Project Name: CUDO DAO
Project Status: [in progress]
Project Accounting: 915N account balance
DAO cudo.sputnik-dao.near
**Bounty Interpreter (For when needed): 31N
**Script Algo me diz: 24N (waiting for the writer’s request)
**Sound Algo me diz: 19N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)
**Photographers Algo me diz: 24N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)
**Direction Algo me diz: 28N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)
** Direction Retrato Falado August: 28N (the fund will be request soon)
** Direction Retrato Falado September: 32N (the fund will be request soon)
** Studio and food Retrato Falado: 39N (the fund will be request soon)
** Sound Retrato Falado: 26N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)
** Translation Retrato Falado:34 N (waiting post production)
** Production Retrato Falado: 26N (the fund will be request soon)
** CubaShots: 63N (waiting for the daily shoot to request)
** MUTI Sessions: 131N (Funds from July and August that are being used in a session in this next sunday, 9th oct)
** MUTI Sessions: 158 N (September funds that will be used in a session in the end of october).
**Bounty to developpers - Nearflix DAPP: 79N (we’re searching for a developper in our community).
**Contribution NFT Fair: 13N (will be used in the next edition).
DAO: cudo.sputnik-dao.near
Updated Project Timeline:
Postal - Projeto Fotográfico Urbano
- In the month of September our postal project came to an end, giving way to new projects.
- In more than a year many talented photographers have passed through here and all the photos are available on our Mintbase and Instagram.
Vértebra - Projeto Ilustração
- The Vertebra project also came to an end in September, in order to also make way for new projects and for us to make existing projects even bigger and more professional.
- The illustrations of all the artists who have come through are available on our Instagram page and Mintbase.
Algo me diz:
- As we said in the last report, Something Tells Me has evolved into a new format, the pilot project is being recorded and once it is finished we will know if it will be the final version or if some changes need to be made.
- With this two new Near wallets were created: melissagomes.near and henriquegil.near
- Soon we will bring more information about the pilot project.
História de Bagagem:
- This week we published the last episode of the baggage story on our Youtube Channel and Instagram. In all, over the course of 1 year, 25 powerful interviews were filmed, which illustrate well the immigrants’ relationship with Portugal.
- Thanks to this project, more than 20 wallets were created. 5 Translators was joined our community, 8 different nationalities listened to us and more than 10k views were registered on our social media.
- Now, this project was migrated to a documentary and we’re searching for the caracteres that’ll be part of this movie.
Retrato Falado:
- For the sixth season, we invited TV host and digital influencer Monica Fonseca and the president of CUFA MG, Francis Santos. From these interviews, the 5 most impactful scenes from each episode will be turned into NFTs and will be available for sale in our Mintbase. This season will be available soon.
- Two more episodes that make up the fifth season with Samora MC and Wanatta’s interviews are now completed and available on our Youtube Channel and Instagram.
- The recording of the seventh season is underway and we will feature Sá Kuroda and Nathalia Rodrigues.
- From these interviews, the 5 most impactful photos have been turned into NFTs and will be available for sale on our Mintbase.
- A new episode was filmed in September, we will present some of the art and life of the artist Catarina Lopes. It will soon be available on our social networks.
- With this we create a new Near catarinavicente.near wallet
- The episode with PV Dias is already available.
- We are looking for a dedicated person to find a new partnership for this project, giving us more capacity and bringing us closer to self-sustainability.
- The Superama episodes are already available on Muti Collective’s channel, and soon we will release the Bear me Again episodes.
- Next Sunday 09/10 we will film two other artists in Lisbon that will soon be available in our social networks.
- 82 members on TG group
- 1602 followers on Instagram
- 830 followers on Twitter
- 213 followers on YouTube Channel
The word of order is sustainability, so we’re totally focused on finding strategies that help us to find other ways to support our artists and projects. In this direction we published some goals for the second semester and we’re working on projects with more impact.
Adding some funds to pay a person focused on commercial stuff can be a good way to expand and create bridges with our projects to the real world. As a first attempt, we’re putting some funds in a person to do this job on CUBASHOTS.
Inviting experienced audiovisual workers gives our projects more serious and capacity.
Our interviews project has more engagement when we invite interviewers with more reach.
Next steps:
- We are selecting the characters for our documentary.
- Shoot the next mutisessions with 2 big artists to help us to consolidate this project.
- Keep increasing our subscribers on our social media.
- Improve our connections outside the NEAR Ecosystem to create a solid link between the DAO and the outside word.
- Start to work in our DAPP and consolidate our value to the ecosystem.
We hope this gives a clear picture of what we have been working on and what we still intend to do. If you have any questions, please contact us.
Thank you!
Everyone is welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.
- Instagram (@Cudodao)
- TG ( telegrama: Join the group chat )
- Twitter: (@cudo_dao)