Proposal for February 2022
TOTAL HOURS : 45 = 51 NEAR (N=13.14)
Sam and Laura to finalize 3-4 designs in February and book a printing time this month. Design time to be taken into account. Currently we have an existing t-shirt budget 300 dollars = 265 Euros. Total cost for a t-shirt x 100 in 4 separate designs is 615 euros = $704.12. We will require an additional 315 euros to cover the cost of printing new Arroz merchandise for the season and in order to invest and gain good profits to reinvest. See Report Arroz merchandise report January 2022 on the NEAR platform.
Carry out an interview on 3rd February to get a staff member in shop and begin working hours potentially week commencing 17th February and begin a trial and building of store promotion. Also create a timetable for shop working hours to suit the February Arroz studios events schedule where appropriate. Also as part of the role of employment for somebody to be part of the Arroz community and help with ideas to continued development in the shop and share ideas with this as growing process.
Once photoshoot edits are received back and edited (we used a traditional film rather than a digital) we can start uploading onto the mint base store and learn further on how to mint the items correctly. So editing and meetings to be carried out to achieve this correctly. Depending on the initial outcome we then need to decide the postage of items for example also
In addition to the above with the photoshoot we can also use the photos to begin our social media launch this month with Luisa. Decided to prepare another shoot for February also of new products and t-shirts. For social media presence and mintbase store items updating.
Vinyl display shelf with extra vinyl into the store a better display is required. Use of recycled/sourced materials. A specialized vinyl record shelf. - 1 day (9-18:00)
Continuation of design for stand alone store sign and source recycled materials work with printers and build.
Along with this a suggestion to trial some neon signs as the store will be open at night time hours.
Draw and decorate all external glass surrounding the shop with use of non permanent pens. This also is to become a regular change of work itself. To be updated and kept new