Sandbox [September 2021] Reward Claim of [SanketN81#4015]

I’ve Worked with Near MEME Daily for the Meme Competition.
Which was Hosted by NEAR Meme Daily & Open Web SandBox
Had a talk with @naveen_in from NEAR Meme Daily Before Competition for this Work.

I Created The Graphic for Competition.
Also Wrote an article about it with Rules & Explanations about how to participate & all details.
Shared it on Twitter & also in TG groups for Exposure & we got an Amazing Response on it.
Approx 650+ Views on Article.

Article Link:

Competition Tweet:

My Tweet:

So as per Discussions with Naveen, the Total Payout is
20$ for Graphics
40$ for Article

Total = 60$

Thank You for the opportunity. It was Fun Working on it.
If Any Details Required…
Discord: SanketN81#4015
Telegram: @SanketN81

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Approved by OWS moderator

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