Social Media and Marketing activities of GoaDAO. July 2022
Project name: NEAR GoaDAO
Funding scheme: monthly
Initiative Summary and Context:
This month we start working with renewed Council members Team : Magic Mash Promo Agency – real [and now also starting to be metaverse] agency of full-cycle, that collaborate with big number of artists and venues all over Goa for many years and that has been onboarded on NEAR by GoaDAO in a way of partnership to bring bigger social impact to GoaDAO activities
New Members:
@GoanPsyWaves – onboarded in February 2022, since march is creating amazing work of high-qualified sound-producer (designer, recorder, engineer, editor) with GoaDAO participating in every Metaverse stream and audioNFT production.
@MetaArtCluster – ideological curator, artist, organizer of events.
Goals and Purposes
of Magic Mash Promo Agency within NEAR GoaDAO :
To spread awareness about NEAR blockchain among goa-artists and venues - thus to increase naturally activity in social media channels of GoaDAO
To train NEAR wallets creation directly during the event that we’re going to organize
-to perform promo-actions that educate about the advantages and opportunities of NEAR wallet for users.
-direct advertising and answering questions,
-distributing brochures/booklets,
-registering wallets with explanations of its potential and usability,
-to prepare (to educate) 4 NEAR Promo-girls to invite them to work on every such event -
To invite and onboard all kinds of artists through our regular meetups where we’re creating NFTs on NEAR marketplaces with them.
To develop and grow NEAR community in Goa
-by creating long-term marketing strategy for our NFT-collections.
-to create GoaDAO membership NFT-collection with clear utility (concerns conditions of entering our events)
-with a cumulative system of bonuses received from previous activities
-through NFT-drops to wallets for those who attends party,
-owners of certain NFTs have discounts or free enter to the next our events,
-through airdrop of minted photos from the event as NFT to new wallets to engage more people using NEAR Protocol.
main target: artists, then - venues.
ROADMAP for the nearest 6 months
(and mostly the scheme for further development)
STEP #1. (July) Organizing Music Kaleidoscope event #1 in Goa, where
- we tell artists and guests about GoaDAO and Meta Art Cluster® that starts working on it;
- onboarding them to NEAR Ecosystem by creating wallets and offering to mint their records as NFT.
- recording artist’s performances, editing each one by one and giving to artists their unique art-material to study on it how to mint NFT
- performing metaverse stream of the whole event to show artists its possibilities and advantages.
- producing Manifest by Councils where all the roles and rules are described exactly
STEP #2. Next meetup - workshop NFT-lab where we study musicians how to mint their records on Mintbase.
The musicians themselves, Magic Mash and goadao store on mintbase can use links on NFTs for customers, attracting traffic to the Marketplace. Study NFT-promotion features with artists on the example of their NFTs.
Developing GoaDAO membership NFT-collection, that include 3 artworks as members-cards of 3 different types: guest-NFTcard; artist-NFTcard and advisor-NFTcard. probably some details gere will be changed.
Metrics of value and success: the number of artists and NFTs that they create, number of goadao members.
STEP #3. Organizing meetup-spaces: real and virtual (creating/building metaverse spaces) - where our team can meet with artists and help them with NFT-minting and the way their creative project could be presented on NEAR
Metrics of value and success:
-the number of artists who minted NFT, and coming to meetups
-the number of NFTs minted
-social media metrics and metaverse stats
STEP #4. Buying back these first NFT-collection to GoaDAO NFT-treasury on Astro - to support onboarded artists and to show them on the experience, how royalties work. to produce more trust to NEAR and our DAO. to use these NFTs for next GoaDAO membership NFT-collection.
Full developing of GoaDAO Metaverse space.
Royalties and revenues split between creators/artists and goadao/magic mash.
Metrics of value and success: the Number of NFTs purchased
STEP #5. Making permanent exhibitions of these entries by themes in the metaverse space Meta Art Cluster® of GoaDAO
Metrics of value and success:
-social media impact and engagements
-number of Metaverse gallery visitors
STEP #6. Organizing the next music or dance jam according to Meta Art Cluster® structure (Kaleidoscope event #2) with the same functions as on the previous step#1.
and then again to Step#2 and so on, covering different art directions every time.
These steps are creating organic natural growth of trust level and solid reputation from creative people and venues-managers of Goa towards Magic Mash / NEAR GoaDAO that will develop during the nearest months - monsoon (rainy) season lasting to the end of September-mid October.
Our plan is to become very well-prepared for the coming “touristic season”(October - April) so we’ll be able to onboard many more Indians and foreigners and produce much bigger gigs.
Management of the project among Councils
as Magic Mash Promo Agency on NEAR GoaDAO
(approximate role assignment)
** Art manager - Contacts with musicians, sound engineer, organization of technical rider @GoanPsyWaves
** Advertising manager - Location nom & Adv - site search, coordination with venue owners, location issues, advertising organization, printing and distribution supervision, reporting with photo and video content @MetaArtCluster
** Content curator - the concept and development of basic ideas and slogans for the project for the social networks and advertising booklet, studying Near Promo girls, connection to NEAR ecosystem @ johanga
[but mixed and shared all the tasks between everyone in partnership trusted way]
Marketing and communication tasks /
Funding details for the Step #1 during month of July
I. Social media
all the social channels links are collected on Linktree
- Instagram , Youtube maintaining and content creation by @Crazy_MoT - 400 usd
Every day we post at least 1 post/reels to our profile.
Right now there is a work on translation of 3 educational videos of IncubadoraDAO that will be published on our Youtube and IG channels and shared with ru-communities.
All the videos are uploaded to YouTube and then published to our Discord Channel.
