Hola Nomades and Cratives
Here is my AUGUST Council Report
This month was extremely full of challenges, as we received our July funds a little late. Listing my main activities below:
organize Nomade Label’s treasure, into a google sheets that is now available to all nomadics, to visit and check how we are using our funds. Because of the delay on receiving July’s funds, we had to make some transfers in advance, exchanging NEAR to DAI to payout people who needed to be payed.
redact the full report from July and the August proposal, in partnership with the councils and also with other Nomade members
support Nomade members in their reports and proposals
create some collaborative documents, to help in our onboarding process:
how to create proposals and reports para a GERALDA_ escrevendo reports e proposals.pdf
how to manage near wallet (security, exchanges and support) NL_Tutorial_carteira near recomendacoes.pdf
how to navigate in near ecosystem (wallet, astrodao, forum)
all these documents are collaborative and all members are invited to give their inputs, so it’s being such an incredible work toghether -
host the ANTIMETODO DAOS TALK inviting Maria from Mintbase - gathering information about NFT, minting, creating smart contracts, Dapps, Stores, and so on. We decided to make this in portugues, as we noticed the importance of these contents to Brazilian community.
went to Rio de Janeiro, to support Mobidance 4, registering the live performance released on August, 21st, for further edition.
[PROPOSAL] Título: Mobidance 4 - captação sonora e vídeoarte -
be present in Nomade Label’s weekly meeting, sharing information and participating on the collective construction of the DAO.
be present on Creatives DAO weekly meeting on telegram .
supporting our marketing, publishing our events and actions on twitter and instagram, and also reposting other contents from other DAOs.
I also went to perform on Tenda Nomade, at Curitiba - PR, with @alinedaka and @blusw, with great support of @amandalealart . We released an ANTIMETODO about blockchain, and launched our QR Code, that address people to our content (newsletter, nft gifts and opening wallets)
Hope we can keep working seriously and focused on our development as a community, in and off chain!
With love