

Optional: We will work together with Gambiarra Store, Intergalacticbar Store to send new artists to these collectives. If they have an onboarding program, we can send them the adress of at least 5 people interested for party, maybe 10.


500 USD in near: paying my work to build the exhibitions for near community in my own parcel (paying for party and exhibition coordination, build google form, take it to the community through gov.near and other private means, organize and hang the works, prepare the gallery, call guests, make wearables giveaways, publicize the event, coordinate DJ and designers, be responsible for everything).
Milestone: exhibition party held (500 usd/party).

250 USD in near: Paying for 1 musical set NFT (doesn’t need to be exclusive) to use on the party and future parties together with the presence from the DJ at the party. The musical set must be minted with the rights to use and transfered to the party coordinator. DJ is going to be chosen through a bounty made for this on gov.near, 2 weeks before the exhibition, or by selection of The Philosopher (maybe Blu Wasem Simon).
Milestone: Minted and transfered NFT and party held. 250 usd in near for each set.

250 USD in near: Paying a designer to build the parcel megavox and the wearable for the party. Gus will be the official designer and meta-architect; besides, I am a meta-architect too and I can help in building.
Milestone 1: built wearable (125 usd in near each wearable) and gallery megavox minted and transfered (125 usd to change the gallery).

Total: 1000 USD in NEAR


  • November 30th, 2021:

Prepare the gallery and the gallery megavox, activate community to submit through google form or/and curate the works for the first exhibition, the visual and the musical work.

Build the gallery and wearable.
Build google form to onboard mechanism.
Build the musical set for the party.

  • December 15th, 2021: 1st exhibition + party

Curriculum Vitae (Lattes): http://lattes.cnpq.br/0847832636263404
Links: The Philosopher’s Links | Linktree
Philosophy Professor at the Federal University of Amapá
Curator and Virtual Gallerist
Traditional and NFT Artist

Hey there,

thank you for the proposal. I’m not sure if this should be added to the createbase category, as you added that tag already. Please bear in mind that the Creatives DAO funds DAOS and GUILDS with a max. of 5000$ per month. In my opinion buying a parcel would make sense if it will be used by a community or group rather than a singular person. There will be a NEAR Metaverse as well, the first session was held some days ago on NEARhub if I am not mistaken. Please also keep in mind that, as you are in the NEAR forum, payments are made in N, not in eth.

You might want to get in touch with @marianeu regarding a support from createbase :wink:


Yeah, @tabear, thank you for the answer. Which category do you think I should have tagged the topic?

I was requesting the price of the parcel (the parcel itself) as a payment for my work during one year of organization of artists, coordination of parties and exhibitions, curation job, etc. You can see I asked no payment for myself other than the parcel itself. While we make 1 year of exhibitions, it is all about the exhibition of NEAR community. After 1 year of curation, we can talk about continuing the job. As an alternative, we could also use the gallery I have on cryptovoxels and pay the relative amount in near monthly for me for the work I will be making at my gallery with near artists.

Oh, thank you very much; I know payments are made in near, but the prices of the parcels are in eth, so I thought it would be good to talk about the real price.

There is one thing here we should take into account, that is the fact that John, Gus and me, with the help of Claudia, are going to submit to open a Metaverse Guild, to deal with the relation between Near artists and collectors and the metaverses and vice-versa. We are going to produce onboarding material of cryptovoxels metaverse, that is an important metaverse to publicize NEAR blockchain, and lately to nearverse too, introducing near artists to metaverse production and events, and organizing and coordinating the exhibitions and parties on the metaverses. We want to collaborate with other guilds/daos, like the VR and MultiDAO, inasmuch to some members projects, like streaming enterviews and the like.

@marianeu, do you think it is possible to fund the project?


as for the tag, it depends on the Guild or DAO you are requesting funding from.

Another side node for proposals in general: It would be great to see the other participants (who will be designing the wearables, who will be playing etc. and how will the values be divided etc.) and metrics (how many visitors are you planning on having, how will the artists be chosen etc).

I think having a dedicated space for NEAR artists that also aims for collaborations can be a nice idea, just always keep in mind the max. funding values.


Nice, thank you for the objective requests. It makes my job even easier.
I will edit the main text to add what you are suggesting.

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@thephilosopher I think buying a parcel definetly exceeds the createbase funds for individual projects…

I also agree that a parcel for near artists, or specially mintbase artists, would be interesting. I think mintbase owns 3 parcels if I am not mistaken. I need to think about what will happen to these parcels in near future. CV is ethereumland…

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@marianeu Are all the parcels in use? We could make the same thing on these parcels or we can rent mine. We want to start our own parties too on NEARVERSE. We are just waiting for development. And my project is a bit narrow, in the sense that it wants to exhibit near presence on cryptovoxels, but I think the consequences are broad, in the sense of generate interest on the blockchain and on mintbase, to bring ethereum people to start onboarding.

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I see… that makes sense. I will try to descover ASAP what the parcels will be used for, as they are not being used ATM…