TRANSF🔴RM: Decentralized Guild of NEAR protocol Ambassadors


Decentralized Guild of NEAR protocol Ambassadors.


The goal is to build a decentralized swarm of researchers and defenders of NEAR.

Training and showing them all opportunities and capabilities of NEAR and unleashing his potential.

Onboarding new people who want to learn and use NEAR. The task is to put the brand to the first place on recognition.

The swarm should be built on the principle of freedom and creativity, mutual understanding and mutual assistance.

A decentralized community of ambassadors can and should include people with different tastes, views and skills.

Artists, writers, bloggers, YouTubers, coders, gamers, designers…


Communities in different cities can be both local, location-bound, and online communities.

Communities naturally should be built around leaders. Leaders are able to train themselves and form groups around them. A leader clearly understands his mission and is able to direct his society, attracting new people and expanding the base of NEAR users.


  • Working with social networks. NFT, useful information about NEAR, retweets of all members of the NEAR community. Combining and strengthening information flows. The work always strives to keep the ratio, giving preference to interesting, creative content, 60/40 percent - where 40 - direct advertising NEAR, infographics, news. A 60 - creative content (interesting discussions, paintings, music, exchange of knowledge, opinions.)

Add the following tags #NEAR #NFT #transform #mukachevo #lockalnode @TRANSFORMNFT @NEARProtocol to each post

Make a liking and repost of each other’s work. Make sure to comment in two or three words, this is very important!

  • One more important element is the direct support of artists through the purchase of their NFT tokens. It is necessary to form Ambassadors, a real creative group of people which will attract more and more artists through the purchase of their works at NEAR. All purchased works are published on social media. The Ambassadors are obliged to post all their purchases on social media and say that they are collectors only on NEAR.

  • Creation of local points where you can get short information about NEAR. It is possible to exchange goods or services for NEAR by agreement. These local places spread Near products ( notebooks,caps,pens), opening a purse. For opening such a space, the discoverer gets 5N. The owner of the shop, cafe etc., who already must be minimally trained in what to say and minimally understand the principles of blockchain gets 5N. So far only Mukachevo. Such places are put on a GOOGLE card.

  • Ambassadors also can open their wallets to their close surroundings. Perspective artists from other projects. By opening a purse, they can put 1N in it. For which they themselves receive 1N. Potentially infinite earnings, but for the beginning we will limit ourselves to 10 purses per month. In order to receive 1N you will have to subscribe to Twitter @TRANSFORMNFT and Telegram: Contact @nftinfinity leave your twitter, telegram… acc.

  • Those who wish to actively help can be connected to at a rate of 1-5N per month. At the leader’s discretion. Help is needed on social media. The leader must explain which exactly. After a month, the payment can be increased in the opinion of the leader. The leader will receive via +0.5N - 1N per month for each person for whom he is responsible.

  • The activities of the guild also include training seminars, online meetings. Modest parties.

The guild pays special attention to the search for promotion and development of game projects that can be launched on NEAR!

Guild structure

The points of reference in cities can be called LocalNode. This can be a cafe (NEARCAFE), office, house, apartment. A similar Node can be the basis of a group of people in at least 3x number. These people create their own DAOSputnik2. Briefly describe the course of its activities in the framework of “The Ecosystem First”. After that, they can obtain seed funding (150N-300N) and start using (fill-in form is needed). The decision to allocate funding is made by the consuls transform.sputnik-dao.


A marketing token that is not worth anything yet. It can be freely transferred from purse to purse, demonstrating how NEAR works. You can distribute at seminars, meetings, just like a club coin. Recommended amount of 8888 INF in one purse.

A total of 1,234,567,890 coins were issued. Of these, no more than 7.77 per cent will be distributed in this way

The measure of community success is:

Increasing the number of open wallets and people who are willing to study and use NEAR protocol. Constant growth of subscribers in social networks, increase of likes, reposts and comments without use of mechanisms of scrolling. Increasing interesting and useful content. New creative ideas and implementations.


I am waiting for the launch of the project ROKE.TO in minenet.

The idea is that newly opened wallets are connected to ROKETO with a payment of 1N per month. They will receive it for the activity in social networks, likes, repostes, content favorable on NEAR. A leader must monitor people’s activity and can recommend increases in funding based on activity and performance. The funding of leaders increases depending on the size of the hive and its bonuses need to be calculated separately.

