July was a great month for NEARWEEK here are the details:
- Published NEARWEEK Editions 12, 13, 14, 15 & 16 which featured +300 crowdsourced news.
- NEARWEEK got a new layout (please give feedback on the format).
- Held development meetings with several NEAR officials: @juliebissinger , @Grace, @JMaenen, Agatha, @shreyas and @jcatnear. Good meetings and very happy for your time. NEARWEEK will now start working together with NEAR officials in order to scale and develop the the platform further.
- Made Twitter content plan
- Made strategy and initiatives for increasing subscriber #
- Started preparing news link submission and payout via SputnikDAOv2.
- Started transition to Substack.
- P3ter from NEARWEEK participated in OWS AMA.
- Hired an OPEX assistant.
Twitter stats for July: