[Proposal] Culinary DAO’s Collaboration With MarmaJ DAO Bounty
One of our goals as a community is to build healthy collaborations with other DAOs, while working together to build a bigger and stronger Near web3 community. This is why we are starting a project that will enable us to collaborate with a good number of existing DAOs.
We will kick off this initiative with a collaboration with the MarmaJ community.
This project is about creating a replica of the MarmaJ Chan character as either a pastry or a cake.
Here is the description of the MarmaJ Chan character/mascot
To participate:
Read the description of MarmaJ Chan 1
Make a pastry or ice a cake to fit the descriptions above.
Record a short video of yourself doing the above. (This is to ascertain that you made the pastry or iced the cake yourself )
Take a high quality picture of your finished pastry or iced cake and post it here.
6 winners with the most impressive MarmaJ Chan characters (following the official descriptions) will be selected.
The bounty will be concluded with a meeting on MarmaJ Beach on Nearhub where few talks on Near and NFTs will be shared, and the winners of the bounty will be announced will be announced.
MarmaJ community will select 3 entries for 8.19 Near each.Proposal] Culinary DAO’s Collaboration With MarmaJ DAO Bounty
One of our goals as a community is to build a healthy collaborations with other DAOs, while working together to build a bigger and stronger Near web3 community. This is why we are starting a project that will enable us to collaborate with a good number of existing DAOs.
We are starting off this project with a collaboration with the MarmaJ community.
This project is about creating a replica of the MarmaJ Chan character as either a pastry or icing a cake.
Here 1 is the
description of the MarmaJ Chan character/mascot.
To participate:
Read the description of MarmaJ Chan 1
Make a pastry or ice a cake to fit the descriptions above.
Record a short video of yourself doing the above. (This is to ascertain that you made the pastry or iced the cake yourself
Take a good quality picture of your finished pastry or iced cake and post it here.
6 winners with the most impressive MarmaJ Chan characters (following the official descriptions) will be selected.
The bounty will be concluded with a meetup on MarmaJ Beach on Nearhub where Chloe will give talks on Near, NFTs and an AMA session. Winners will be announced.
MarmaJ community will select 3 entries for 8.19 Near each.
Culinary DAO will institute judges who will select the 6 best entries from which three winners will be shortlisted by member polls on AstroDAO.
*Creation of at least 15 NFTs
*Creating of our store on mintbase
*Onboarding of new members
*Increased community engagement
*Metaverse Meetup on MarmaJ Beach on Nearhub.
Creating our store on mintbase: 6.5N
Graphics & Animations $100
Logistics (Internet, etc.) $100
First best 5 entries $100
Overall winners (3 entrie) $220
Total: $650
Participants must have a Near wallet and an account on gov.near.org