**Hours for Sam and Laura
Project members : @lamour & @laurapnz
targets : samhill.near, laurapnz.near
Breakdown of work carried out in December - Arroz Merchandise Store
TOTAL HOURS : 86hDesigns for Arroz merchandise products and research - 18 hours
Staff and interview process - 5 hours
Social media photoshoot campaign - 1 day (9-18:00)
T-shirt photography - half a day (12-18:00)
Online mintbase store uploading/editing/learning/meetings/designing - 20 hours (initially)
Physical store - Painting wall/ Help Mitch with shelf - 1 day (9-20:00) - 11 hours
Design of store sign and make and build - 10 hours
Visits to Sintra/t-shirt suppliers - 1 day (9-19:00)
Hours for Mitch putting up shelf - 5 -6 hours
Work anticipated in December 2021
Continuation of researching a staff member for the store - hours and shop opening times to be confirmed also for the new year. Write requirements for new shop staff and interviews.
More adjustments to be made to the store. One back wall to be painted in a vibrant colour (tbc). Mitch Von Arx (another studio member) to help with the build of a specialised vinyl record shelf. We have a lot of members working in music so it would be good to have an appropriate display for this.
Outdoor standing large shop signs to be designed and made. This is to be used outside the shop on days when open and with day time markets.
Visit to be made to a new t-shirt printer and supplier in Sintra confirmed. Using local and sustainable products. Research to be carried out on finding the right sustainable product with the least environmental impact. Setting up printing dates for new t-shirt designs in January.
Further design work and confirmation of t-shirt designs to be printed with the new supplier. Decision made on a roll top bag as another Arroz merchandise product, research into further sustainable products including hats and socks to incorporate the Arroz Logo. New logo is also to be designed for this.
Social media impact - Luisa, Sam and Laura to carry out a photoshoot on the store and arrange a time for this to carry out more shop exposure for the new year.
Continuation of setting up selling via Arroz Merchandise mintbase store - Along with the above photoshoot for social media of myself and Laura. We will also use this time to photograph images of Arroz Merchandise t-shirts for the online mint base store set up. Then we can start using the store and adding products. Along with the designing of the online storefront and beginning social media presence on this also. Meeting with Vandal to be arranged to guide us through this process if necessary