Report Week 8, P2P Near Dex
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
We are working on improving how the image URL is stored in Firebase and the URL Upload, image display in near dex chat
Only in case of mediation will the image be saved with the entire conversation in a contract, otherwise, when the operations are successful, only the conversation without image will be saved in the contract
We work this week on the component that allows the user to choose whether to sell USDT or Near, to make it easy for them to choose if they want to bring all the available, the user can choose to place the amount in near and the amount of usdt is reflected, or vice versa that reflects usdt and tells you how many near
We have been working on the complete behavior of the trading process with the backend already developed
All the details associated with error messages have been taken care of if the user does not have funds, and in validating operations, blocking balance, marking to transfer