Project name: Black Cat Cinema DAO May.
Project Status: [In progress]
Project members:
Balance: 65USD in N.
Projects & highlights
Estufada Artistica
Ongoing project with @tabear @thefalmon @ted.iv Build up to the event date on 2nd July is going well. The venue is booked, we have the poet, musicians, film license confirmed and food vendors ready. Ticket page is in draft, as is event artwork, and we’re taking a trip to the venue in Coimbra next week to take another look at the venue and plan the night out!
The opening of the 2022 has been a runaway success! All four events have gone ahead, and all have sold out days in advance. It’s been a great start to the summer.
Memberships at Arroz: In total 327 new 1 year memberships have been processed (ESTIMATE: Will update when final figures are received from Arroz). Above the projected 77% rate projected in the proposal. This can be expected to decrease over time, as people return for second shows.
NFT tickets: We initially aimed to roll out the NFT ticket platform for 17/05/22, but eventually had the system up and running by 24/07/22, which was our first NFT ticketed event! So far, we’ve hosted two events with the NFT ticket platform available, and sold a total of 20 tickets via NFT on the Mintickt platform through Mintbase! There has needed to be plenty of learning along the way, with on-site practicalities to manage, and guiding new users through wallet creation, purchase, up to ticket burning on the door. But it’s a good start and we’re looking forward to getting the next batch going!
In addition to the door entry, the kind folks at Mintickt have sponsored an incentive for customers to buy NFTs, in the form of free pizza on the first night, and free popcorn on the second! So, thank you to @guille and the team! A big shout out to @marianeu and the folks at Mintbase as well, for their support on-site at the events.
Video documentation for NEAR: Filming has already taken place, so a big thanks to @roadworks for making it happen. The film covers the customer journey, events & NFT ticketing. Static photography of one event is already complete. The second event’s photography was scheduled for 31/05/22, but has been postponed to 14/06/22 due to poor weather conditions on 31/05/22. Delivery of this to NEAR is projected for 3rd week of June.
Logo and brand redesign
The design process is underway, in collaboration with @ted.iv It has taken longer than projected, mainly due to the packed time schedule around the start of season. Due only to scheduling reasons, delivery date has been pushed back to June.
Payment due: (funding process delayed due to DAO updates)
Season opening and first four open-air film exhibitions through May, in collaboration with Arroz Estúdios
Estufada Artistica
Still to be paid out:
Logo and brand redesign
Overall, it’s been a great start to the year. Cannot wait to get stuck into June’s projects!