Monthly Report - September 2021
What an amazing month of September it has been for NxM!!! From what we proposed at the beginning of the month we have had a number of wins, but also a few loses, which will all be shared below.
NxM Social Media Team
We have again gone through some reshuffling of our Social Media Team. This has come on the back of the funding and restructuring of available payouts moving into October. As of this month and the previous months our budget has been 100 N for each social, but now that has been reduced to $200 based on the % of available funding for Nxm DAO Facilitation.
Proposed changes moving forward:
- @Dedeukwu and @bonepolice leaving the team
- @vandal will be taking over the Twitter management
- A Social Media manager will be added to help us manage the posting schedule and team more effectively. They will also be taking over posting to Instagram & FB. Update coming in the October funding request.
Onboarding & Bounty Initiatives
It’s been a pretty messy September to be honest, but we continue to provide valuable onbaording activities and some really cool bounties for the community to participate in. You can find those in the September reports that are incoming. We still have funds in the nxm-bounties.near wallet that will be used.
Moving forward into October we plan to merge the main bounties program together with a revised onboarding program through the launch of the NxM Onbaording DAO. You can read the introduction post and look out for an October funding request to Creatives DAO.
NxM Resources
@vandal has created two resources for the community, first is for the Social Media Team and the second is for Event Organizers. There will be other guides created as we move into October.
More resources are coming in October.
Community Calendar
@vandal has created a calendar for NxM Community Events & Activities. Have a look at the calendar page here on the gov forum.
Community Calls:
You can find the report for Community Calls hosted by @vandal here
Events & Activities:
- The NxM Mintbase Store has 114 transaction with a total of 146.53 N earned!
- We’ve opened the Open NxM Store to allow members to mint their works freely (we are still working on the process for this)
- The final DAOdrops Edition for September went down on the 25th!
- Strictly Ballein kicked off this month and has been killing it by showcasing the talented DJs in the NxM community!
- NxM Live 5 also went down on the 26th! We also tested our on Events Bounty with some success!
- NxM Anthem 3 is still being finished up, but will be ready for release very soon!
- Round 4 is preparing for their October roll out of NFTs with a successful event!
- Cabeça na Lua received funding for their event series that wrapped up on the 25th.
- We had the most attendance ever in Cryptovoxels at the Emanate 2nd Anniversary party, which featured NxM artists performing!
- Have a listen to the September NxM Playlist on Audius here
- Check out all the activity on the NxM DAO to see how our funding is being allocated!
Thanks for your continued support of NxM!!!