Ambassadors paintings can, through ROKETO, receive funds to buy NFT. So that they do not immediately spend. The MELODY group is composed exclusively of artists whose activities have made significant progress. I propose that some of them appoint "NFT unicorns’ ’ and allocate 30N to buy NFT. With this money they should not buy from each other.


I propose that the budget for the first three months be determined at 5000N per month. All unused NEAR at the end of the month remains as a supplementary fund on DAO and accumulates as a stabilization fund for future projects as a valuable resource.


Децентрализованная гильдия амбассадоров* NEAR protocol.

Цель - построение децентрализованного роя исследователей и защитников NEAR.

Обучение возможностям NEAR и раскрытие его потенциала.

Онбординг новых людей, которые хотят изучать и использовать NEAR. Информационно вывести бренд на первое место по узнаваемости.

Рой должен быть построен по принципу свободы творчества, взаимопонимания и взаимопомощи.

Децентрализованное сообщество амбассадоров может и должно включать в себя людей с разными вкусами, взглядами, умениями.

Художники, писатели, блогеры, ютуберы, кодеры, гемдейверы, дизайнеры…


Сообщества в разных городах могут быть как локальными, привязанными к месту, так и онлайн сообщества.

Сообщества естественным образом выстраиваются вокруг лидеров. Лидеры способны самостоятельно обучаться и выстраивать вокруг себя рой. Лидер четко понимает свою миссию и способен направлять свое общество, привлекая в него новых людей и новые навыки и расширяя базу пользователей NEAR.


  • Работа с социальными сетями. NFT, полезная информация о NEAR, ретвиты всех участников сообщества NEAR. Объединение и усиление информационных потоков. В работе всегда стремиться удерживать соотношение, давая предпочтение интересному, творческому контенту, 60/40% - где 40 - прямая реклама NEAR, инфографики, новости. А 60 - творческий контент (интересные обсуждения, картины, музыка, обмен знаниями, мнениями.)

К каждому посту добавляйте следующие теги #NEAR #NFT #transform #mukachevo #lockalnode @TRANSFORMNFT @NEARProtocol :red_circle:

Делайте лайк и репост работ друг друга. Обязательно старайтесь комментировать двумя-тремя словами, это очень важно!

  • Отдельным важным элементом является прямая поддержка художников, через покупку их NFT токенов. Необходимо сформировать амбассадоров, настоящий творческий рой, который будет привлекать все новых художников через покупку их творчества на NEAR. Все купленные работы амбассадорами публикуются в соц сетях. Амбассадоры обязаны “хвастаться” своими покупками и говорить, что они коллекционеры только на NEAR.

  • Создание локальных точек, где можно получить краткую информацию о NEAR. Возможно обменять товар-услугу на NEAR по договоренности. Эти локальные места распространяют мерч, помогают открыть кошелек. За открытие такого места открыватель получает 5N. Хозяин магазина, кафе и т д, который уже должен быть минимально обучен что говорить и минимально понимать принципы блокчейн получает 5N. Пока только Мукачево. Такие места наносятся на карту GOOGLE. ∞NEARZONE∞ (Google Мои карты)

  • Также амбассадоры могут открывать кошельки своему ближнему окружению. Интересным художникам с других площадок. Открыв кошелек, могут закинуть туда 1N. За что сами получают 1N. Потенциально бесконечный заработок, но пока ограничимся 10 кошельков в месяц. Условием получения 1N будет необходимость подписаться на twitter @TRANSFORMNFT и телеграм Telegram: Contact @nftinfinity оставить свой twitter, telegram… акк.

  • Желающие активно помогать могут быть подключены к с оплатой 1-5N в месяц. На усмотрение лидера. Необходима помощь в социальных сетях. Лидер должен объяснять какая. По прошествии месяца оплата может быть увеличена по мнению лидера. Лидер будет получать через +0,5N - 1N в месяц за каждого человека за которого он отвечает.

  • В деятельность гильдии, также, входит проведение обучающих семинаров, онлайн встреч. Скромных вечеринок.

  • Особое внимание гильдия уделяет поиску продвижению и развитию игровых проектов, которые можно запустить на NEAR!

