[APROVEDD] gambiarra dao -kids gambiarra exhibition


Natasha Cremonese

  • Near account for payment: natashacremoneseartista.near
    Carlos Escouto Finger
  • Near account for payment: escouto.near
    NEAR account for payment: realizar.near

Project timeline: 01/03/2022 to 18/03/2022

Title: Kids Gambiarra Exhibition in Support of Esperança School

History: My story with the Nossa Senhora da Esperança High School ( Redirecting... ) began 4 years ago, when I was invited to be a volunteer art teacher (in a program called Escola Aberta), which takes place on weekends.
In the beginning we had few students participating, but as time went by children, adults, seniors, and even more from the community started to join in.
And this project has the objective of uniting the school community.
Well, the Hope School is located on the outskirts of the city of Santa Cruz do Sul / RS, it is a public school. I had the great fortune to also be part of this community, because I am also a resident of the suburbs, I live in the neighborhood next door to the school, Viver Bem.
During all these years we have worked with donations, solidarity, collectivity, and bonding.
Whenever possible, I organize campaigns to collect toys, clothes, books, food, as well as helping with networking, referring family members to jobs, courses, etc.
And this month, in the month that is talked about the fight and the rights of women, I would really like to make a donation to the school, a donation that will be reversed in school supplies, art supplies for the meeting of the mothers’ club.

To hold an exhibition with up to 10 arts made by the children who are daughters and sons, sisters/brothers of Gambiarra artists, and other DAOs who want to apply.

To share with the children the experience of creating a work and transforming it into NFT with the help of their parents and guardians.
To demonstrate that it is possible through our possibilities, to enable other people to experience good things as well.

Create a habit of making social counterparts in our DAO.


Pre-Event part 1: takes place between March 1 and 5, 2022. Producing texts talking about the event and inviting people through Discord groups, Telegram and social networks to go prepare their works, with their kids and sign up. Talking about the limit of participants! So that everyone gets organized.
During this period we will also make the poster for the event, and the registration form.
We will encourage the use of the hashtag: #EscolaEsperancaNear and MintbaseNEARsocial

Pre-Event part 2: takes place between March 6 and March 10, 2022. Disclosure of the registration for the Kids Gambiarra Exhibition in Support of A Escola Esperança, with a brief text talking about the event. Organization of all the links and their works to build the exhibition at 3XR Space and to produce a video. The deadline for receiving the participating works will be February 10, 2022 at midnight. Mint the Work in your profile along with your son/daughter/sister/brother.

Pre-Event part 3: takes place between February 11 and 13, 2022. The poster “Exposição Kids Gambiarra em Apoio A Escola Esperança” with a brief text about the event will be continued. Organization and finalization of all the links and their works and the construction of the exhibition at 3XR Space begins, as well as the finalization of the video production.

OFFICIAL EVENT: it happens between march 15 and 18, 2022. Announcement of the 10 artists enrolled. And link to the exhibition.

Artist sharing the first exhibition experience with their children, and sharing the registered works on the Gambiarra page.

Realization: Your son/daughter likes to draw, paint, your little sister or brother?
How about inviting him/her to participate in an online exhibition that will help a public school?
Invite your son/daughter/brother up to 15 years old to choose an artwork he/she has already done, or produce an artwork about what “COLLECTIVITY” means. Explain that the artwork will be part of an online exhibition, and that the making of this exhibition will help a Peripheral School in Southern Brazil.



You may coin the work in your portfolio, no revenue or royalties required, coin the work at gambiarra’s store.

After the 18th you will receive a report about the exhibition.
And then half of the amount received by the project (250 dollars near 500) will be reverted into reais, and the materials for Escola Esperança will be bought.
We will present the purchase notes, as well as photographs and videos of the delivery of the materials to the school.

It is intended to do more actions in connection with Peripheral Schools, and social actions by Gambiarra.

Besides all the movement generated by this action, the relevance of this project is to go beyond the NEAR network, is to connect the peripheries and collectivize actions.
To teach children that the future of art is linked to the NFT’s, and thus show them possible paths.

It will also be a collective learning opportunity about social actions through Near, NFT’s and cryptocurrencies.

