[REPORT] VR DAO March report

Hello all :slight_smile:

Project Name: VR DAO

Project Status: [ in progress ]

Project Accounting: current account balance 42.6N

DAO vr-dao.sputnik-dao.near (already on astro)

Updated Project Timeline:

After several months of having Incubadora DAO members be a part of the VR DAO, itโ€™s time for the newer members of the Council to take the DAO to new heights.

Council members @nico @nearestchico @microchipgnu and @sainthiago will continue developing projects, engaging with the community and expanding the VR community in the NEAR ecosystem.

During this month, members @frnvpr @JulianaM and @Samiasns exited the council.


** Council member @sainthiago has worked 80h on 3xr.space.

His report:

  • finish admin backoffice for 3XR team to manage featured accounts and featured stores
  • new UI for Loading menu
  • new UI for Pause menu for mobile & desktop devices
  • changed favicon in all 3XR apps with the new Logo
  • changed typography to the new one
  • add several daos to create thing available DAOs
  • development of near cribs concept
  • work on near cribs landing space
  • update all queries from the new db connection
  • other small fixes in create thing app and 3xr
  • meetings
  • documents for 3XR
  • test the app and find new bugs
  • brainstorm of new ideas

** Council member @microchipgnu has worked on developing several features on 3xr.space.

It is with great pleasure we show the result of the last months efforts to the community: https://create.3xr.space/, a tool for minting NFT galleries as NFTs. This project will continue growing exponentially in the next weeks and months, stay tuned!!

Also, his personal report:

  • add near hub asset places for the nfts in 3xr db
  • mint the new near hubs galleries
  • update templates data in create thing
  • configuration of the new 3xr db
  • add vr button for the pause menu
  • hotfix in dao proposal link for the gallery preview
  • new multiplayer implementation
  • add collisions for all the existing templates in create thing
  • development of near cribs concept
  • meetings
  • documents for 3XR
  • test the app and find new bugs
  • brainstorm of new ideas

** @frnvpr developed the last month of a project to showcase a short-story on 3xr.space. [Report here]

** @JulianaM made her report about the in-construction virtual reality exhibition Kawa Kami.


*** The 3XR team applied to a Grant and got support from NF; that will allow the VR DAO to explore different projects in the ecosystem.

Next Steps:

**** @nico and @nearestchico will, after being idle for academic reasons, take most of the responsibility moving forward.

**** Continue growing on social media with the help of @TRosario .

Contacts and useful links:

Our TG channel is open to everyone who wants to engage with us and explore new VR related projects and ideas. Meet us on TG Telegram: Contact @vrdao

Find also 3XR on twitter https://twitter.com/threexr_ 1 and discord Discord

Thank you all.