Tools missing in the ecosystem

Metamask-like extension Wallet for NEAR

Edit Apr 2021: already in production, go to:

I believe an extension-based wallet adds another option to HW, phone wallets and the Near Wallet. A lot of ETH users are used to Metamask, having something similar for NEAR would be of great help to make them feel at home in NEAR
I’m working on that actually. It already imports accounts in read-only mode and can auto-locate your lockup contract. I’m about half the way to a beta release


An intermediate SDK option between Rust and AssemblyScript

This is a long haul proposal, but I think we can bring dotnet/C# into the mix with Rust and AssemblyScript, so contract developers have another option for NEAR development.

Microsoft is investing heavily in WASM and its dotnet open source initiative, so the basis are there and it’s the right time to do this. Blazor is their hot-new framework, and it allows you to write C# code that runs in the browser. So if we can provide C# support to develop NEAR smart-contracts (all compiles to WASM), developers would be able to create amazing web3 SPA Apps and the smart contract all using the same language.

It’s not easy and it’s a ton of work, we need a medium-sized team to even start this project, but I think it’s doable. I have in my company several C# experts which I can use if we can secure a grant.

The idea is to eventually build a near-sdk-dotnet, documentation, examples, etc, so C# developers can use all the dotnet tools, IDEs, and tooling to develop for NEAR


Cron transactions service

It’s common that some transactions need to be executed at some specific point of time or based on some on chain condition.

Chain itself doesn’t have such function, hence external actor must be used. For example bite in Maker if CDP is under collateralized or finish contract deployment at specific time if delay has completed.

Such service can be a decentralized with smart contract that can register which transaction must be sent and when. Tx payment and some reward also gets attached for the sender.

Any other participant in the network than can send a tx to this contract. Contract verifies if condition is met and then would dispatch the scheduled transaction.

This can be expanded into full IFTTT service.
A core benefit, is that smart contracts themself can “schedule” call to themself for later.
This creates some form of agency in the contracts.


NEAR Login button

The Login button is a simple way to trigger the NEAR Login process on any website or web app.



General chain stats:
Current gas prices:
Dedicated node hosting:
Data caching/querying layer:


DAOs on NEAR. DAOs had a strong comeback in 2019 and in 2020 played a huge role in the DeFi mania … powered by governance coins.

The first use case for DAOs on NEAR is managing our Guilds. Another low hanging fruit is community/social tokens.

We’ve been coordinating some early efforts with @adridadou from TheLAO and James Young from Abridged. Here’s their proposal:

We will be dogfooding DAOs with our own Guilds but will also proactively reach out to existing and future DAOs in the wider web3 space.


notification service:

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Tool where community can see official circulating supply of NEAR tokens. In this case, we’ll be able to ensure that websites like coinmarketcap can show correct info about our circulating supply and valuation that they derive from that (currently information is misrepresented on Coinmarketcap and “cost” us about 20ish position in their ranking). Zavodil and Stardust’s website show different info about our circulating supply. Telegram bot shows a number that’s different from those websites.

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So glad to discover this. I’ve been floating this idea with Evgeny, Vlad, and my friend Trevor. Very interested in making this happen. I think this could also be a great case study for the profitability of a contract that is only funded by the 30% gas benefit.


@illia You mentioned RFG, is there a form for this? Or posting here with maybe a link to application spec & RFG spec is the idea?


I don’t even think it needs to live only on 30% gas. Because user/the other contracts pre-pay for transaction fees - they can actually pay more than required. The left over will go to the contract (developers or token holders). For example is Ethereum IFTTT here.

A more specific form and layout for all the ideas is coming. In the mean time, just posting here short description + a doc with spec and work scope works as well.

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  1. ‘Lock’ feature like in Metamask requiring password to view web wallet
  2. Logout button to clear web wallet from cache

Web3modal / Onboard.js

Once we have our Wallet SDK we need libraries providing a nice login experiences like for wallet such as WalletConnect, Torus, Fortmatic, Portis etc. For dapp developers this makes it very easy to integrate wallet support in no time.

Web3Modal (From Pedro / Walletconnect)

Onboard.jsl(From blocknative)


Notify / blockchain query notifications

I can really be a PITA to also spend time on thinking on all the edge-cases for notifications. This library does that very well and makes it possible to ship with working notifications in no time


On-ramp & Off-ramp services

Is really a blocker for many dapps to have any sort of interface with FIAT if there is no such ramping APIs available to integrate, below is a list of services worth getting on NEAR. Most of these have great white-label widgets available to setup via dashboards, so it takes really no time to be able to allow cash-in and cash-out to your dapp






need integration with

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Decentralised identity and storage solutions

3box identities

Very handy for dapps to integrate “profiles as a service” and let users verify their public key by hooking it up to their Github, Twitter accounts etc. storage solution

From the same guys, a nice way to have verifiable storage solution

IPFS storage solution

The other big project in this category of decentralised storage, certainly has some scaling issues

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Have you seen NEAR Explorer | Stats ?

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thanks,it’s great!
Looking forward to the visualization of the issuance, distribution, and locking/unlocking of NEAR tokens。

Tornado Cash


Protocol for private transactions on Ethereum. Tornado Cash improves transaction privacy by breaking the on-chain link between source and destination addresses. It uses a smart contract that accepts ETH deposits that can be withdrawn by a different address. To preserve privacy a relayer can be used to withdraw to an address with no ETH balance. Whenever ETH is withdrawn by the new address, there is no way to link the withdrawal to the deposit, ensuring complete privacy.