Hey there,
this is @Chluff and @lennczar from near-multicall. A tool created during the MetaBUIDL Hackerthon, that enables DAOs to bundle multiple contract calls into one for more powerful proposals.
[DONE] Merge sequential and parallel
Optimized for gas by merging the two main functions, also added automatic transaction bundeling.
[IN PROGRESS] attach fungible tokens
Started working on the ability to attach FTs to contract calls.
UI updates:
[DROPPED] Sputnik DAO UI fork
During the first week, we tried to fork the Sputnikv2 DAO UI to accommodate for more gas hungry proposals. Unfortunately we ran into a number of unrelated issues. Since this was thought to only be a temporary solution anyways we created an issue on the Sputnikv2 DAO Github and dropped the ticket.
[IN PROGRESS] Multicall UI
Started working on the near-multicall user interface.
Total time spent: 40h (10h per person per week)
Since we agreed on an hourly rate of $25, we would like to request a total payment of $1000 in $MARMAJ.
Payout target: usually multicall.near although this week we would like to do something a little more special. Since we just finished the “attach fungible token” ticket (part of CW 43) we want to make the proposal using multicall contract itself. We’d like our proposal to pay for storage and transfer half the total amount to each of these accounts: chluff.near & lennczar.near
[DONE] attach fungible tokens
Yay, no we can attach FTs to multicall function calls! We used this to receive our last payout. An advantage is if a DAO wants to do something with their FTs, they don’t have to transfer their funds to the multicall contract ahead of time.
[IN PROGRESS] Safe CronCat integration
We are adding the abilty to schedule multicalls for later or recurring executions that will be triggered by CronCat.
UI updates:
[IN PROGRESS] Multicall UI
You can now add premade contract calls to the “recipe” (structure of called schedules). We also added the functionality to edit any of their parameters.
Total time spent: 40h (10h per person per week)
Just like last time, we would like to request a total payment of $1000 in $MARMAJ.
[IN PROGRESS] Safe CronCat integration
Users can create “cron jobs” on the multicall contract. These are multicall proposals that don’t trigger immediately, instead they have scheduled, recurring executions. Upon a job’s activation by the DAO, a task is scheduled on croncat.
On the coming weeks we’ll work on improving job management, like editing and deletion.
We added the ability to output JSON that near-multicall can execute.
To impove UX, we decided to create a multicall UI v2, it is drag and drop based and hopefully more intuitive to work with. The basic structure has already been implemented. A menu was put together to replace the popups.
Total time spent: 40h (10h per person per week)
Like the other times, we’d like to request a total payment of $1000 in $MARMAJ.
[DONE] switch to base64 args
Multicall arguments were encoded as JSON strings, but while testing (Thx @chloe ) we found some unexpected behavior relating to nested strings, so we switched to base64 encoded JSON.
[IN REVIEW] Safe CronCat integration
We finished implementing basic features relating to CronCat integration. It helps DAOs create proposals with scheduled & recurring executions, as demonstrated by our last payout.
[IN PROGRESS] Attach FTs to job_activate
Some jobs (= proposals with scheduled execution) use fungible token funds, to do so, DAOs have to nest the job_active function inside a multicall (a little hacky). This should make it more simple.
We added an export page to the menu. You can now export your multicall as arguments to paste into a DAO proposal or as a CLI command to run it. To protect our users, we added some error detection for invalid inputs.
Yay! You can now start building your multicall proposals at multicall UI! Let us know what you think.
Total time spent: 40h (10h per person per week)
Just like last time, we would like to request a total payment of $1000 in $MARMAJ.