Строение гильдии

Опорными точками в городах могут стать так называемые LocalNode. Это может быть кафе (NEARCAFE), офис, дом, квартира. Подобная Node может быть основа группой людей в количестве не менее 3х людей. Эти люди создают свое DAOSputnik2. Кратко описывают направление своей деятельности в рамках “Экосистема превыше всего”. После чего могут получить начальное финансирование (150N-300N) и начать использовать (нужна заполняемая форма на подачу). Решение о выделении финансирования принимают консулы transform.sputnik-dao.near


Маркетинговый токен, который пока ничего не стоит. Его можно свободно передавать из кошелька в кошелек, демонстрируя, как работает NEAR. Можно раздавать на семинарах, встречах, просто как клубную монету. Рекомендуемое количество 8888INF в один кошелек.

Всего выпущено 1234567890 монет. Из них будет распространено подобным образом не более 7,77%

Показателем успешности сообщества является:

Увеличение количества открытых кошельков и людей, которые готовы изучать и использовать NEAR protocol. Постоянный рост подписчиков в социальных сетях, увеличение лайков, репостов и комментариев без использования механизмов накрутки. Увеличение интересного и полезного контента. Появление новых креативных идей и воплощений.


Для полного раскрытия потенциала жду запуск проекта ROKE.TO в майннет.

Идея состоит в том, что вновь открытые кошельки подключаются к ROKETO с оплатой 1N в месяц. Его он будет получать за активность в соц сетях, лайки, репосты, контент благоприятно влияющий на NEAR. Лидер должен следить за активностью людей и может рекомендовать увеличивать финансирование в зависимости от активности и результативности. Финансирование лидеров увеличивается в зависимости от размера роя и его бонусы нужно рассчитать отдельно.

Амбассадоры живописи могут через ROKETO получать фонды на покупку NFT. Чтобы сразу не потратили. Группа MELODY состоит исключительно из художников, в деятельности которых виден значительный прогресс. Предлагаю некоторых из них назначить “NFT единорогами” и выделить по 30N на покупку NFT. На эти средства покупать друг у друга они не должны.


Предлагаю бюджет первых трех месяцев определить 5000N в месяц. Весь неиспользованный NEAR в конце месяца остается как дополнительный фонд на DAO и накапливается в виде стабилизационного фонда для будущих проектов как ценный ресурс.




Neat idea, I think @shashi might have something cooking on a NEAR Ambassador Programme as per this post.

This is a huge amount of NEAR.

I don’t think it’d be wise to start distributing 5,000 NEAR per month without a solid basis. Although we love the enthusiasm, I think that’s quite an excessive amount. If you’re requesting funds as high as this, I’d personally like to see an individual breakdown of each expense down to the TerraGas :sweat_smile:

USD denominated funding might be more apt what with the size of the request.

I think, what might make more sense, is to start this off in a much, much, smaller way - so both on the funding and the scope front.

It’d be great if we could highlight these in a clear and succinct manner, too:

  • Expected impact and value you foresee for the NEAR ecosystem/community
  • Metrics for measuring success
  • Estimated timeline and achievement milestones
  • Links to similar, previously funded forum proposals (if applicable)
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Thanks, @David_NEAR.

Our current work is mostly focused on universities for the ambassador program.

@INFINITY but some of the things mentioned here are some things we are also working on happy to know more about your plans. Please ping me on discord if possible.


Hi, I am very glad to hear that there is something else engaged in a similar project. Are you also experimenting and using original moves? Do you have a prescribed ambassador program? How to measure success? I would love to see what you are doing and what experience you are drawing on. Maybe I’ll learn a lot. Do you have a Web site? Is there a prescribed program for the presentation of the NEAR protocol so that the simplest person can understand it? It would help me a lot in my work. Do you also have a specific ambassador goal and a written corporate identity?


Hello again) I think you will still have questions that I cannot answer. Do I think that such an explanation of the budget will be enough? In addition to describing my guild’s actions above))

Also, all participants receive a sign on whom they must subscribe and repost-likes.

By the way, the degens steal my people, enticing them with high pay)) This is already a confirmed fact.
It turns out that when a person is with me, he needs to pay little? And in order for him to earn more, he must become a degene?

@Grace @Dacha @Melody @vlad @alexatnear


Interesting idea.
Gulid members and ambassadors should be selected through a fair competition. We already have Degens which were hired not transparently.

Near can stop financing Degens and work with new guild. But all processes / marketing metrics should be opened and transparent for community. Unfortunately, Degens still ignoring questions.

Just my thoughts.


