[PROPOSAL] Metaverse stories - September 2022

[PROPOSAL] Metaverse stories

Create an event to generate stories for/at NEAR Protocol


This project help the main objective of Metaverse DAO that is register at block-chain the history of NEAR Protocol by creating and registering a storytelling for our ecosystem.

This project also help to create the content for the NEAR Metaverse Magazine.

All the results of this project will be minted on Mintbase, so will generate engage in the NEAR and

promote the DAOs of the ecosystem.

This project also generate promotion of the NEAR Protocol, give them a identity, move the NEAR economy and giving back money to the community

The project

This consist in a open-call/bounty to select people to write for the project.

We will select 3 parcels on Cryptovoxel/Near Hub to be the inspiration for the writers stories.

The idea is to create a storytelling about them and crossit with Near protocol.

Each story consist in:

  • True information about the parcel

  • at least 2500 characters (2 pages) in English

  • a mini bio (300 characters) of the writer and a photo to use

  • a NFT minted on Metaverse dao Mintbase store

  • a wearable send to NEAR Alexandria

  • a story to put in the NEAR Metaverse Magazine


We will open a hire/open-call post to find writers for this Metaverse DAO project.

Each writer will be responsible for the text.

We will have a project manager that will select and correct the stories; mint them on mintbase and NEAr Alexandria Library and send the texts for the magazine.


To pay the project manager - 200USD

To pay each writer (3 x 100USD) - 300USD


Week 1:

  • Open a call/bounty to writers

Week 2:

  • select the stories

Week 3:

  • correct the stories

Week 4:

  • min them and send them to the magazine

  • Make the report of the project

Final products/metrics

  • 03 stories

  • 03 mints at Mintbase

  • 03 mints on NEAR Alexandria Library

  • 03 texts send to the magazine

Subtotal: 500USD


this looks great, i sent you a couple DMs on twitter referring to this proposal as well.


hellow @SkazOne can you DM on telegram or on the Metaverse telegram group?


Thank you, @SkazOne. I am super glad u r interested. U already has a wonderful work on voxels lore. I think we can produce something beautiful here.


I know @SkazOne, @markeetox, Tewz, @bitpixi maybe interested on that proposal.

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Will do! Sorry about that, will keep telegram updated

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I can and will take responsibility as manager of this proposal

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Wonderful, my friend. So that is set. U r the manager. Thank you for taking on this responsibility. I am sure you are going to make an awesome job.

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thanks buddy! i appreciate you having that confidence in me, it has upped my game a lot!

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@SkazOne, as soon as u have your project concluded, you can post your report here and ask for your payout proposal. NEAR already sent us the resources.


awesome thanks. going to check in with the writers today.

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I think @markeetox already finished. :smiley:

And let me tell u one thing: if the bounty is closed, we generally add the proposal and substitute “proposal” for “closed” in the title. Just letting u know, to teach u how we generally do things. <3


So I think as manager of this project, my final report goes here (sorry if im mistaken):

2 of the 3 selected metaverse writers were able to complete their tasks as asked, one other participant was had been under-qualified. I don’t think he knew he was underqualified until it was all on his plate, but the instructions seemed simple to me. I’m not sure. His replacement eventually as of today has not gotten back to me.

However we were able to get lore from two great writers and the stories and wearables have all been minted on mintbase. Thanks to markeetox and bitpixi for their stories.


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Nice, friend @SkazOne. Could u present the links from the NFTs produced by @markeetox and @bitpixi with the lore?

Could u also present the link for their payout proposal on astrodao, for their work by minting this piece of the lore? If they still did not request for their payout proposal, it would be cool if u instruct them to do so.

And was the third writer substituted for another one? Will u substitute with your own work? I know you are a very qualified writer.

And I would suggest something cool: that would be to take these pieces of lore to voxelslore.com too, in order to spread near NFTs there too. This is good for voxels and for near, because it broadens the sets of people coming to voxels, given it links to voxels inside, and present to voxels people the growth of NEAR ecosystem.

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This one is from Bitpixi, the NFT:

@SkazOne take a look at this report format, for u to follow the same steps, adding all the information to get everything transparent for the community. <3 thank u, friend.

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oh ok, let me redo that.

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Wonderful, friend. :smiley: Are u going to make it today?

Project Report

Status: Ongoing
Budget: 500 usdc
Used Budget: 300 usdc


Bounty generated by the project:

Project Accounting:

We hired @SkazOne as a manager of this project, and he could get 3 interested people in writing. One of them was not adequate for the job, and 2 remained. From these 2, which are @bitpixi and @markeetox, Bitpixi could produce the lore and mint the NFT on NEAR. As the project has as products 3 mints with 3 lores, this project is ongoing, and have paid 100 usdc for only 1 writer who minted for now, and we paid 200 usd to the manager, as he also worked as a storytoller to help fulfill the project. 2 writers were not paid because they were not found. The resource amount went back to our treasury.

Paid to the community (300 usdc):

@bitpixi https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near-759

@SkazOne https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near-778

Updated Project Timeline:

The project was not completed in the appropriate time and it is ongoing. But the payments only were given when the milestones were completed.

Highlights and Final Products:

We could produce 2 NFTs from a new member of the community, Bitpixi and SkazOne, what could help them to be more active members. We made this bounty to stimulate new community members to be active on near blockchain. We had less success than we had foreseen, but I think we have a new project, with people that are new on NEAR just learning about the ecosystem. We hope next month we get better numbers. At least 3 members from Voxels Community are being active on NEAR: Skazone, Markeetox and Bitpixi, what is a very good thing for us.

More people are minter in our mintbase store

NFT produced:


The project was interesting. We got 2 good writers participating, who are Bitpixi and SkazOne. Bitpixi is community manager and designer from Voxels Metaverse (voxels.com) and SkazOne is presently writing a wonderful lore inside Voxels world. We could learn that for that project to succeed, we need to call people directly to participate, people that are already producing lore on metaverse.


Project Report (Conclusion)

Status: Done

Budget: 500 usdc

Used Budget: 100 usdc (400 usdc kept in the treasure waiting for milestone completion)


[PROPOSAL] Metaverse stories Create an event to generate stories for/at NEAR Protocol Benefit/justification This project help the main objective of Metaverse DAO that is register at block-chain the history of NEAR Protocol by creating and registering a storytelling for our ecosystem. This project also help to create the content for the NEAR Metaverse Magazine. All the results of this project will be minted on Mintbase, so will generate engage in the NEAR and promote the DAOs of the ecosystem. This project also generate promotion of the NEAR Protocol, give them a identity, move the NEAR economy and giving back money to the community.

Bounty generated by the project:

Lore needed, we need three writers to expand the Lore of Metaverse DAO:This project help the main objective of Metaverse DAO that is register at block-chain the history of NEAR Protocol by creating and registering a storytelling for our ecosystem.This project also help to create the content for the NEAR Metaverse Magazine. All the results of this project will be minted on Mintbase, so will generate engage in the NEAR and promote the DAOs of the ecosystem.This project also generate promotion of the NEAR Protocol, give them an identity, move the NEAR economy and give back money to the community.

The project:This consist in a open-call/bounty to select people to write for the project.We will select 3 parcels in the Voxels Metaverse/Near Hub to be the inspiration for the writers stories.The idea is to create a storytelling about them and cross it with Near protocol.

Story requirements are as follows

True information about the parcel

at least 2500 characters (2 pages) in English

a mini bio (300 characters) of the writer and a photo to use

Each writer will be responsible for the text. And each writer is to be paid 100$USD

(We will have a project manager that will select and correct the stories; mint them on mintbase and NEArR Alexandria Library and send the texts for the magazine.)Admittedly, this is the first bounty I’ve authored and offered, so please feel free to comment with any questions. Thank you!

Project Accounting:

We hired @SkazOne as a manager of this project, and he could get 3 interested people in writing. One of them was not adequate for the job, and 2 remained. From these 2, which are @bitpixi and @markeetox, Bitpixi could produce the lore and mint the NFT on NEAR. As the project has as products 3 mints with 3 lores, we were unable to get the full amount minted, and have paid 100 usdc for only 1 writer who minted for now, and has to pay the manager. Skaz One ended up contributing and NFT and lore on NEAR, but is not being paid the writer’s bounties as he is already getting payment as project manager. Markeetox did not follow up on minting his NFT or sending in his lore. Skaz One will be paid 200 of the 300 usdc, since 2 0f the 3 stories/mints were delivered. We will have 200 usdc left over.

Paid to the community: (200 usdc still to be payed to project manager Skaz One)


@bitpixi https://app.astrodao.com/dao/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near-759

Updated Project Timeline:

The project was not completed in the appropriate time, but has now been completed. Payment to project manager has not been completed as of yet.

Highlights and Final Products:

We could produce 2 NFTs from a new member of the community, Bitpixi and Skaz One… We made this bounty to stimulate new community members to be active on near blockchain. We had less success than we had foreseen, but I think we have a new project, with people that are new on NEAR just learning about the ecosystem.

NFTs produced:




The project was interesting. We got 2 good writers participating, who are Bitpixi and Markeetox. Bitpixi is community manager and designer from Voxels Metaverse (voxels.com) and Markeetox has alread a pirate project on ethereum with storytelling and he is adding NEAR Alexandria Library Lore inside his story. This is markeetox’s project: https://www.potos.io/ and his twitter https://twitter.com/potosnft. We could learn that for that project to succeed, we need to call people directly to participate, people that are already producing lore on metaverse. A third qualified writer could not be found, so project manager, Skaz One filled in. 2 NFTs were minted. And the unminted materials from Markeetox can be seen at the links previously mentioned, but was not ultimately submitted or minted as Markeetox couldn’t be contacted. It is my opinion that we need to teach more writers about specific metaverses, so we will have more qualified writers to choose from going forward. This would mean stepping up our onboarding efforts I would think. I waited as long as I could for more writers to step forward. We also need to make sure that our people follow through, but I understand that if someone cannot be contacted, they cannot be forced to do what they said they were going to do. All materials that were turned in are quality materials though and hopefully we can keep progressing with similar bounties.

Project Manager: Skaz One 11/17/2022

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