Simple way of withdrawing Nears to your mpesa account

Hello guys,
l want to show you the easiest way of withdrawing your Nears right from your Near wallet account to your mpesa account in less than two minutes without struggling.
First you need to have a registered Binance account, this is where you will send your Nears from your near wallet. Open your Binance account then Click where it’s written wallet while still in wallet you will be given many options like deposit, withdraw and transfer click deposit and then search Near protocol . Click near protocol then copy the wallet address
Go back to your Near wallet account then click where it’s written send then choose amount of near you want to transfer after that paste the wallet address then send. Go back to your Binance account you will find your Nears in your fund wallet.
Convert your Nears into either BSUD or USDT in your Binance account then go where it’s written p2p in home button then click it you will find many traders buying dollars and paying money through mpesa. Choose your prefer trader and then follow the steps to receive your money into your mpesa

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