Sandbox [January] Reward Claim of [Martinsrc#9399]

Claim #1: Simple Design

Type of activity: Simple Design

Briefly describe the activity: Simple design with Some Infos

Provide the link to the end result:

Total = 1 X 5$ = 5$

Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 5$

Claim #2: Content Translation

Type of activity: Content Translation - Tamil Language

Briefly describe the activity: Top NFT Projects Building on #NEARProtocol (Tamil Explanation) : Published on Medium Platform & Shared on Twitter

Provide the link to the end result:

Total Words =2850

Reward 25$ / 500 Words :

For 2850 Words = 142.5$

Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 142.5$

Claim#3 : Social Media NEAR Force

Type of activity: Twitter (Social Media Near Force)

Briefly describe the activity: Grow your followers, posting updates/news/comments & Daily Twitter activities.

Provide the link to the end result: @Near_Community

Estimate your reward accounting for all the activities: 100$

Total rewards claim: 5 + 142.5 +100 = 24 7.5 $

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Hey @Martinsrc

Claim#1 - Approved - $5
Claim $2 - Aprroved - $142
Claim#3 - Approved - $50 , As we are Only Rewarding until Jan 13th

Total Claim - $5+ $142 + $50 = $197

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Thank u .
My experience with OWS is Very Useful to my life.
Thank u to all.

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