Proponent : Gustavo Manute
NEAR account for payment: manutegus.near + motolove.near
Project Timeline: April 1 th – April 30 th 2022
Project: This project will be lead by me and @loveletterexe and will hapen trough live videos that will happen weekly on Youtube or twitch.
Objective : The objective of this project is to make live streams to showcase alternative tools for creative processes. From abandonware and old software to advanced experiments running on browser.
The goal of this proposal is:
The idea is to disseminate with the creative community ways to create and produce innovative that are little known or disseminated in repositories such as github. Share knowledge about creation processes.
Justification (benefits) : This project is based on a research I make for many years using different softwares for creating visuals and audio medias. I believe this can bring the community into new and innovative ways of creating art.
Context: Over the years, digital artists, creative programmers and developers have produced many interesting programs and tools. The entire creative sector often uses and incorporates these tools in their creative processes, other times many interesting initiatives that could contribute to collective creation are abandoned or forgotten. We believe that many of these open source creation tools can help the community to develop creative processes related to web3.
$250 for manutegus.near
$250 for motolove.near
TOTAL: 500 USD in near