Report Week 16 P2P Near Dex week and month summary
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
This week we made comprehensive tests and adjustments to the application to publish today on testnet
The version published today, only has the sales process for testing
The Purchasing process is still in adjustments, we have plans to update the testnet on Sunday for the full version
Throughout the month of March we were finishing the process of buying and selling for the closure of the project according to the reports that were made during the month
Report Week 15 P2P Near Dex
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
For week 15, we work on the following points:
Node js server is created to be able to send emails and notify the user that the transaction was executed
Dialog box to inform the user that the merchant has already executed the order and in the same way if the user confirms the execution …
Report Week 14 P2P Near Dex
Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian
Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez
During this week we work on the buying and selling processes, trying to keep it 100% decentralized, the process will be scheduled according to the attached image
The details worked during the week are summarized in:
We change the way of mediating
Worked on forms of payment meth…
We made an evaluation of the pending activities to conclude the development of NEAR P2P Dex
The request was submitted to extend the project for 4 weeks, where we would be working on validating the mediation process, encrypting payment information in the frontend, the transaction history, trading with USD, operations summary, testint and deployment
In a follow-up meeting of the Developer in Residence with the approval of our instructors, we start with the validations of the mediation process fo…
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