As we approach the end of June and gear up for July I’m jotting down all the things I’ve been doing for NxM from the point of the Hackathon kickoff on the 15th May 2021.
- Grown the community to 211 members on Telegram
- Onboarding new members
- We created a Twitter account thanks to @Dedeukwu
- Approved 21 payout proposals via the DAO
- Added @zeitwarp & @Grace to the Council and adding @JMaenen
- Organized and ran 3 Community Calls (20th May + 3rd and 17th June)
- Set up Graffiti DAO and lined up launch of GraffBase via CAWA this coming 10th July
- TYGS Beat Meet in full swing with DAO and Social Token
(adding more, I accidentally posted my draft!) I’m deleting this post as I posted another more detailed version of this!