Hello NEAR community!
It’s been a wonderful month for us at society. Awesome events and activities took place.
It will be recalled that in June, we received funding from marketing DAO for three months. Activities were carried out and reports for June, and July were made available.
For August, we had our offline music event which was for education and also exposing young music-minded individuals to the NEAR ecosystem and the Music projects built so far. While it is a bit difficult to get replies from most music projects, Mintbase, Tamago and Lozr have been easy to reach and work with.
we had winners @Fazqueen for the music category and chinaza for Arts
Details of photos and receipts for the music event are found here.
We started with allowing only those with a NEAR wallet NEAR wallet the crowd surpassed what we could handle, hence voting was done by attendance and age limit (18+).
NFTs from the event will be minted soon and winners of the competition have their stores to continue minting hence.
This for us was greater in reaching out to those who need education based on music/blockchain. We seek to further this activity as it creates more time and space to educate these musicians the more. They get to ask questions and receive answers too.
To further, here are the analytics from all our handles for August.
we are also building a PLAYGROUND on our website that will allow atists have the feeling of web3 streaming and also link their works on music platforms on NEAR on our website. this will be finished in the comming month.
We plan on increasing our social media reach and engagements with exciting community educational activities as we move forward. This will include starting a YouTube channel with talk series on web3, Blockchain, NEAR, and Music.
Great work with @Alphaflex [community mod-dicord/twitter] @Omotola community [mod/content creator-telegram, Instagram] @Mimi2 [content creator-meduim page] @Jeromemrys [co-team lead/social medi and Michael (our developer)
Moving forward, we focus on bringing those off-chain, on-chain. this we will be doing as our recent August activity. We have reached out to collaborate with some music projects on Eth[UREEQA, Rhythm Music], to bring them on-chain. Further results will be made known as we will have to work wih th Project Ops team with @FritzWorm and @Kemal when things click
Thanks to @marketingdao-council for all support to grow through us, the knowledge of NEAR, and the Music projects built on NEAR.