[CONCLUDED] Gambiarra DAO Funding for March 2022

DAO/Council Members (February, March, April):

*Target: gambiarra-dao.sputnik-dao.near

*Total Requested Funding Amount: 5.000 USD in NEAR
[Approval on ASTRO](https://app.astrodao.com/dao/gambiarra-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/gambiarra-dao.sputnik-dao.near-62 ](https://app.astrodao.com/dao/gambiarra-dao.sputnik-dao.near/proposals/gambiarra-dao.sputnik-dao.near-62)

Our Introduction: [Introduction] Gambiarra DAO

Objective: The main objective of this set of projects is to build Gambiarra, NEAR, and Mintbase presence and visibility on Brazilian NFTworld, by thematic exhibitions, courses, tutorials, experimental art, and marketing materials in Portuguese. Our intention is that the Brazilian visual art community can know Gambiarra and get into NEAR blockchain through our gallery on Mintbase. And for this, we need to build the awareness concerning our gallery, which is the main objective of this first set of projects.

Justification (benefits): The relevance of this set of project is precisely to make a large collective of artists to grow in the internet media and in the look of its peers. This kind of visibility is essential to a blockchain that needs to expand into visual arts and in the Brazilian NFT community, that is pretty large. Beyond being important to NEAR and to Gambiarra artists, these projects are also important to help the development of Mintbase in Brazil, that is an important NFT marketplace on NEAR, given we will produce tutorial videos in Portuguese about it and stimulate minting there. Our set of projects is also important to the community as a whole, because it brings more bounties into the system, thus making the near community to get more in touch with Gambiarra Community and DAO.

Timeline: March 5th - 31th

The NEAR Protocol has seen so much activities and events arise within its ecosystem. This development can only be cognisant of the fact that the NEAR protocol is conveniently expanding and providing solutions for individuals within the web 3 ecosystem, as our NFTs, our wallets and numerous DApps. We at the Gambiarra Guild/DAO have observed these developments for a while and have decided to contribute our quota in love and gratitude for the NEAR Protocol towards helping it expand conveniently in areas where it is seeking more engagement and traction, which is Brazilian Visual Arts on Mintbase NEAR.

In February we had the honor to have the following projects quoted on the report bellow:

We also had over 50 onboardings, which makes us very positive in the community.

Below are the projects that the Gambiarra DAO has outlined to actualize for the month of March:

Antimetodo II 500 USD

Videos for the FEMINU Exhibition 500 USD

recite: fernando pessoa and his heteronyms 500 USD

kids gambiarra exhibition 500 USD

5 Rent cryptovoxels space from the philosopher for 1 month: March 5th - April 4th. Gambiarra DAO Gallery 500 USD

Mintbasesunday 4th edition 500 USD

FEMINU Exhibition for women and trans artists 500 USD

Council work
Each of our council members will receive the amount of 500 USD making a total of 1500 USD.

REPORT Gambiarra DAO Feb 2022

Greetings from Metaverse
Gambiarra DAO
Telegram - Gambiarra Community: Telegram: Join Group Chat
Instagram: Login • Instagram
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GambiarraNear


Approval of this funding proposal on GAMBIARRA DAO ASTRODAO:



Very good team, congrats.


Hey @thephilosopher and Gambiarra DAO, congrats on the 50 people onboard. I was wondering if you have any documentation or report on this? This could be very beneficial to the community


Oh, I think maybe @Ghini could share the links used to open the wallets? Maybe @macieira could share too? It would be wonderful. But we can also see the increase, because we had around 100 members in our store before this month, when @Ghini started to onboard women artists to Feminu exhibition and @macieira started his onboarding too, both sponsored by Mintbase DAO. Now we have 170 minters, as you can see here: gambiarra.mintbase1.near - Mintbase Store

This is the project that brought so many people to Gambiarra this month, @ted.iv, submitted to Mintbase DAO for Ghini, and she will still make the report for it soon (she is now preparing the last things of the exhibition Feminu): [APPROVED] Onboarding women and trans Brazilian artists

Look this comment from Maria telling we had 114 people on gambiarra and that she expected to see 164 people after the project. We have now 170, 6 more than the foreseen because of Macieira project, that intended to onboard 7 people, but onboarded 6 until now. Comment: [APPROVED] Onboarding women and trans Brazilian artists - #14 by marianeu

And this is Macieira project, also to Mintbase DAO, to onboard more people on Gambiarra: [Approved] Resource for Onboarding - Mintbase Sunday - GambiarraDAO - MintbaseDAO He still have to make the formal report, I believe, but it will be in this link.