*The synopsis of regular Media-plan for Instagram channel of GoaDAO in July:
1)Translation into russian of educational video to YouTube - 1/ per week (telegram and discord can be duplicated. In Instagram - out of format).
video 1 - done
video 2 - done
references of sources for materials to translate: 1) IncubadoraDAO’ tutorials; 2) LearnNearClub guides
2) For educational content on Instagram we need to shoot videos differently, like it was done about p2p and games. - 1 time per week
3) Bounty review - once a week (by categories like #digital_art ; #voxel_art ; #music etc)
4) Contest with memes and giveaways with games-communities - once a week
5) Info-cards about Artists - once a week - presenting GoaDAO artists
6) Announcements and updates of the life of GoaDAO - once a week
7) Reposts from other DAOs - 1 repost per story per day.
- IG paid promotion - 50 usd
- translation of educational content - 150 usd
- Telegram, Twitter, Discord, linktree maintaining - 400 usd
*Goals for Twitter: Grow social media engagement, producing content with links that will lead to the NEAR ecosystem.
Creating 2-5 posts and retweets per week in order to increase our visibility to art and technology and attract new audiences to our activities.
*Purposes for TG: Moderating the channel and chat, connecting with artists and partners, helping community members and newcomers with their questions about the NEAR ecosystem, sharing the projects, bounties and events of NEAR Ecosystem and GoaDAO
- design promo for events (kaleidoscope) and social media posters - 200 usd
total: 1200 usd
II. Printing promo:
- creating printing promo booklet/brochure - collecting text/info about NEAR blockchain, design, print, spreading to all the cultural/ events and places of north Goa (from Arambol to Anjuna).
Its look: from outside it’s a cover of poster about the event (this part will be changed to every event); inside there’s a guide on how to mint NFT and what is NEAR Protocol. (probably in collaboration with NEARxPublish)
This brochure could be using on further events with little corrections
300pc to print - Posters for Music Kaleidoscope - print 20pcs
- stickers - 1000 ps printing
- distribution of printing promo - 50 usd
total: 150 usd
III. Event: Organizing Music Kaleidoscope promo-event #1 in Goa, where
- we tell artists and guests about GoaDAO and Meta Art Cluster® that starts work on it;
- onboarding them to NEAR Ecosystem by creating wallets and offering to mint their records as NFT.
- recording artist’s performances, editing each one by one and giving to artists their unique art-material to study on it how to mint NFT
- performing metaverse stream of the whole event to show artists its possibilities and advantages
- enter is free with NEAR wallet and performing POAP NFT-drop of NFT-ticket on the enter
Organization details:
-Location to confirm (expected amount of guests - 70-100people)
-Equipment arrangement
-Musicians fees agreements
-Visual artists - fire-show, LED, Butoh booking
-Advertising - social networking, design, photo and video reporter, content creation
-Education of 4 “NEAR promo girls” how to open NEAR wallets and drop/send NFT to it (unlisted)
-Reporting videos and photos from the photographer to join with soundrecordings - to edit short video/or audio+photo material of each DJ and artist - to mint it as NFTs
-Metaverse Stream set up
Artists line-up:
- DJs Line UP
-ALINA MATINI 08:00-09:00 pm
-LO.MY 09:00-10:30 pm
-YOURCO 10:30-12:00 pm
-FUMI 12:00-01:30 pm
-LUK 01:30-02:30 pm - dance group BHUTO
- Fire + LED
- Sound engineer
- 4 NEAR Promo Girls and 1 brochure distributor
To each one Artist NEARwallet will be opened, for everyone NFTdrop with members-card will be transferred - minimum 15 people of artists
All of them will make at least 1 repost of the event announcement with all the logos in social media
NEAR Protocol Promotional activities :
Spreading awareness and educational information about NEAR blockchain and its platforms by:
– placing logos and slogans on advertising products in Internet, social media
– placing NEAR banners in the venue for the event
– creating printing promotional products: brochures/booklets, stickers, posters
– giving away printing promo brochures and stickers 2 weeks before and during the event
– direct advertising and answering questions, registering wallets and explaining the potential of using it, inviting to the next meetups
Funding details:
IV. Intensives for wallets + for gas to mint NFTs for new artists before and during events - 100 usd
=30N when 1N-3.33usd; 0.1N=0.33$; 0.4N=1.33$
30 N is enough for 75 wallets with a number of transactions for claiming and transferring NFTs;
V. Councils work (30%) 1500 usd
– developing common evolution path/roadmap of GoaDAO for short and longterm period
– create proposals and reports, approving on forum
– keeping informed about projects and events of other DAOs on NEAR, visiting metaverse events of different DAOs, to all the time expand knowledge about NEAR ecosystem updates and to create new ways of collaborations
curating activities:
– social media
– printing promo
– creating and activating wallets
– performing connections with artists, media, NEAR ecosystem
– education about blockchain, web3, NEAR Protocol and its dApps, creating and sharing guides, as well as any info about new opportunities on NEAR, giveaways on social media, bounties on forum etc, supporting in all possible ways of every onboarded member/artist to start be presented on NEAR and to study how to swap their art incrypto
Metrics :
- number of opened NEAR wallets - minimum 50 per month
- number of distributed booklets - minimum 300 per first month
- number of recordings for NFTs - so the number of minted NFTs after the event - 7 at least
- number of NFT-drops = number of visitors of the event who have near wallet
- number of metaverse stream visitors
- activity in social media - increasing number of followers, comments and other activity; number of reposts of announcement - as a mirror of feedbacks
Total requested amount : 5000 usd (to be paid in Stablecoin please)
NEAR Wallet ID/ DAO: goa-dao.sputnik-dao.near
Wallet owner’s name: GoaDAO
KYC: johanga
Previously funded proposals in the Creatives DAO and Marketing DAO categories:
** Marketing DAO - April
** Marketing DAO - May-June
** Creatives DAO - May