Thank you for this proposal! Quite solid, especially how it is built on the principles of freedom + creativity, mutual understanding, and mutual assistance. I’m here to help make it happen :slight_smile:

I’d suggest adjusting slightly to follow recent guidelines re: off-chain price discussions. You might request $100k worth of NEAR over the next 3 months, then @Grace and other community participants would review. To simplify negotiations, I think you should establish a maximum amount in terms of dollars / stablecoins.

Overall, this experimental initiative feels like a great opportunity to learn, grow, and evolve our governance. We want you and your community to succeed, and we’d love to support new creative ideas and implementations. Very cool that you’re trying Roketo, and I’m curious to learn more about INFINITY coin!


Building on @jlwaugh, we would love to see Transform succeed in its goals.
Let’s clarify the goals, set a budget for the next 3 months, as @jlwaugh suggested.


In fact, it seems to me that in no case should we stop the work of DEGENS, this is part of our ecosystem and they do a lot of useful work. I checked. Another question, 300N and more should be received only by organizers of processes, generators of ideas, people who bear great responsibility. The fact is that I am now faced with the fact that a lot of people around me are ready to do the work like, repost, create simple content for 5N. Taking this work about 10 minutes a day. These people are already happy that they receive this money through rock. Degens often create useful infographics, write useful texts, shoot videos, so I created a special table of channels to which you need to subscribe and information from which you need to like, retweet and comment. Note, I added all the degens !!! Here I will add people who receive payment through roketo, I ask everyone to subscribe to these accounts and help them with reciprocal likes, reposts, comments. It seems to me that the only fair solution would be to equalize budgets)))))

In addition, just look at which channel we have already created and develop, how much content)

I used my old channel for this)

And also look here, it reminded me of a strategy game)))

The program is getting designed as of now, and we are running A/B testing on the ground.

Please reach out to me on discord, and I will be able to share more details.


Thank you for your trust.
As you can see, sometimes it takes a lot of extra work and analysis to answer your question. I already go to bed and get up in the morning just thinking about the community and NEAR)))
I corrected the tables and made adjustments to them, indicated all payments in USDT

As my next steps, I see the Development of the formed community (there are already more than 61 people who are ready to work helping NEAR to develop).
Some of them do not yet have accounts on the social network, but are ready to open them and devote 10-15 minutes a day to twitter, wanting a like-repost, comment on messages about NEAR, NFT of our artists. Finance for these people will be credited through (I think at the moment I am one of the most active users of this service).

The minimum monthly wage will be 5N - about $ 50 for 10-15 minutes a day devoted to working on social networks. ( only works with NEAR tokens for now and it would be very good if there was a developer who could do the distribution of stablecoins).
Active members or members with a large number of subscribers will be rewarded with large amounts.

Over the next 3 months, I want to see at least 200 people working with the promotion of NEAR in social networks and at least a 2-fold increase in places on this map (now there are already 19).
I decided to slightly change the concept of these places for legal security.
Now these are the places where you can get basic information about NEAR. Where they will help to open a wallet, they will help to take the first steps. (Our own people are ready to accept NEAR) We even have a ForexClub that will help with investments (by the way, in Mukachevo, people really started investing in NEAR). Many people already know about NEAR. The number of people who are willing to work and study NEAR is growing at a fantastic rate and I have to hold it back for obvious reasons.

Several active groups have now emerged. One in Belarus,

alone in India

and one in Mukachevo.

I think it would be interesting for a group in India and Belarus to gather in an organization of 2-3 people to learn how to work with DAOs and create their own DAOs, I would allocate them 200N (1760 $) each for finding and training employees in social networks and creating various creative content associated with NEAR. (they need computers to work)

For ease of reference, I have created several tables, one for the leader, who will have to fill out the table, entering the data of the people who will do the work to promote NEAR and train these people.

How I use roketo and some of the content that we made you can see here Payment reports

This tactic will lead to the fact that

  1. it will be easier to collect reports (I will talk with leaders and explain what to do) and how to file reports

  2. there will be many independent people who will maintain professional blogs, or blogs about their lives, while indicating NEAR sponsorship.

  1. a deeper study of the service, its capabilities and disadvantages. I don’t think we will have the best opportunity for this in the near future. Every small structure will be able to get their own small budget and use

  2. perhaps by doing this we will be able in the future to get independent organizations that do not need total control.

