[REPORT] JULY monthly report - CUDO DAO

Project Name: CUDO DAO

Project Status: [in progress]

Project Accounting: 694N account balance

DAO cudo.sputnik-dao.near

**Instagram Boosting: 70N (waiting for the best strategy)

**Google ADS: 70N (waiting for the best strategy)

**Bounty Interpreter (For when needed): 53N

**Photographers Postal - (Will payout soon): 93N

**Artist Vertebra Project - (Will payout soon): 93N

**Pre-production Algo me diz (Will be paid soon): 53N

**Retrato Falado Subtitles: 13N (waiting finalization of the post production)

**Retrato Falado Sound: 27N (waiting the technician ask)

**Translations Retrato Falado: 21N (waiting the technician ask)

**Muti Sessions: 159N (waiting the august funds to do 2 months at the same time)

**CubaShots: 27N (waiting for the technician ask)

DAO: cudo.sputnik-dao.near

Updated Project Timeline:
Postal - Projeto Fotográfico Urbano

  • The July the Postal Project has again brought in three new photographers in a free edition. In this month we received photos from Ludimila GuimarĂŁes, Eric Arpeggi and also from our council member Thiago Cunha.
  • The photos have already started to be posted on our social networks and will soon be available on our Mintbase.
  • The photos taken by the members of Inspiring Lanterns who attended the Workshop are now available on our Instagram.

Vértebra - Projeto Ilustração

  • The Vertebra project in the month of July brought three artists to present their paintings, each one presented us with three paintings that will soon be available on our Instagram and in our Mintbase. As we had a dealy to receive the july funds we decide give more time to the artists. That way the arts will be published soon.
  • The artists from July are: Sandra Deseive from Germany, JosĂ© Pedro from Portugal and Lucas Terra from Brazil.
  • The Vertebra’s Instagram page is already being followed by more than 632 followers.
  • We are now also present in Twitter, with more than 301 followers.

Algo me diz:

  • In July Algo me diz is in pre-production for a new format for the project, the idea is to make it more like a television show, so that we can reach more viewers and take the Near brand even further.
  • In a meeting with some members and with the scriptwriter @marinaesia that will help us with the new format. We started working on the development of the project, pointing to four options that we want to take to the community to discuss and give their opinion, they are:

*Off voice: Immigrant and local

*The city seen by a foreign photographer

*The city seen by street artists

*The city seen by an immigrant photographer

  • Next week we will have another meeting to continue discussing these ideals and who knows, add some more, after this meeting we will make a post in the forum to better inform the community and hear everyone’s opinions.

HistĂłria de Bagagem:

  • HistĂłria de Bagagem also has a new format and the activities from the last month were reported here.

Retrato Falado:

  • In July we posted two special episodes of the Retrato Falado that can be seen on our Youtube Channel.
  • We finished editing two more episodes that make up the fourth season and we have the participation of two members of Cudo Films and Cudo Dao that are also now available in our social networks.
  • We are finishing the video edition of the sixth season that will be launched soon.
  • The recording of the seventh season is scheduled for August 16 thanks to the delay on our July funds and we will feature Sá Kuroda and Nathalia Rodrigues.
  • From these interviews the 5 most impactful photos were transformed into NFT and will be available for sale in our Mintbase.


  • In July we posted the fifth episode of Cubashots and also recorded another episode in Lisbon that will soon be available on the Incubadora dao channel and on our respective Instagram pages. This new episode was recorded with Luan Okun, a Brazilian, trans non-binary, racialized artist living in Portugal for almost four years.
  • With this we created a new near wallet: luanokkun.near


  • Our participation in the first NFTropolis was a success, with over 10 nft sold and 13 NFT purchased. In addition, we used the funds to support the desing team to create the poster and visual identity for this project.


  • The word of order is sustainability, so we realized that is a good time to start to think of strategies that help us to find other ways to support our artists and projects. In this direction we published some goals for the second semester.

  • Adding some funds to pay a person focused on commercial stuff can be a good way to expand and create bridges with our projects to the real world.

  • Invite experient audiovisual workers give to our projects more seriously and capacity.

Next steps:

  • Keep shooting the old projects and start to shoot the new one.
  • Consolidate the new projects with other DAO’s.
  • Keep increasing our subscribers on our social media.
  • Improve our connections outside the NEAR Ecosystem to create a solid link between the DAO and the outside word.

We hope this gives a clear picture of what we have been working on and what we still intend to do. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thank you!

Everyone is welcome to join us to talk and see our projects.


So many amazing works. Congratulations!! #GOCUDO :star2: :star2: :purple_heart: :purple_heart:

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