We did not put it on our report, because it was from Mintbase DAO, but we appreciate your request, because we can document it further in our own report.

Just for the community to know some of our metrics, we have sold more than 410 near in art for now, and we have made more than 3000 blockchain transactions in our store.


Gambiarra Dao is being a school for all areas of art through the incentives of Near protocol and the interaction of this community.
Many artists are being integrated, many artists are rebuilding, many artists are learning from the Daos and many artists are happy.
May we continue this beautiful work that is growing every month.
Congrats to all Gambiarreiros


@filmesdeinfiltracao, I would like to let it clear for you how the process to get the funding for our DAO works. Please, @Dazo, pay attention too, because it is a process full of steps, and all of us will have to do it.

After our proposal receives the approval check here from the moderators, we take the proposal to the Creatives Astrodao. You make a poll there with requesting approval for this funding proposal, with the link, and telling that it already got the technical approval on the forum. After making this poll, we must acquire votes to get our proposal passed on the creatives council. The creative council is composed by DAOs, and the DAOs can vote on the creatives astrodao polls by making custom function calls on their own DAOs, targeting the creatives dao astrodao. As to make a custom functional call is a thing that takes a little bit more time, it is nice to ask the DAOs to vote with a certain time ahead.

Finally, after approval on astrodao, you can proceed to the payout process:

    • Complete a Google Form requesting your personal information, and your acknowledgment and agreement to the new Guilds Terms & Conditions and NEAR’s Privacy Policy ;
  • Following this, you will be emailed with a prompt to complete a ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) identity verification. KYCs are common in the traditional banking sector and with cryptocurrency platforms and exchanges such as Crypto[dot]com and Binance for AML compliance. Our service provider for the KYC - until the decentralized solution SYNAPS or something like it is available - is Onfido and a piece of formal ID and photo will be required. Check which kind of documents are supported by region here.


  1. Denomination of the Proposal’s payout amount continues to be in (USD), and the payout amount in USD and target wallet should be clarified on the Astro DAO poll either in the description or in the new comments feature. The representative will then receive an email to a ‘Reward Agreement’ [template here] confirming the token amount and requesting the representative’s signature.

You will then receive the resources in your personal account, exclusevely to send it to our DAO’s account, which is: metaverse-dao.sputnik-dao.near

Please, @filmesdeinfiltracao, add Gambiarra DAO monthly report for last month at the begining of this funding proposal: [Monthly Report] GAMBIARRA DAO - February 2022


Hey @thephilosopher , thanks for all the feedback above and looking forward to the projects for this month.

Your proposal follows the Creatives DAO Guidelines, so it is approved by the Community Moderators. Please create a poll on the Creatives DAO astrodao [link: Astro ] so that the council can vote. When and if the vote of the council is ‘yes’, approach NF for your payout proposal, following this guidelines: [New Process] Community Payouts


Thank you, @ted.iv <3


Happy for the approval and even happier to be learning more and more with Gambiarra Dao and our community.
Happy to create opportunities for independent artists in a decentralized way


Thank you so much my teacher
I even saved this answer.


Thank you so much for the approval!!! :heart_eyes::woman_juggling:t4::zap::dizzy:

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250 DAI sent to Gambiarra DAO, in order to payback for half the payout I received as a council in March, because I left earlier, in the middle of the month, at March 17th; and from 18th to 31st, I did not work as a council.

Here it is the funding proposal for march, which establishes our payout for council in USD:
[APPROVED] Gambiarra DAO Funding for March 2022 (edit number 5)

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