Today I signed a contract with a very professional international lawyer specializing in blockchain. Within 3 weeks, I will be prepared a full report on my opportunities in Ukraine in terms of spreading NEAR and in terms of the form of my business in Ukraine.
They are willing to accept NEAR as payment and payment will be made through the DAO.
I think that we need such influential allies in Ukraine. This is Anna Voevodina and her technical specialist Vasily.
Invoice Near_1.pdf (140.0 KB)

In the next 3 months, I also intend to work more actively with onboarding game developers on the blockchain, I think that I have made some progress in this direction.
On the 25th, I plan to leave for Vinnitsa to assess the situation and try to take part in the international festival AIR FEST

Концепія AIR FEST.pdf (288.1 KB)

(I hope the covid will not interfere with its holding). There I plan to communicate in a friendly manner with several groups of developers whom Vlad Grechina introduced me to.

As for the INFINITY coin. This is a coin that I created a long time ago and have not used it anywhere until now. This coin was created with a circulation of 1234567890 tokens. Now I distribute it just for free among the members of my guild, I distribute about 8888 tokens each in order to actually show the speed of work and the cheapness of NEAR transactions. In order not to spend HEAP tokens, and at the same time show all the advantages, this token is ideal. Besides, who knows what fate awaits him ?? Our guild is overgrown with projects and popularity, perhaps in the future we will all get together and decide how we can best use this token))))

Based on the above and on the basis of the calculations for the first month given in the table, I ask you to approve financing for the next three months in the amount of
$ 44,000 (in NEAR 4731 now) - the first month of November.
$ 44,000 - second month - December
$ 44,000 - third month - January
For my part, I will try to save the budget and use it rationally assessing the need for certain actions. I hope to even accumulate some stabilization fund.


It’s great . Only 5N vs 300N for one degen for the same job :+1::+1::+1: Dear @rimberjack look at here , we can save Near Foundation budget.

Aslo, All guilds should start using roketo service .


Please, make sure that hiring will be full transparent. I can be part of this process as an observer


There is a slight inaccuracy here. 5H is the simplest work, like repost, if a person also creates content and grows professionally, then the payment may be higher, I expect that within 20-25H will be enough in most cases. (but since there are already a lot of us, even accounts with 0 subscribers have already gained more than 30 live subscribers in a week. My account now adds 10-20 people a day, my sister and ANIMEM are even faster. When we unite in a big conglamirate 500 and more people, we will be able to show real magic))))

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Please open this file for public . Thank You

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Aslo wanna say that @INFINITY instead of put money in a pocket , bought a new laptop for one of his guild member to give him opportunity do more videos about Near ecosystem. :+1::+1::+1: Just wondering who else from guilds managers so care about members ?


Please tell me in what form do you want to see it? (this is important for my understanding)

The fact is that almost always these are friends who invite friends, not through social networks, but just friends from the inner circle. For example, today I sat down with a taxi driver.
Now I rather hold back information and put all actions on pause, because people from all sides already want to earn money)
Links to social networks of all people who will receive payments will be presented in the table. (if their work is related to social networks)

Пожалуйста скажи, в какой форме ты это хочешь видеть? (это важно для моего пониания)

Дело в том, что почти всегда это друзья, которые приглашают друзей, не через социальные сети, а просто друзья из ближайшего окружения. Например буквально сегодня я сел к новому таксисту и спросил, не хотел ли он зарабатывать 50$в месяц просто делая лайк - репост в твиттер, он с радостью соглдасился.
Сейчас я скорее сдерживаю информацию и все действия поставил на паузу, потому, что со всех сторон люди уже хотят зарабатывать)
Ссылки на социальные сети всех людей, кто будет получать выплаты, будут представлены в таблице. (если их работа связана с социальными сетями)

I haven’t bought it yet, but I’m just planning. But these guys really need technology, they do all this video using one phone.
In fact, you need 2 computers, the second is needed for students in Belarus, there are very active young people who study at the Faculty of Marketing and Advertising. There is a whole university of them and I can barely contain the situation so that NEAR does not become a viral hobby at the university. :heart_eyes:



We need to open this opportunity for all people.
Can be kind of form with list of quizzes about near ecosystem on and after that people who successfully passed this step will selected with randomizer. The form will be opened for everyone in our telegram groups .

Don’t get me wrong, but we already have one family/friends guild (Degens).

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