[Approved] MintbaseSunday Collection

Alexandre Macieira

  • Near account for payment: macieira.near
    Isa Danoninho
  • Near account for payment: isadanoninho.near

Holding an Exhibition with 40 works of art from the MintbaseSunday Collection on 06/17/2022


Title: MintbaseSunday Collection

To show how it is possible for a project within the Mintbase-NEAR network to gather so many diverse artworks and bring artists active in the digital art market into the platform and to exhibit their art thereby increasing the chance of selling their work. All this further values and encourages each one who is present in this collective network.

Show the strength of the entire Mintbase-NEAR network collective through Gambiarra’s store, which is already an example of how it is possible to have punctual actions that encourage artists to continue publishing their works and creating.
Taking the exhibition to the metaverse, adding value to MintbaseSunday, which begins to be a collection as well as an artistic project.

Marketing: To register the MintbaseSunday Collection Exhibition on the Mintbase-NEAR network, a list of the event’s participants will be organized, with their names and links to their works, which will be available on the project’s Linktree.

All the history of the previous editions is available on the link: mintbasesunday | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree

Complete list of participants of the 1st edition of MintbaseSunday

Complete list of participants of the 2nd edition of the MintbaseSunday

Complete list of participants of the 3rd edition of the MintbaseSunday

Complete list of participants of the 4th edition of the MintbaseSunday

Complete list of participants of the 5th edition of the MintbaseSunday

Event Poster: production of a poster to publicize the event on social networks, it will be published and become an NFT, it will be distributed among the participants and interested collectors.


The MintbaseSunday action was born in the Gambiarra store of the Mintbase-NEAR network with the goal of further publicizing the artists’ work and encouraging more publications. The strategy is to publish 7 copies of the artwork at a value of 0.77 NEAR, precisely to attract the attention of investors. The value will be available for 24 hours (throughout Sunday) and after that time the artwork will no longer have copies and will cost 7 NEAR a single piece (if there are still copies left). In other words, it is a special time to purchase a piece of artwork from the Mintbase-NEAR network.

The 1st edition #MintbaseSunday took place on a Sunday, December 26, 2021, with 13 artists participating.
The 2nd edition #MintbaseSunday took place on January 30, 2022, with 18 artists participating.
The 3rd edition #MintbaseSunday took place on February 27, 2022, with 21 artists participating.
The 4th #MintbaseSunday took place on March 20, 2022, with 22 artists participating.
The 5th edition #MintbaseSunday took place on April 17, 2022, with 25 artists participating.
The 6th edition #MintbaseSunday will take place on May 15, 2022.
The MintbaseSunday Collection reaches 101 works of art and a total of 54 artists participating in our editions.

Education: In editions 4 and 5 the project also became educational with the participation of @cleusaraven . With the arrival of new artists in the Gambiarra store we began to realize that many want to understand how the whole system works. Alexandre Macieira takes advantage of MintbaseSunday to invite members of the community (in the month of May @BiaVictal was the guest) in order to live the experience of participating in a project, so they can learn how to make a proposal, set up an event and participate in the NEAR forum. I thank the Mintbase-NEAR network for the opportunity.

The Action:
To hold an exhibition using the collection of the MintbaseSunday Collection which today has 101 works where 40 works will be selected to be part of the MintbaseSunday Collection Exhibition in one of the Mintbase parcels on Cryptovoxels.

From the approval of the project the 40 participating works will be selected, the graphic materials, texts will be produced and dissemination will begin.
The texts and posters will be organized and all the dissemination and invitation will be done in Telegram, Whatsapp and Discord groups of the network of artists interested and active in NFT. All this content will also be available for dissemination on Mintbase’s social networks.
The MintbaseSunday Collection Exhibition is scheduled for 06/17/2022 and we suggest that it be available for viewing until 07/17/2022.

PS: Kindly ask the person responsible for the building in cryptovoxels to add the wallet 0x0429fE116a7c79575fAE9C5233F78a5aE4d5375e (Isa Danoninho) to the exhibition.

Total: USD 600 in NEAR

USD 300 in NEAR to be paid to macieira.near
To manage the production of the project’s arts and images
Organizing all the production of the project’s actions
Minting the arts at Mintbase
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Discord, on the proponents’ personal profile)
Be accountable at the end of the project

USD 300 in NEAR to be paid to isadanoninho.near
Setting up the exhibition on the plot.
Create decoration voxels if needed to compose the space.
Create flyer.
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Discord, in the personal profile of the proponents).
Participate in the organization and production of the project’s actions.
Report on the conclusion of the project.

SIGNATURE: Alexandre Macieira

Alexandre Macieira:
Link Curriculo: alexandremacieira | Twitter, Instagram, Facebook | Linktree
Site: http://alexandremacieira.com.br
Isa Danone
Link Curriculo: Danone Psicodélico | Twitter, Instagram | Linktree


Vai ser maravilhosa!!! Com certeza :hugs::hugs:


we love mintbase sunday! i have some questions to both of you :slight_smile:

I don’t understand why @macieira will mint the arts for the artists instead of them minting it themselves?

How will you manage the production of artworks? @macieira

For @Isa_Danoninho : what does setting up exhibition in the plot mean? :slight_smile: is the plot a space? sorry I just don’t undersand it, i even googled :stuck_out_tongue:

I also need to know what exactly is being paid for in each step. so what task gets how much.

take a looka t this proposal: [Approved Onboarding & Workshop during NFT BCN -> MINTBASE part only to understand what i mean :slight_smile:
thank you


Hello @marianeu, we are happy to hear that you like MintbaseSunday. It’s practically a tribute to Mintbase, isn’t it heheheheheh :star_struck:.
I will not mint the artwork for the artists, I would never do that, each artist mints their own art. What I will mint in Mintbase is the Art of the Event Poster and Art with the name of all the participants of the exhibition.

Regarding the question of how we are going to manage the production of artwork. We are not going to manage the production, the artworks are already ready and minted at Mintbase, they are artworks that have already passed through the previous editions of the action done monthly through MintbaseSunday. We will curate the collection that has more than 100 works and we will select the 40 that will participate in this new exhibition.

About @Isa_Danoninho duties. In conversations with @reginamintbase, she commented that Mintbase has three plots of land available at Cryptovoxels and is trying to get one of them to mount the exhibition.
Isa already has experience in setting up parties and events in the metaverse, so she will be responsible for this there, and if necessary will create decorative voxels to compose the space.

About you knowing exactly what is being paid at each stage:

Manage the production of the project’s arts and images - 150 USD
Organize the entire production of the project’s actions - 100 USD
Minting the arts at Mintbase
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Discord, on the proposers personal profile) - 50 USD
Accountability at the end of the project

Set up the exhibit on the parcel - 200 USD
Create decoration voxels if needed to compose the space.
Create flyer.
Publicize and call participants (Twitter, Instagram and Discord, in the personal profile of the proponents) - 50 USD
Participate in the organization and production of the project’s actions - 50 USD
Accountability at the end of the project.

I hope I have clarified your questions, we are looking forward to working with Mintbase DAO. :grinning:

Taking advantage of the contact, I would like to add that it will not be possible to execute the project on the date of 05/13/2022, because it will be too early for the assembly and production of the event.
We will talk about dates again if the project is approved. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


So lenara is using the piers space, you could use the createbase annex Createbase Annex - 12 Fraenkelufer - Voxels or the createbase embassy: Createbase Embassy - 1 Lausitzer Straße - Voxels

I love @Isa_Danoninho skills in organizing metaverse parties <3
Let’s go through the tasks :slight_smile:

manage the production of the projects art and images - what are you managing? are you creating the arts? are you paying someone?
Organize the entire production of the project’s actions - 100 USD :white_check_mark:
Publicize and make the call for participants (Twitter, Instagram and Discord, on the proposers personal profile) - 50 USD - is this 50 USD for one tweet?


Set up the exhibit on the parcel - 200 USD :white_check_mark:
Create flyer. (this is something i see could be paid for example)
Publicize and call participants (Twitter, Instagram and Discord, in the personal profile of the proponents) - 50 USD - same questions as with alexandre, how many tweets?
Participate in the organization and production of the project’s actions - 50 USD - which actions? I thiink it is ok too

Hope you understand I do not want to make things harder, just understand the itty gritty details



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Boa tarde @marianeu , tudo bem com você?
Eu e a Isa tivemos uma reunião hoje e decidimos não executar mais o projeto, mesmo porque era para a exposição acontecer no dia 13 de maio de 2022.

E sim, os questionamentos excessivos dificultam os trabalhos, eu somente gostaria de realizar uma exposição com a Coleção MintbaseSunday e não acredito que os valores estão diferentes do que já é praticado na rede NEAR.

O MintbaseSunday é um projeto feito com muito carinho que acabou de realizar a sua sexta edição, que faz uma homenagem à marketplace levando seu nome no título do projeto, que já deixou se ser apenas uma ação de postagens de NFTs e tem se tornado um projeto que ensina as pessoas como apresentar uma proposta, realizar a ação e entregar um relatório, além de ensinar como divulgar e a se familiarizar mais com os processos do site e da rede NEAR.

Se a própria Mintbase não tem interesse em financiar e apoiar um projeto feito especialmente para ela, não tem porque a gente ficar insistindo e tentando convencer vocês do valor que temos né? Afinal, é um projeto que já está sendo executado há seis meses, sendo que dois deles, sem nenhum tipo de financiamento. Além disso, foram muitos os aprendizados, inclusive um deles, o nascimento de uma coleção com mais de 100 obras de arte.

Eu e a Isa temos uma coisa em comum, a gente só apresenta uma proposta para dar o melhor que temos, e muitas vezes mais do que está escrito na proposta, afinal, são nossos nomes que estão nas assinaturas de cada projeto.

Não é pertinente a forma que essa cobrança vem acontecendo, sendo relacionada aos valores.

