Hi, lovely community!
As some of you may know, we at INA DAO are now having regular gallery shows, where DJs and musicians are truly welcome to share their music in our monthly gallery show openings.
On June 30th, we’re having a collective exhibit for the art project “The Condition of a Woman’s Body” , a reflection on the woman’s body. The event will take place in our Voxels art gallery as well as our Near Hub Gallery.
To make this moment even more special, we’re looking forward to include a music set that can help us keep the spirits high during the event. If it sounds like you, please reply in comments with your social media profiles so that we can see your work. We’ll prioritize artists that identify themselves as female and/or include the feminine in their work, in accordance with INA’s values and identity .
If you’re selected, we’ll ask you for a pre-recorded set with good-quality sound, so that we can stream it in the show. It should include audio and video, with a duration of about 40 minutes.
As per the reward, it will be 150 USD converted into DAI (stable coin).
Please note, the deadline for submissions will be June 24th.
Please feel free to drop a message in our Telegram in case you have any queries. You can also find us on our Instagram and on Twitter.
Looking forward to your submissions.


today i’m glad to present and submit here my sister from Belarus,
the woman who’s body conditions are Voice and Music
love her art and feel exited to share it here
Hi I’m Masia One Hiphop & Reggae Artist,
I also am a selecta (but an artist first and foremost.) Your post attracted me because my next release “THICCIE” is addressing Body Positivity and celebrating curves. I’d love to create a set around this song, and perhaps be able to perform this song live for the launch!
THICCIE is a part of a series of songs I released under the umbrella of #EmpressTribe which celebrates feminine energy and females. I have included links to the music below.
THICCIE: https://emanate.live/masiaone/thiccie
Vulva Vocabulary: https://emanate.live/masiaone/vulvavocabulary
(Released as an NFT to break taboos around the vulva here in SE Asia, and raise money for period poverty projects in Malaysia. The NFT also comes with a hand sewn batik washable cloth pad.)
Go Girl Go Get It: https://emanate.live/masiaone/go-girl-go-get-it
Not All That Glitters ft. Toke: https://emanate.live/masiaone/not-all-that-glitters
(Speaking out against sexual violence and minted as an NFT to raise money to create a PDF for music industry that informs about consent culture.) A remix feat. 15 female collaborators will be released Nov 25. International Day for the Elimination of Gender Based Violence.
Femme Forward Playlist: My selections as a DJ will be a mix between world music, hiphop and reggae. Usually uptempo with a focus on female vocalists.
I should note that I will be performing Borneo Jazz Fest June 24-27 and on the road, so if chosen likely would not be able to get you the footage until June 28. Thank you so much for having this engagement! I’ll be attending regardless <3
Hi! I’m Lorena, a Venezuelan musician and photographer. My pronouns are she/her. I’ve been making music since 2003, exploring different styles across the years and now making electro-pop. I work in the musical field as “Hilandera” but in NFTs I’m known as vocesferales (@vocesferales)
I invented the concept of “Anti-escapist Poptimism”, which is about doing pop music that points out important subject matters about life, human interactions, and mainly staying in a country that had a huge emigration wave. My music goes from the personal to the universal, speaking of matters that most women go trough when relating to society and others, and the power inside us to subverse adversities.
You can listen to my music on Bandcamp (all in Spanish) where there are different works from electronic music from more experimental songs and even acoustic songs.
I have experience with DJing in the metaverse and working as a selector. My spectrum for music is wide and I can get a party going!.
You can check out my CV to know more about my work experience in music, photography and NFTs.
Hi everyone! You were all great!
This time we’re picking @masiaone !
Please get in touch to set the details for the event 
Thank you for you participation and keep your eyes peeled for the next bounty on the next month!!
I’m so excited and will put my best efforts to represent the amazing female voices that I’ve seen submit here! Please do let me know how to proceed so I can plan to make the time and put together what’s needed. So excited to support this project.
I am in the INADAO telegram for any direct contact.
Also I noticed that the event is June 30 which is tomorrow? I don’t think I’ll be able to get you a recorded set and performance together in a 1 day notice. Please contact me so I understand the expectations and deadlines. Thank you!
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Hi @masiaone ! We loved your set! You’re so lit!!
Thank you!
Your work is approved and you can request your payout of 150 DAI on our Astro page:
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Sorry for the delay! I’ve been on the road and in and out of wifi. I just sent in the proposal thank you so much. I really support the messages and important initiatives offered by INAdao projects and hope we can working again in the future with more time to prepare something meaningful.
Thank You!
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