I realized that my first idea for 3D NFTs combining sound + 3D models is not possible yet at Mintbase+ 3XR space after talking with @microchipgnu.
- Project: 3 different artworks combining 3D sculptures with sound. The NFT itself would be the sound and the 3D sculpture will be added in the metadata as well as a pdf containing the poem itself.
So, I changed my project a little bit and instead of combining 3D + Sound, I started out a series of Sculptures + images: EspíritoDoBosque1 + ExtraterrestrialRock1 + TheDesertBecameMine
Those images are collected from my personal archive of pictures of Nature and landscapes.
I’m a beginner in this field, so during this month I’ve been learning to use 2 different softwares for sculpting: Blender and Sculpt+. Hoping to get better and better
As I really wanted to combine poetry to my artworks, I created in parallel this other store in which I am exploring the relationship between image and voice-over
My goal for the next months are to build a NFT space together with other Council members and help pushing 3XR space forward so it will be possible to combine all the things I’d like to inside an unique environment/project/space and to improve my Blender skills.
I’m open to discuss this ongoing project I intend to keep uploading and minting NFTs with similar aspects soon, thanks for the support!