Você tem noção do trabalho que é fazer uma curadoria de artes? A gente tem mais de 100 artes cunhadas nesse projeto, eu não vou escolher 40 obras aleatoriamente, existe um processo de curadoria, analisar todas as obras, quem são os artistas, os temas, para selecionar os melhores para uma exposição desse porte.

Sobre a divulgação, me surpreende ser questionado sobre isso, já que a própria marketplace não investe e não tem experiência na área de marketing.
Todas as propostas que eu e a Isa nos propomos a fazer a divulgação vão muito além do que uma publicação no Twitter. Nós falamos individualmente com as pessoas, fazendo convite para o evento, divulgamos em todos os grupos de cripto que estamos no Discord, todos grupos da rede NEAR do Telegram, postagens no Instagram, etc…

Enfim Maria, eu agradeço a sua atenção e te desejo uma boa sorte nas suas próximas parcerias.

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Hello @macieira

really sad to hear that you do not want to go forward with this.

I think there is a miscomunication happening here. We definitely want to see more editions of mitnbase sunday and are regularly talking internally about how we can draw more attention to it.

I would like to ask for you guys to proceed with the production of the event.

It’s because when you ask for 100 usd to manage the production of the art and images of the project, i did not understand that you were talking about curation. I was just having a hard time understanding what was happening.

We do have a good relationship of trust between us, and I hope our relationship doesn’t get tinted by this mishap. Asking annoying questions is my job - to understand each task and its payment, so i can be as fair as possible to all other people. if there is a task that i don’t understand completely, i need to ask about the details.

It is definitely not a personal thing and I want to repeat that I trust your work and want to see it come to fruition in the best way at mintbase.

really appreciate the proposal. You can even ask to be paid for your time invested into the project. Like 3 hours of work - x USD for example.

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maybe it is of interest that I am a Museologist and doing my masters in Social Museology at the moment :slight_smile: So i super understand. What I value even more is the effort you have put into onboarding new people ! that is truly awesome!!!

we should schedule a call to get things straight, what do you think?


Hi @marianeu, it took me a while to get here to comment, but we already started talking on Telegram and our meeting was excellent, also with the presence of @Isa_Danoninho .
:heart_eyes: Thank you very much for your open mind in understanding what we really intend to do and realize for Mintbase. I’m sure it was a big step we took to improve communication and understanding of everything.
Let’s get to work! :facepunch:
Our next step is to resume the project for the month of June, we have already made the changes in the dates of this proposal so that everything is correct for the following month. :tada:


Happy to approve this one! Thank you and looking forward to see it happening. Payout happens after the completion of the work.
please submit a report - as you always do - after :slight_smile:

thank you so much!

@reginamintbase and @LuisInfante take a look :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Also happy to support! Thanks for organising this @macieira @Isa_Danoninho


We are very happy too! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: It is a great pleasure to hold this exhibition! Thank you very much for the approval @marianeu :slightly_smiling_face:

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@reginamintbase thanks a lot for all the support, we are Mintbase fans here! :tada: Give a big hug to this wonderful team you have! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Het guy, sorry for the delay in answering, usually the end of the month is busy because of project closings and also because that is when I do the Metatronic.
Anyway, I am very happy and excited about this project, thank you guys for the opportunity, we will do our best!
I already want to start executing as soon as possible!
@marianeu , as soon as possible can you give me the link to the parcel and add me as a collaborator there?
I want to see what the needs of the space are, so if necessary I can design something in voxel, and also map the space to architect the exhibition.
That’s it for now, team!
Thanks for having us and let’s make a beautiful project!

My metamask: 0x0429fE116a7c79575fAE9C5233F78a5aE4d5375e (Isa Danoninho)


I will be adding you as a collaborator to one of our parcels. please choose between:

tell me if you want the annex or the embassy please! @Isa_Danoninho

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Amazing idea! Congratulations for the wonderful initiative!
Have you thought about the possibility of the exhibition having an opening party?
I would like to be available to record a set in honor of this event that as its editions I was creating a huge affection, especially for having received me and also encouraged me to resume my artistic productions.
I have already participated in a joint event with MintBaseSunday and the Metatronic party, as well as other parties in the metaverse, and I also participate in the MintBaseSunday project.
I believe that a musical presentation for the opening of the exhibition will make the event even more interactive and artistically complete.
I have the idea of putting together an ambient music selection to make the experience of the exhibition as close as possible to an art gallery, which is where the MintBaseSunday event is heading more and more.
I would add an additional $100 to the project to bring in a fully set and edited video.
I am proposing this because I really have a great affection for the project and would like to contribute to its execution for an extrasensory and diverse experience.


MintbaseSunday Collection Exhibition, July 8 to August 8, 2022 - Createbase Embassy @Mintbase | Metaverse - Curated by: Alexandre Macieira | Metaarchitect: @Isa_Danoninho | Music: DJ @michanascimento | Visit Voxels


MintbaseSunday Collection Exhibition, July 8 to August 8, 2022 - Createbase Embassy @Mintbase | Metaverse - Curated by: Alexandre Macieira | Metaarchitect: @Isa_Danoninho | Music: @michanascimento | Visit Voxels



Visit: Voxels