[REPORT] Metaverse DAO Monthly report for may 2022
Council Members
Project Status Complete
Total requested: 5000USD
Total spend: 4999,50
Total left: 1306.6326 DAI // 50000000000 HAK // 97904 Metacoin // 13.1426 NEAR // 0.7185 Wnear
What we proposed
What we have accomplished in MONTH
Diagramming and event of the magazine n6
Bounties for Metaverse Related Art Classes
Hiring the Community
We make 3 bounties:
- Writers for the magazine
- Storytellers for the campfire
- Teachers for digital art class
With this we have an impact on 12 community members.
Financial movements
Name | job | Project Name | Amount | Paid | Proposal N° | Obs |
BeetleJuice | council work | council work | $500,00 | $500,00 | 356 | 85,5 wnear |
Becopro | council work | council work | $500,00 | $500,00 | 354 | 85,5 wnear |
Klara Kopi | council work | council work | $500,00 | $500,00 | 355 | 85,5 wnear |
Becopro | reporter | reporter | $500,00 | $500,00 | 369 | |
Klara Kopi | interviews | interviews | $500,00 | $500,00 | 368 | |
BeetleJuice | diagramming | magazine diagramming and event | $300,00 | $300,00 | 383 | |
Klara Kopi | proofreader | proofreader | $100,00 | $100,00 | 387 | |
External wallet | pool | metacoin project | $250,00 | $250,00 | 389/388 | |
electrobro | dj | magazine diagramming and event | $50,00 | $50,00 | 373 | |
BeetleJuice | art of event | magazine diagramming and event | $50,00 | $50,00 | 384 | |
thephilosopher | rent parcel | rent parcel for events | $500,00 | $500,00 | 353 | 85,5 wnear |
zydron | class | bounty art class | $100,00 | $100,00 | 382 | |
toddpham | class | bounty art class | $100,00 | $100,00 | 378 | |
claudiapeter | text | magazine writer | $100,00 | $100,00 | 376 | |
mhartenthal | text | magazine writer | $100,00 | $100,00 | 372 | |
mhartenthal | text | magazine writer | $100,00 | $100,00 | 372 | |
mohens | text | magazine writer | $100,00 | $100,00 | 371 | |
purpledot | text | magazine writer | $100,00 | $100,00 | 370 | |
igormoura | story | meta campfire | $200,00 | $28,50 | 364 | part of 200USD |
gabrielfelipejacomel | story | meta campfire | $0,00 | $28,50 | 363 | part of 200USD |
wolfwood | story | meta campfire | $0,00 | $28,50 | 362 | part of 200USD |
purpledot | story | meta campfire | $0,00 | $28,50 | 361 | part of 200USD |
dabbie3229 | story | meta campfire | $0,00 | $28,50 | 360 | part of 200USD |
jami2017 | story | meta campfire | $0,00 | $28,50 | 359 | part of 200USD |
roxytheentertainer | story | meta campfire | $0,00 | $28,50 | 358 | part of 200USD |
metacoin project | $250,00 | $250,00 | on hold | |||
external wallet | buy land | nestercity | $0,00 | $0,00 | 374 | 210USD |
Klara Kopi | party production | magazine diagramming and event | $100,00 | $100,00 | 386 | |
TOTAL | $5.000,00 | $4.999,50 |
3950 DAI Received form NF by klarakopi (KYC)
METACOIN project - feeding pool METACOIN/DAI
250 DAI - 229,9948946793894 METACOIN
Buying land on Nestercity
External wallet ballance:
NEAR: 2.02737 NEAR
LandtoEmpire game GOLD!: 1,000 GOLD
Updated Project Timeline
All happened as expected.
Our highlights are:
- The meta campfire event. It was a huge success, many people participate at the bounty and a lot of people shows up at the event to listen to the stories
- The NEAR Metaverse magazine n6 uas create with a lot of collectivity from members of the ecosystem and this made the content of it be strong.
We already have many good collaborators in our community. We think it’s nicer to give them an opportunity to work with us instead of open bounties ans, maybe, received a not so good work.
Also, we learn that metaproject haven’t delivered a good feedback, so we decide to put money and effort in other projects like meta campfire.
Next Steps
Continue with the magazine (now will be number 7); Go one with the register of events and personalities in the metaverse; continue the meta campfire and the art classes.