[Welcome] Crydo Guild Introduction

Guild name: Crydo
Guild Leaders: @crptbrthrs, @kokka, @Eddy, @Fadeey, Tanya.
AstroDAO guild address: will be created + we want to invite representatives from the Near Degen Syndicate and Ru Guild to our consulate (gradually from other guilds). We intend to use this practice because we believe it increases openness and transparency. This will be expanded in the future.
Guild Location: Local (at this stage)

Guild Information and Purpose

Guilds are communities in the NEAR ecosystem that support the development of the core protocol and projects built around it. Guilds cover different regions and industries and constitute a unique and important aspect of NEAR. Guilds refer to communities that have an interest in supporting an open web ecosystem.

Our mission is to support the NEAR ecosystem, foster its growth and attract new members and liquidity, working closely with members online (including the metaverse) and especially the IRL (In Real Life). IRL and human capital have a special place in our plan. Maintain and follow the NEAR principles of openness, security, scalability, simplicity and usability. Share experiences and developments with everyone. Also, one of the most important tasks is the gradual lowering of barriers to entry into the world of web3, blockchain and Near.

Crydo.Guild represents a cultural development (creative) influential class and is essentially a bridge or port in NEAR.

The guild and all Crydo projects will use Astro DAO - whose tools allow transparent and open project management https://astrodao.com/. The bottom-up approach is what we support.

The guild creates a user experience to show everyone the benefits of NEAR. Offers guidance and experience as you overcome the difficulties and challenges that arise at different stages of development of projects, community, dao.

Creating an IRL zone, expanding it, building partnerships - first with local communities, places and people to diversify value and experience, creating and expanding IRL benefits to Guild members, DAOs and the NEAR ecosystem as a whole - is a priority.

The main goals can be presented in the form of a list

  • Working with the community - (we attract interest in the NEAR ecosystem, increase loyalty, involve in active participation, conduct meetups, exhibitions, challenges, contests, hackathons , we maintain and expand social networks, we communicate a lot);
  • Launch of DAO (transparent and open management);
  • Creation of an open base of experience, research, development, solutions, use cases, orderly and adapted information. All our experience and the experience of the entire NEAR ecosystem is sorted into shelves, securely stored and available to everyone;
  • Laboratory (own experiments and research);
  • Academy / lecture hall (we teach on our own successful and unsuccessful experience and the experience of colleagues);
  • Development of our own products and solutions;
  • Games (even for the smallest);
  • Fund (we help and support);
  • Enter the Top 10 Guilds.

The very first steps

  • Establishment of DAO;
  • Meetup (will be announced later);
  • First cooperation agreement with several guilds;
  • Complete the guild identity;
  • Creation of social networks and starting work in them (Twitter, Discord, Telegram, Medium, Local Media Platforms);
  • Release of news materials and reviews about NEAR in general and its own development in text form with its own graphics, release of a test voice podcast;
  • Establishing new IRL and online connections;
  • Completing the formation of a community core;
  • Develop NTF collection.

The KPI will be based on the following metrics

  • The number of participants in social networks and IRL;
  • The number of published materials;
  • The number of contests, challenges, etc.;
  • The number of people attracted to the NEAR ecosystem;
  • The number of proposals in the DAO;
  • The number of offline and online events;
  • The number of collaborations.

As an experiment we will also use Metcalfe’s Law to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of a community in relation to other metrics in the hope of finding interesting relationships and usefulness.


Anyone can join the guild. We welcome everyone with different levels of knowledge. It’s not scary if you don’t have some skills, here you can get all the necessary knowledge, and we will support you. To do this, you just need to be a member of our social networks or submit a separate proposal through the DAO or write to me personally (later a special form for everyone will be added and all requests will be on the blockchain). We strive for simplicity while maintaining functionality in all our operations, and as mentioned above, we always welcome and support the principle of bottom-up initiatives. Plus, all of our members can count on special privileges.

The initiators of the creation of the guild and ideologists are @crptbrthrs, @Kokka, @Eddy, @Fadeey and our friends who will enter the network after our official meetup, these are our friends entrepreneurs, business owners, directors, producers, editors, publishers, researchers, artists, activists and enthusiasts , people whom we know well, with whom we have worked all our lives and IRL work on various issues and who, thanks to us, learned about NEAR, after which their eyes glowed as brightly as ours.

This is how we see it now, with growth it will develop and improve.

We are building a new world let’s make it so that everyone can become a part of it! Thank you for the attention and welcome!

For direct communication: Telegram

Crydo Guild About Presentation Screen English.pdf (1.4 MB)
Crydo Guild About Text English.pdf (3.1 MB)


Good morning.
I appreciate your free charity work for Near community :wave:

May be you can collaborate with Business DAO , they do the same work.

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Good evening!
We will definitely cooperate with Business DAO in the future when we understand how to build it and when we have more information about the processes and functions of Business DAO because it corresponds to our mission and goals. Business DAO carries out important work that is different from ours. We have different goals and objectives. That’s why we organized about a month ago and decided to join the guild program. Your comment is very valuable, thank you for giving us your time! We will be happy to conduct open discussions in the format of a public video call if you want, so it will be very effective and can be a useful experience and an excellent start to one of our research.

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