Season 1: Deep Thought
Mind Control Limited is a virtual agency for digital expats. We seek talent and opportunity’s.
The concept for this season of the Mind Control story is a collective of creatives building inter-metaverse interactive venues, interconnected. For example, you could jump from Cryptovoxels, to Sandbox, to Decentraland, to Somnium metaverse games as part of the same quest line, using the same wallet. The primary goal is to make the Metaverse a place of mystery, wonder, & fun, and build connections that can help to achieve this goal to its fullest. In this sense, I see Fortnite events and Disney as our competitors. But let’s start small first!
The overall concept of this project is a seasonally changing multi metaverse play to earn nft showcase alternate reality game, that we later wrap in a DAO.
That’s a lot of buzzwords!
Basically all we’re saying is, we’re a team of creatives building a narrative on the blockchain, seeking to tell a story using the tools that have been laid out in front of us. Through events, we will be drawing people to the metaverse, into our venues, sending on quests over the metaverse, displaying NFT’s, creating a CTRL DAO, and aiming to help tie the blockchain metaverse together, in a way that fully encompass the spirit of NFT mania.
This proposal is in relation to the beginning of this journey, which we call…
Season 1: Deep Thought
Funding Bid: 150 NEAR (I bid the maximum, but we could use all the help we can get)
Season 1: Deep Thought
Season 1, takes place throughout Spring, and, like all seasons, will be split into 3 phases:
- Cardinal: The Journey (20th March 2021 - 20th April 2021)
- Fixed: The Land (20th April 2021 - 20th May 2021)
- Mutable: Untying (20th May 2021 - 21 June 2021)
STAGE 1: Deep Thought pilot & build community (50 near)
20th March 2021 - 20th April 2021 (Cardinal: The Journey)
This stage began at the start of spring, which signals the new beginnings of an idea that had been brewing and marinating for the past year, looking for the perfect conduit to express itself fully. We found it in NFT-land.
The first stage of this endeavour was to build a community around our common interest in the metaverse, and create an NFT concept worthy of being immortal. This community, as early supporters on the ground floor, have helped us shape what Mind Control could possibly be through art & music contributions, common connections in the metaverse, and enthusiasts coming together creatively exploring all aspects of the possibilities with NFT’s.
Now we are nearly ready to start airdropping our first NFT to early supporters, the next step is to build a a home for it.
Stage 2: Deep Thought Launch Event Cryptovoxels (50 near)
20th April - 20th May 2021 (Fixed: The Land)
At this event, we seek a PORTAL to Mind Control from DAO Records parcel, so at this point we aim to have the Minimum Viable Product ready for our Cryptovoxels space. We already have the concept and some Megavox builds ready.
This Cryptovoxels build at our HQ is being built around Deep Thought NFT genesis. Deep Thought is an artificial intelligent philosopher, that we conceive as a holographic Deep Fake of a Big Think episode… an AI thought influencer. Hmm….
What could go wrong?
Our first task as Mind Control Limited is to build a space in Cryptovoxels that fully encompasses the vibe of Deep Thought, with interactivity that leads the player on a scavenger hunt across Cryptovoxels.
The launch period will be a useful proof of concept for what we intend to create and expand across the metaverse. From this we kickstart our weekly online streams to build our community further. Planning giveaway airdrops for members and encouraging them to create NFTs during CryptoJam sessions.
Tapping into our talented & varied community’s talents & resources.
With active members in our Discord such as visual artists of Fight Club fame, video editors and FX specialists known for their work on Shots of Awe and Word Porn YouTube channels, world building wizards such as those behind Boomtown Fair ARG (an alternate reality game for a physical theatrical music festival in the UK), and many more talented folk whom we are in regular discussion regarding NFT’s and looking to use this opportunity to onboard, by showing them our proof of concept, working on a strategy’s with them, and exposing them to routes to fund their projects, by bringing them to NEAR.
By doing this, we hope to build a growing talent pool, helping to build Mind Control, build on NEAR, and build on the Metaverse.
STAGE 3: Metaverse Expansion (50 near)
20th May 2021 - 21st June 2021 (Mutable: Untying)
The Deep Thought event in Cryptovoxels will be the DNA for metaverse expansion, and how they connect together.
Our members right now are actively building across the different blockchain platforms on Mind Control owned LAND and on their own, contributing assets created in VoxEdit, MagicaVoxel, Decentraland, and Somnium Space. There is a strong sense of community to help each other push our skills further learning from each other.
Throughout Stage 3, we look to have fully fleshed out all major iterations of the Mind Control Metaverse experience, for season 1, and held launch parties.
Benefit to NEAR
The number 1 benefit to NEAR is that it will open our community up to NEAR and the other projects associated with NEAR. There are many in our community that can benefit from NEAR Apps, bounty’s. And Mind Control will benefit from being exposed to NEAR’s community. We have a lot to learn from you all, many of you have been building this out for some time now.
Future roadmap (season 2 PREVIEW)
Season 2 is BEYOND THE SCOPE of this proposal, but this is a preview of what we are looking to achieve for the SUMMER season: CTRL DAO.
The CTRL DAO is how you become part of the story & community.
The DAO allows:
- Buying CTRL token asset (Async art integration would be great)
- Token holders determine and vote on proposals and NFT uses/sales
- Token holders earn royalties based on sales from CTRL asset pool
- Users can lock in their NFT’s to the CTRL asset pool
- Assets in the pool may be displayed in Mind Control venues
- The asset owner may put assets up for sale to the CTRL community
- CTRL tokens are the trading token for CTRL community sales
Put simply, the DAO gives anybody certain elements of control over the story.
A good example of this would be…
A Land owner could lock in his land and allow voting on the contents of certain aspects of the land, for example paintings on the wall, storyline proposals, gameplay elements, etc. holders of the control token would be be the ones who vote on these things, but the land owner would be the one who determines what aspects of the Land could be voted upon. He could even allow the sale of the Land to the CTRL community or unlock to the wider public and commission gets distributed to the community, should enough people vote to unlock this.
These are lofty ideals, so to keep the MVP simple, CTRL is a voting DAO.
We are in exploration mode right now, looking at platforms. Currently EthOS and DauHaus are the main contenders. The former allows for much of these features of locking in NFT’s to a smart contract, for example.
Beyond this, we want to build up to bigger and bigger events, on grander scales, to make the Metaverse, VR, and blockchain the coolest thing out there, cooler than Fortnite and b20 combined.
Thanks for your consideration
Fishbrain & the Mind Control Guild