[Bounty/Discontinued] Mainnet NFT Store Deployment - 8 NEAR

Earn 8 NEAR for deploying a NFT minting contract to the NEAR blockchain

This bounty is to support creatives with the funds needed to open up their first Mintbase.io store and mint some NFTs.

Store creation is 7 NEAR + 1 NEAR for minting NFTs and doing transactions = 8N Bounty

If you would like to recieve 8 NEAR to open up a NFT minting contract on Mintbase, please reply to this topic and add:

  • your NEAR account
  • link to social media (twitter, instagram etc - so we can promote and get in touch)
  • description of what is planned to be minted (so we can have an idea of use cases being explored)


NEAR Account: marmaj.near

Social Account: https://twitter.com/itsmarmaj

What we want to mint:

We would like to mint NFT memberships for our community on Mintbase and set the split royalties to our DAO so that on every resale, our DAO/Community gets funded. We would also like to digitally recreate physical art made by artists who’s stories we feel deserve to be highlighted and told. We wish to use the Mintbase marketplace to showcase these NFTs because it’s global and decentralized, which stays true to the values of our community.

Then take the link to your reply to this topic and submit a payout proposal for 8 NEAR to the Createbase SputnikDAO

The “target” should be the address you would like to recieve the bounty of 8 NEAR.

Thank you for expirimenting with us :revolving_hearts:, we are excited to see what you build!


twitter: https://twitter.com/TrnQuAn19
What we want to mint:
Actually, I have some artworks that I need to sell. In the past, I used to sell them in-person in the real world. However, I , now, know about NFT and its application, so I want to do something related to it. Therefore, I want to create a NFT store to buy my artwork. I think it not only helps me to sell my work, but also it make the NFT application more popular and make the NFT community stronger.


NEAR Account: qsvprogram.near
Twitter: https://twitter.com/qsvprogram
What we want to mint:
I want to mint NFT of my photo and sell in Mintbase store







What we want to mint:
i have an NFT photo created by myself. I
hope to be able to experience and sell my products on Mintbase store


NEAR Account:xmanly.near

Social Account: x.com

What we want to mint:

We would like to mint NFT memberships for our community on Mintbase and set the split royalties to our DAO so that on every resale, our DAO/Community gets funded. We would also like to digitally recreate physical art made by artists who’s stories we feel deserve to be highlighted and told. We wish to use the Mintbase marketplace to showcase these NFTs because it’s global and decentralized, which stays true to the values of our community.

It seems like you copied my example and didn’t use the correct link in the SputnikDAO. Please write YOUR OWN description of what you would like to mint and do not copy someone else’s :blush:. Also, when submitting to the SputnikDAO, use the forum link of your reply, like this: [Bounty] Mainnet NFT Store Deployment - 8 NEAR - #6 by kudentv

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NEAR Account: xmanly.near

Social Account: https://twitter.com/NguynTh54093080

I want to get help from the project to be able to open a booth on mintbase to experience NFT’s products, looking forward to your help

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ok, thanks you so much, please check again help me

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NEAR Account: trendheo.near

Social Account: https://twitter.com/tuanhungxd87

What we want to mint:

I’m TrendHeo, an artist and creator of TrendHeoArt Studio! I live in Hanoi Vietnam, where I and my colleagues are working together to make great works. I am working full time as an artist and love every minute!
I am attracted to watercolor for the versatility it allows to be able to select and draw anywhere. I love working with the flow of water. I find freedom and calm in painting.
:art: Thanks for checking out my shop! :art:
I love taking beautiful things I see and putting them into watercolor form. I am always painting new things, so please do not hesitate to message me if you want to see if a certain animal painting is available or soon will be.
thank you show much!!!


NEAR Account: 94376f571f9a9213b424b13ea50ca64d7351af74995de1ff2904840bd1230a8b

Social Account: https://twitter.com/OysterUranus

Oyster Uranus would like to set up a NFT store :heart::heart:


NEAR Account: tyler_par.near

Social Account: https://twitter.com/tyler_par

What we want to mint:

I’ve been making podcast for a short while, also blog posts. NFT-ing them, especially on NEAR blockchain, will be an interesting approach to market, share and sell it to everyone.

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你好,眸子君. 感谢注册NEAR论坛,并且使用DAO申请资金!

NEAR中文用户增多,为了便于管理,本赏金池特设立了对应的中文帖,请将您的中文申请提交至: 申请8NEAR 奖金,用于初次在 Mintbase.io 主网上部署NFT店铺


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Near Account : canhdo.near
Social Account : https://twitter.com/phuongtang15
i have some nft products and i want to sell them to everyone i see it can sell on mintbase store

NEAR Account: nguyentien65.near

Social Account: https://twitter.com/im_tien65

I want to mint: some of my NFT products want to be sold. I think it is possible to sell it on the Mintbase store. I really want to experience <3

NEAR Account: mina0605.near

Social Account: Lộc Đỗ (@Lclocdoo) / Twitter

What we want to mint:

I have some products and want to share with everyone, help people understand more about my products.

NEAR Account: canhduc.near
Social Account: https://twitter.com/gamo981
i am a gamer, i have some nft game items now and i want to sell them on mintbase store

I had to make a new wallet because the other one was not working with the Sputnik Fund

This is the correct address


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NEAR Account: thinnguyenvn.near

Social Account: https://twitter.com/thinnguyenvn

What we want to mint:

I want to participate in buying, selling and exchanging NFTs at Mintbase. It has an intuitive user interface and my buying and selling will become more enjoyable with it.

NEAR Account: mcnimre.near

Social Account: https://twitter.com/toniminh_12

What we want to mint: I want to mint some artwork by myself