Teachers in Residence Activities from February 7 to 11, 2022

Hi @amgando & everyone! :wave:

I want to tell you about the work I did in my residence this week from February 07 to 11, 2022.

This week we started with Unit 2: Blockchain and the theme of the week was What is a block?. The students learned the elements and characteristics of a block, etc. To reinforce knowledge, on Wednesday they carried out an activity on the NEARPOD platform which consisted of the participation of a collaborative board where they posted what interested them most about the topic of the block and so everyone can like whoever they want. All the evidences of the week 4 are here: [Unidad 2 Blockchain - Google Drive]

On Friday there was a review of the final project and they talked about what we learned this week.

On Mondays and Fridays I have a TiR session on google meet with NEAR Hispano Education @Cristian to accompany my residency, there I will tell you about the progress and findings that are presented in the sessions.

The videos of the sessions can be found on the NEAR Hispano youtube channel :What is a block?

I Hope you all have a great week so far :100: see you soon. :smiley: :wave: