[APPROVED] Arroz Criativo January Budget

Expense history
Current balance

Council @Mette , @squattingPigeon , 3rd council in progress

Hi everyone! If you’d like to see our report for last month please head over here.


  • Merchandising proposal can be seen here. They are anticipating approximately 790$ of work

  • Arroz Videos is on its last and 3rd month of funding. Allocation is 1246$ + 600$

  • We’d like to engage some of our idle treasury in Defi. Relevant forum post can be seen here.

  • Mixing, Mastering, Collaboration Commissions & Artwork of 4 tracks for Karl Godard’s EP release. Proposal can be seen here. $800


  • council work: 200$ for @Mette

  • community management, council work and onboarding anticipated 70h/1300$

Total requested = 4936$

Thank you for your continued support!



Thanks for the proposal & report! The council is happy to approve the proposal but would like to clarify that the council work/community management can’t exceed the 30% of the total budget.

Once it is corrected we’re happy to approve :slight_smile:

As for the N values, it is sufficient to simply add the USD values and at the time of approval the council will add the N price at the time so that the correct amount will be paid out.

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Sure will correct that soon!

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I’ve made corrections on Sunday. Please do let me know if there are any other issues. Thank you! :pray:

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Thank you for the updates, proposal is approved, please request 294,1N (coingecko 11.1. 17:03 GMT, 1N=$16.76) from the Creatives DAO

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All done thanks a bunch!:rocket:

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