Report Week 10 P2P Near Dex del 14-02 al 18-02-2022

Report Week 10 P2P Near Dex

Alan Estrada - @cloudmex-alan
Cristian Zambrano - @Cristian

Project members
Andrés Dominguez @andresdom
Maria Eugenia Arevalo @Developer
Gabriel Pérez @Gperez


for this week we conclude all the validations in the frontend associated with the operations of bidding or buying in p2p

    • load of amount to sell or buy with verification that it does not exceed the amount offered, verification that the amount offered is not greater than the balance of the wallet
      2.- automatic charge of the amount to receive subtracting commission per transaction
      3.- Inputs visceversa, you can place the amount to receive and calculate the offer, or you can place the offer and the amount to receive
      4.- An option is placed to select bank information since a merchant house may have one or more payment options


1.- The query filter function is changed to search by. Verified Merchants, Amount, Payment Methods and Fiat
2.- The estimated time of the transaction is added to the sale offer purchase