Project: Kids Gambiarra Exhibition in Support of The Hope School

  • this proposal is part of the Programs for the month of March of Gambiarra DAO

A project focused on the production of a collective art exhibition made by children, artists’ families, and that through this exhibition it will be possible to help children and mothers from a public school. The project begins on February 1, 2022 and ends on February 18, 2022 (from the call to the collective minting of the inspired works, and the exhibition), having as its generating theme the Collectivity, or a work of choice.

The art becomes the NFT, and the NFT collaborates with Society.

*Disclosure: To register the project will be organized a list of participants of the event, with name and link to the work.
Will be prepared images of each publication made on the network Mintbase-NEAR for a production of a video that will be published on Youtube channel and COS.TV Gambiarra with a list of all participants with a link to the work of each. In addition, we will have an exhibition with the works in 3XR Space.
An example of how this disclosure will be made is exposed in two projects “Gambiarra By” and “MintBaseSunday” that can be checked here: gambiarranear | Instagram, Facebook | Linktree

*Event Poster: Production of a poster to promote the event on social networks, it will be minted and become an NFT, it will be distributed among the participants and interested collectors.

Budget: USD 500 in NEAR

125 USD - Natasha Cremonese for Tasks
Purchase of Materials and Delivery
Near payment wallet: natashacremoneseartista.near

125 USD - Carlos Escouto Finger for Tasks
Purchase of Materials and Delivery
wallet for Near payment: escouto.near

250 USD - Amount that will be donated, use the wallet
realizar.near to receive the donation amount after the presentation of the Exhibition.
Wallet under the care of Natasha Cremonese.

Payment : USD 500 in NEAR

250 USD will be divided between the two bidders and 250 USD will be donated to ESCOLA ESPERANÇA (which will use the realizar.near wallet, created by Natasha Cremonese)




Brazilian Visionary Artist 2D and 3D, Art Educator, Visual Arts Teacher graduated by (UNINTER).
Post-graduate student in Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and Culture (UNINTER). Workshop, Multiartist, seamstress, artisan, cultural producer.
Art teacher for elementary school at SESC/RS in Santa Cruz do Sul;
Social Media at Octópode Studio @octopodestudio
Social Media at @Met4verseDao (Twitter)
Social Media at @GambiarraDao (Instagram and Facebook)
She has several trainings in education and art, such as Social Educator courses, complementary trainings as Special Education, Transversality Teaching, Digital Painting, Concept Art and 3D modeling at Revolution School.
She worked as an Art Educator/Social Educator in 4 social projects of MDSCS (Mitra Diocesana de Santa Cruz do Sul), Projeto Sol Maior, Cora Coralina, Santo Inácio e Querubins. Serving children, adolescents and elderly in social vulnerability. In addition, she has almost 3 and a half years of experience as an Art teacher at E.E.E.M. Nossa Senhora da Esperança (Santa Cruz do Sul), where she still works today.


Carlos Roberto Escouto

Education: Superior - complete degree Theatre ‘‘UFPel’’.
Cultural Producer and Professor of Theatre


Congratulations @Natashacremonese :pray: :partying_face: Beautiful and emotional proposal, it has my support for sure! :heart:


Thank you soo much my Friend!!


Congrats. Practically a volunteer job, I want to be part of the next ones. I loved everything.


Thank youu soo much @ViniciusGCP94


How beautiful this project is.
I love these initiatives to support the peripheries, the children, and the less fortunate.
I am excited to see this project after it is finished so that I can see the artwork of these children and also see the photos and videos of this record.
It will be a great experience.


Thank you soo much !!!


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Hi there! Wondering if you meant to write March instead of February as the other pre events are all in March?

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Error of escrible. Thank you !!÷

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Expokids @gambiarra

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Project Report


Project Status: Finished

Project accounting:

Hold an exhibition with up to 10 works (maximum), made by children / sons / daughters / brothers and sisters of artists who are already part of Near.

To bring within DAO the habit of creating social counterparts to needy people and entities outside the network.

To bring the innovation of the arts in NFT to the children who are learning with their caregivers.

**Budget: USD 500 in NEAR

125 USD - NATASHA CREMONESE natashacremoneseartista.near

125 USD - CARLOS ESCOUTO escouto.near

250 USD – realizar.near ( Wallet that was created by Natasha Cremonese to deposit amounts destined to social projects that she has taken initiative in.)

Timeline of the project updated:

pre-event part 1 :Campaigning was done in the Gambiarra, Metaverse, Gambiarra DAO, and other groups. We also started to produce the text and visual production of the poster for the event.

