[Report] SharingShard -- EIR - ( From May 4 - May 20, 2022 )

Project title: SharingShard

Project Summary: A tool to help monetize the creation of knowledge capsules, known as Knoogets. The tool fosters conversations among content creators, content discovery persons, and people able to share knowledge and experience to solve problems and challenges.

SharingShard Team:

Jorge Zavala - @zavala55 - zavala55.near

Juan Carlos Iglesia - @jiglesia


May 4 → May 20, 2022

The following are the results of the team:

I created the screen flow in Figma with the sequence of activities involved during the app operation. The file is continuously been updated to reflect the app.

An initial data structure was developed for SharingShard in Figma, a lot of changes are underway to simplify the storage and use web3 storage as a file/data system

A working area was created in notion to take notes, and prepare documentation with a shared space among the team.

The code is available at GitHub - NEAR-Hispano/sharingshard

Videos with the Evolution of the project are available at a list in youtube

A new member was integrated into the team Juan Carlos Iglesia to support the backend development.