Hey people of NEAR,
Since past work with youtubers, that wonât be allowed to be used for promo cuz of new terms of Marketing DAO, i want to make some differences also for actions in our guild. At first to be honest most of the youtubers that are poking me in TG for good prices are just scammers and i dont want to misslead NEAR. Thanks to NEAR its a great feeling that whole community redirects to me influencers or they know who to write, tho as most as i enjoyed Sandbox OWS feel that our guild should also become more decentralised and part of funding should be given to hard doers inside of the community. Thus giving a chance for everyone to create videos, write articles, create infographics, or share some quality hype on the web.
Another reason why OWS was so great, is that i could easily onboard my friends for simple tasks to do and the process of getting some coins in exchange with simple rules.
I see that video creators make great impact not only for PR of a certain product, but if well planned also can be used as a good marketing tool, besides bringing in brand awareness about NEAR drop tons of comments and mentions as contextual advertising.
Our mission.
We invite projects that are built on NEAR and need some quality advertisement to get to the next level. Since these are hard times in crypto plenty of projects were supported and assistance from our side was very welcoming. So in terms of marketing we want to keep them still covered and do for them good bits of advertising like, project overview video creation trough established youtube channels, fancy infographics, well written articles, contextual advertising, reviews flooding with traffic on our youtube channel and as a cherry on the top get funny memes to spice it up.
How can projects apply for such help?
Simple, submit your NEAR project here for promo:
After Stars Guild will connect project authors for more details to see needs of it and added to the list,
In total we got we got almost 30 projects submitted by NEAR community, so article writers, video review creators or any contributors can choose topic to get creative about and let their advertisment continue.
How will the quality of content be gathered?
Rules for project overview video creators.
Concept will be similar to this we previously wrote before:
To make it more simple.
For one video that gets lower than 500 views from the treasury we will pay 100 USD.
For one video that gets more than 500 views (for established accounts) we will pay 200 USD.
Youtuber can submit not more then 2-3 videos per month. Before launching video links and hashtags of project with near and #NEARprotocol should be mentioned.
Any cheating with bots, comments or any other suspicious activities wonât be accepted. Iâll review them and got dozens of smaller youtube creators to give mentions and promo for NEAR in whole and its Dapps.
So for established youtuber channels to onboard them as advertisers of NEAR projects will be asked 3200 USD to fill treasury and get form them 16-20 videos with calculated >20k views. I will keep up with connecting dots between projects and video creators to see if they got all the details for scenario, edit before publishing, make sure needed links and hashtags are in the right place, and care that youtubers donât cheat and only best ones are onboarded for video creation 500 USD will be asked.
@Pug Yana wants to share her talents in design. Designs like infographics and one pagers about NEAR and its Dapps, in total creating 10 infographics. Those will be also shared with projects that we advertise, on our twitter and free of use by the community.
Here is one of the samples.
In total for 10 infographics asking 400 USD.
Later on as with infographics, articles, mentions about NEAR that are posted in the right places quota will be distributed for new guild members that want to take a part of action.
If anyone wants to participate in filling such tasks, or video or article creation that will be shown below, please take a look at this topic to qualify for requirements and fill the form:
All of them are English, so letâs concentrate on the main language for now.
@Hsmoney Stephen will create Stars Guilds Youtube channel and actively post videos about NEAR projects or mentionable changes with updates.
For 500 USD per 10 videos.
For 500 USD Stephen will do info gathering, script writing, video recording with montage and get deep into sharing content on platforms to attract audience.
Same thing we want to continue with promo videos by Miracle
Miracle @for_the_church for_the_church â will create 3 fancy videos to be shared trought community about NEAR Dapps, those also will be uploaded to Stars Guilds YT channel and shared with project owners for some eye catchy representation. Here is his past sample, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1esHyMX2ec . 100 USD per video like these is charming.
@boy.ivan Ivan is really good at article writing about blockchain, managing process of posting, get trough writers and review their articles, get right tags and mentions for our Medium.
We want to start with him offering everyone to write +500 word articles and post it to Medium channel created by Stars Guild and share with tags on medium and on twitter to reach the most engagement.
For taking care of 30 articles we want to share 1250 USD with Ivan for getting writers, so that +500 word articles can be created by the community for 35 USD per quality article.
Organising such workflow Ivan asked for 250 USD. Traffic to it will be gathered through our twitter and pinning certain projects in post. So for article writers campaigns are asked for 1000 USD.
For now we might remain with these proportions of content creation.
3500 USD for video overview creators. 100-200 USD per video. About 20 videos.
1500 USD for article writing. 35 USD per +500 word article. About 20 articles.
500 USD for 10 project view videos from NEAR Stars Guild and getting visibility to them from our socila media channels and similar crypto niche ones.
400 USD for infographics. 40 USD per infographic.
500 USD for memes that are an opportunity for those who consider having a good sense of humour. With 3 USD per meme we plan to collect 100 memes, 200 USD will go manage communication between creators of memes, NEAR projects and reviewing whats funny and whats just a slappy job in MS paint.
300 USD for 3 Miracles cutest video intros.
Yana beautifully takes care of our Twitter account x.com and its management for a month, helping with infoflow and news updates, great design and staying in the centre of info distribution. For such an amount of work 600 USD.
This amount of content creation is valued in total for 7500 USD
So overall this could look like the first month of changing our guild more publicly opened with understandable and competitive tasks to get new people flowing into the NEAR ecosystem.
Target NEAR wallet : starsguild.near
Wallet owner: Edgars Zunda
Marketing DAO team @marketingdao-council , if you see that some changes are needed to be added or any popular tasks can be added we want to make it as transparent as can be for crypto newbies to join and participate in tasks for NEAR ecosystem.