Pre-Event part 2:From day 6 to day 10 we publicized the opening of the registrations in groups and social networks, along with the poster that was produced. We also used the hashtags #ExpokidsGambiarra #NearKids

Pre-event part 3 From the 11th to the 13th we did a last call reinforcement for registrations.

And the poster was shared again, with a call for registration extension.

From the 14th to the 15th we had problems with publishing in the 3xR gallery, trying more than 5 times.

Then we asked Dao to give up space nothing Gambiarra Dao Gallery, inside Parcel in Cryptovoxels from Metaverse Dao. And with the help of @Isa_Danoninho who voluntarily put together the exhibition which has a signature book

Official-Event: The official event started on the 16th through the support of Gambiarra Dao, Metaverse Dao and especially Isa who helped set up the exhibition.

We counted with 6 children’s works. The maximum would have been 10.

Thank you @becopro for creation video !

We believe it is an incentive project.
After the money is released, we will be able to buy school and mothers’ club supplies. We will do the rendering of the service, printing the invoices, and taking pictures of the delivery of the materials, as well as short videos if necessary.

link exibition: https://www.cryptovoxels.com/play?coords=N@1780E,1179N

Highlights and reviews:

For a first showing 6 works were well received, we thought there would be no more than 3 participants. And so we put up a maximum of 10.

We had 6! We were happy. We also had a spontaneous donation in NEAR from @blusw of NomadeLabel


During the process some lessons were learned. One of them was the working process of project submission, approval and execution of the gov.near platform that until then was unknown to one of the executors. Another learning was to observe through the instagram @gambiarranear the sharing of the artistic works that gambiarra shares in the profile and storyes making possible an artistic fruition of learning and expanding the network of known artists who work in the near platform. The project, when shared on Gambiarra’s instagram, also provided a knowledge of near among the visitors of the profile and story viewers expanding the reach of near. Finally, the process enabled one of the members to get to know the cryptovoxels metaverse gallery. Gallery where the exhibition Gambiarra Kids is exhibited and that broadened his knowledge of the means by which artistic works can be divided and how they work. From a gallery like cryptovoxels

it is possible to think of other exhibitions and artistic processes to share on this platform.

Next Steps:

There were two “insights” that could be built from this exhibition as a project. Thinking about the continuity of this project, it could be done in a presential way at Nossa Senhora da Esperança school, in the format of drawing and painting workshops and finalizing with thematic drawings. After that, the works would be digitalized and exhibited in a gallery, such as cryptovoxels. Another idea was to print the works from expokids gambiarra near and take them somewhere, for example a school, and hold a workshop telling about how the near works work and how the process of this project was done, where in the end they would also produce thematic artworks that would be exhibited in some virtual gallery. Certain that the process will still give rise to other ideas, we will dialogue with the ideas that emerge and propose some other project based on this project executed Expokids gambiarra near.


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@Natashacremonese Keep documenting all this with pictures and insert it here on the forum as part of the report. I am excited to see the results of the delivery of the school supplies.


Yess!! Thank you soo much!! Bem lembrado ehehhe

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You can already request the first payment of 250 USD to contribute to the school and after the final report with the delivery of the materials we will approve the second part of the payment.
Give a hug to everyone at the school on name of our community Gambiarra Dao and Near Protocol

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Perfect Dazo!! Thank you soo much !!

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Fortunately we completed our project successfully, the $250 in Near, added to 3 more Nears donated by @blusw , 1,023 Near from a work I sold.
This made a total of 28,08 Nears =

$313.88, which were converted into Brazilian Reais. Totaling 1575.87 , paying 2.60 conversion, at binance.

With this amount, I bought more than 12 kg of condensed milk, more than 5 kgs of chocolate and chocolate milk, many forms, packaging, margarine, grated coconut, granulated chocolate, peanuts, which are materials that the mothers of the school’s Mothers’ Club will prepare easter eggs and sweets, to sell and have some extra income, in view of the importance of financial independence of the Brazilian peripheral women.

In addition, more than 20 pots of paint, boxes of crayons, chalk and many paintbrushes were bought for the students of Nossa Senhora da Esperança School.

We are immensely happy to be able to contribute to this school.

Thank you Near.

This project was made by me, Natasha Cremonese and Carlos Roberto Escouto.

Photos and accountability


Photos of the delivery of materials to the school