Activities from week 8 from TiR (Teachers in Residence and NEAR Hispano education)

Hello @amgando & everyone!! :wave:

I want to share with you the activities done in my Fellowship***“Teachers in Residence”*** called INTRODUCCIÓN A NEAR A LA UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE NAYARIT from the weeks 8 (March 07 to 11) and week 9 (March 14 to 18) 2022.

This week 8 of my residence we started a new Unit, Unit 3 called NFT the students learned What is an NFT? .

The students learned about NFT’s their timeline, how they are composed, importance and, above all, the impact they have on current society with the arrival of blockchain.

In week number 8 of the residence that is made up of March 7 to 11, we start unit 3 called “NFT’s” and we start with the topic “what is an NFT?” . The students learned about the timeline of NFT’s from their inception to the present and most importantly, they learned what an NFT is, where they operate, what they are used for, their characteristics and their advantages.

In week number 9 of the residence that is made up of March 14 to 18, we start a new topic called “The details of NFT’s”. The students learned about the uses of the NFT’s and we mentioned 7 of them and also, we review every single one of them.

The video of the sessions was recorded and uploaded to the NEAR Hispano youtube channel in the residency playlist held at the Technological University of Nayarit.
On Mondays and Wednesdays at 5 p.m. CDMX time, I meet with the education team to monitor my residency, where I discuss the progress and findings of the sessions, these meetings are called Daily TiR.

Also as part of the NEAR Hispano Education , on Monday, Wednesday and Friday @Cristian, Luz margarita, America and I, have a meeting at 3 p.m. cdmx time. This week we work with the NCA organization that will start on Monday, March 14th, and March 21th.

During the week we worked on the NCA and were present at the bootcamp to support the participants with any questions they have both in the sessions and in the Discord channels.

At the end of the week we achieved many things:
:white_check_mark: Successfully complete week 6 of Teachers in residence with the topic: “What is an NFT?”.
:white_check_mark: Successfully complete week 7 of Teachers in residence with the topic: “The details of an NFT”.
:white_check_mark:Upload to Google Drive the weekly and daily documentation of the activities of the residence, corresponding to week 8 & 9.
:white_check_mark:Upload the videos of the evidence to the sessions of the week to the YouTube channel.
:white_check_mark:Finish the March NCA.
:white_check_mark:As part of the education team @Cristian, Luz Margarita and I, we onboarded 2 teachers who will participate in Teachers in Residence

Links to Google Drive: [Unit 2-Blockchain and Unit 3- NFT] [Documentation](Links to Google Drive: Unit 3- NFT)

And that’s it. Thank you very much for reading and I have and i will continue working and making the most of it so that the next week be much better. :star_struck: :partying_face:

Take care!!

  • Cristina :smiley: :wave: