[REPORT] IncubadoraPT JUNE-JULY Monthly Report

Project Name: IncubadoraPT

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project Accounting: current account balance 118,70 NEAR*

DAO incubadorapt.sputnikdao.near

Updated Project Timeline:

  • We are on the brink of doing our first VR +New Media Artistic Residence called Poliedro, ( POLIEDRO VR and New Media Residency Program ) which will occupy the next 2 months; in the last trimester we’ll have the first Writers Residency, more on that later. Both of these 2 projects will happen twice a year.

  • For Poliedro Residency we had 3 meetings with some of the council members to organize the calendar and possible candidates to participate. Plus, Samia had 2 separate meetings with Gigoia Studios and with Professor Sérgio Eliseu. Juliana had a meeting with Nico Espinoza and contacted + 5 professional artists to integrate the residency.

  • We have 2 more ongoing projects, the 1st is a NFT video-portraits project with possible migration to a new DAO; the 2nd is a monthly stipend support for visual artists, which we expect to be in place starting September

  • Plus, we have ongoing efforts into onboarding, educational events, etc


mvlfc.near, writer and journalist; verapm.near, illustrator; nearestchico.near, artist; aagostinho.near, writer; sandor.near, writer and translator; herikalcn.near, curator;mcap.near, cultural producer; mndm.near, writer and musician; hevertonharieno.near, videographer and musician; samsoda.near, designer; fgigante.near, curator; belzua.near, artist; loyolax.near, artist; vsg.near, artist; hugolamip.near, artist; naes.near, sound artist


** Some of the projects we designed during the hackthon were transformed because we learned that the onboarding process needs to be connected to a specific activity or bounty; therefore, instead of trying to create an enormous community of Portuguese-speaking artists and writers, we are more focused on creating the best artistic residencies we can: the community will arise naturally from that, and not the other way around.

** After learning a bit more about the monthly support on the Near forum, we have decided to update our roadmap.

** We realized the need to focus first on one of the projects, the Poliedro artist residency, and then move forward in the coming months with the artist residency project for writers, as it was better to concentrate efforts on one residency at a time.

** Doing the workshops was very effective for onboarding new people in our projects.

** The importance of adapting the roadmap itself to improve the development of projects that are being prepared

** We’ve learned that the onboarding process is more effective once it is connected to an upcoming activity, bounty or project. People feel more motivated to understand the whole process

Next Steps:

*** Launching of the Artist Stipend Program

*** Preparation for organizing the residency program for writers

*** Launching of the firsts videos of ‘História de Bagagem’; 7th of august screening for the members of the dao, 14th of August officially posted on the youtube channel.

VR-DAO June-July Report: [APPROVED]- IncubadoraPT- DAO Budget – June 2021 - #7 by frnvpr

NFT-Onboarding June-July Report: [APPROVED] Incubadora PT- DAO Budget – June 2021 - #5 by frnvpr

I hope this gives a clear picture of what we have been up to.

Thank you! :star_struck: :hugs:


Super proud of this team :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: looking forward to the Residency and to launch the next projects. :yum: