Report Week 11 P2P Near Dex
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
Module of acceptance of trade. Details of the operation, Countdown to cancel time in case of expiration, chat integration for communication between the parties
Summaries of the month,
previous weeks reports
Report Week 10 P2P Near Dex
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
for this week we conclude all the validations in the frontend associated with the operations of bidding or buying in p2p
load of amount to sell or buy with verification that it does not exceed the amount offered, verification that the amount offered is not greater than the bala…
Report Week 9 P2P Near Dex
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
For Saturday we had an error in the application that did not allow us to login
hen signing in or confirming transaction from near wallet hash disappears from the success url or failure url
We were working fine and all of a sudden we crashed, stayed several days, debugging, almost crazy with…
Report Week 8, P2P Near Dex
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
We are working on improving how the image URL is stored in Firebase and the URL Upload, image display in near dex chat
Only in case of mediation will the image be saved with the entire conversation in a contract, otherwise, when the operations are successful, only the conversation wit…