[REPORT] Open Web House Puerto Vallarta México

The Open Web House in Puerto Vallarta Mexico was successful

Hi NEAR family. :v::v:
At the end of September, the DAO Open Web Academy team made a proposal to run the Open Web House, NEAR’s first face-to-face hackathon on the Pacific coast of Mexico, with the goal of adding new builders to the NEAR Protocol. and develop new dApp solutions for the ecosystem.

Today I present to you the formal report of the event held last weekend. :point_down::point_down::point_down:

Event specifications. :spiral_notepad:

Event numbers :bar_chart:

  • 60 people completed the pre-registration
  • 48 RSVPs via Devpost
  • 32 hackathon participants
  • 6 general attendees to the event
  • 4 hackathon organizers
  • 4 hackathon mentors
  • 48 hours of work
  • 31 new NEAR wallets created
  • 6 speakers
  • Attendees from 4 different cities in Mexico
    :round_pushpin:Tepic, Nayarit, México
    :round_pushpin:Guadalajara, Jalisco, México
    :round_pushpin:Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México
    :round_pushpin:Monterrey, Nuevo Léon, México
  • 3 partner universities
    :school: Universidad Autonoma de Nayarit - https://www.uan.edu.mx/
    :school: Centro Universitario de la Costa - http://www.cuc.udg.mx/
    :school: Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas - https://www.uaz.edu.mx/
  • 5 web3 communities collaborating
    :family_man_man_girl_girl: Crypto Bay Club - x.com
    :family_man_woman_girl_girl: CryptoCarnes - https://www.cryptocarnes.com/
    :family_man_man_girl_boy: NEAR Hispano - x.com
    :family_man_woman_girl_girl: La Zona 3 - x.com
    :family_man_man_boy_boy: Web 3 México - CryptoBros Club | Facebook
  • 5 projects developed (See projects section)

Hackathon management, participants and projects

The administrative and technical management of the hackathon was carried out in Devpost. A platform that helps software engineers (devs) participate in hackathon-style software competitions. Here the participants make their creations and tools visible to the Devpost community and the world. In this way, anyone interested in monitoring what was created on November 25 and 26 at the Open Web House Puerto Vallarta can enter the link https://open-web-house.devpost.com/project-gallery and see the details. of all the projects created, as well as the participants of each team and the profiles they have.

Participants metrics

Feedback metrics


Show more on Open Web House Puerto Vallarta: OWH es el Piloto de un Hackathon Presencial de 2 días enfocado a desarrolladores de software de México/LATAM que quieran construir en web 3, desarrollar DApps, Smart Contracts y +. - Devpost

Metapool Special Track :motorway:


Metapool, the most widely used liquid staking solution in the NEAR ecosystem, was present at the Open Web House with the role of track sponsor. In this role, the Metapool team planted the use of their stNEAR coin SDK for some of the projects to be carried out during the hackathon and rewarded who will fully implement a solution based on liquid staking with them.
On this site you can view the details of the Metapool track. Show more of the document

Platzi Scholarships :man_student:


Through a participation agreement with the largest online education platform in Latin America, Platzi (https://platzi.com/), 5 free access scholarships for one year to the Platzi platform were given to the 5 best participants for learn soft and hard skills in a self-managed way, as well as being able to visualize the development course of smart contracts with NEAR at Platzi. Curso de Desarrollo en NEAR Blockchain con Rust - Platzi
The dissemination of the names of the winners of the Platzi scholarships is private for the protection of personal data, but the public affirmations and thanks made by the creditors can be verified in the Telegram group of the event: Telegram: Contact @openwebhouse

Hackathon Winners :trophy::trophy::trophy:

1st place: Team Arget

2nd place: Team PathFix

From Web 1 to Web 3 :newspaper::newspaper_roll:

As part of the dissemination and marketing campaign of the event, the local press of the city of Puerto Vallarta Mexico, made a newspaper note where they tell what is blockchain, what is NEAR and the details to participate in the hackathon.

Multimedia gallery :camera_flash::video_camera:

Show more on Twiiter (x.com) or Telegram group (Telegram: Contact @openwebhouse)

Transparency :dart::white_large_square:

Visualize and follow up on the monetary transactions carried out for the development of the event, such as food expenses, venue rental, payment of instructors and distribution of prizes from the Open Web Academy DAO dashboard. https://app.astrodao.com/dao/open-web-academy.sputnik-dao.near


This event was amazing! As a collaborator and Instructor of this event I can say that all the participants learn a lot about blockchain and web 3, and principally about NEAR and how to build a smart contract, how to build a DApp, I think we can make this bigger than this event with more participants, a bigger space and keep building all the ideas that begins in these days but we can maintain the development of this projects. :nerd_face:


Great experience!

Happy to see how the community of developers, students and builders gather together to build the Web 3 on NEAR. Hope Open Web Academy can keep building great events like this.