September in HypeDAO

Time to get our September objectives in line.

Members and council, please reply with any projects we need funded for September. I will update this post with the running list of projects to be funded.

So far the projects we have lined up:

  • More dev bounties (no further funding needed currently)
  • Hype Battles
  • Featured Artists + Buying artworks via DAO
  • Collectible project

@ZexonNerotaki @EV3RETH @digithubpedia @duOCELOT
Please outline your projects below.


Sometime in the middle of the month i would like to release or start working on the artist cards. Is there a way to budget that?
Or should i wait till next month?

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Im setting up the collectibles project basics structure.
Need to arrange a first payout value for it and set up a plan for the future, so we can develop it. I have finished up two paths to be decided with the community, the future of our project.
That will decide the budget and agenda

1: A simple jpg project as any other

2: A new format that demand tech development

Discord channel:


Google drive Creative Commons folder ( read and comment atm, set this up as it goes ):

Twitter acc:

Started a Airtable project to manage the development.

Created a telegram chat group:

Equip at the moment

duocelot.near : manager of the project
cavenaghi.near: project producer
Gabi will work as an artist and starting at the next fase

There will be new roles from dev, artists, designer, finance, moderator at social medias, and others. Depending on the path we choose, more roles and slots.

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I would like to have bounties for the dev tickets I’ve made on GitHub in reference to the roadmap I’ve laid out.
Ideally we will have enough for 75N per ticket.

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In addition the same website maintenance and coordination bounties as last month please :slight_smile:

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Are you talking about for the website or something different? If it’s for the website then I’ve already got tasks laid out for it

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No i was talking about more like an artist card someone can use as a profile picture, a banner or something. Maybe in the future even be able to print out real cards as like an ‘ID’
We can call them HYPE Operatives or HYPE Agent!

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Twitter Spaces! Hosting Twitter Spaces for HypeDAO to promote DAO member art and NEAR NFTs. 3x in September. Will organize with other potential hosts and determine exact dates/times through telegram (or discord)

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I’m going to target at least 6-10 Spaces this Month. Have already spoken in 3 thus far, but will keep generating interest in Near based DAOs and HypeDAO as well.

I request a budget allocation of 50N for this work.

I will also write the White Paper for HypeDAO this month and submit it for approval.

I request a budget allocation of 100N for the White Paper.

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I will finish the basic part of the structure, texts, images, cloud and social medias.

Set up the two paths with detailed information to be voted.

Finish the part one of the project plan, and open up.

Did a research, finish two ideas, just need to put it on the airtable project after we voted at them. I will put it online at the forum page of the collectibles project.

For this i would request 50N.

After we choose we will set up a new budget.

I would recommend 20N to create a bounty for a logo design development of the collectibles.

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